Jewish History Revistion Flashcards
What is a monothist
A person who belives in only one God
Two reasons Abrham is important to Jewish people?
Abrham was the very first person to only belive in one God and God showed him self to Abrham
What is covenant?
It is a very serious promise
What are 2 things God promised Abrham
God promised Abrham the promised land and also promised Abrham a baby
What is the 1 thing Abrham promised God
Circumcised baby boys
What sign of the covernant did God want to see?
cirucumcised baby boys
What is the name of the Abrham followers?
Jewish or Hebrews
Many years later Abrhams followers are enslaved in which country
Who did God send to save his people
When God asked moses to lead his people out of slavery in what form did he appear
A burning bush
List the 10 plagues
The river turned to blood , frogs,lice,swarm of flyes, the killing of live stock, boils,storms wich destroyed crops, locusts that ate all the crops including grass bushes and trees, darkness, the killing of the first born
What where the first 4 ten commanments about?
They where about how you should worship God
What are the last 6 of the 10 commandments about?
They are about how you should treat other people
What is the name of the festival that the Jewish celerbrate there ancesters freedome
The passover
What is the name of the meal that the Jewish eat on the passover?
Name 2 foods that the Jewish eat on the passover and what they symbolise
A hard boild egg symbolises the harshness that the Egyptions had on the Jewish slaves and the salt water symbolises the tears that the Jewish slaves shed