Phrases For Everyday Flashcards
Something very easy to understand
It’s a no brainier
Saying something is right
That’s the way
Saying you’ll do what someone asked
You got it
Admitting you made a mistake
My bad
Letting someone else decide
It’s up to you
Ask for updates or news
Keep me posted
Doing it late is still better than not doing it
Better late then never
Telling someone to relax
Chill out
Telling someone not to worry or rush
Take it easy
Asking how someone is or what’s happening
What’s up
Telling someone not to worry about it
Don’t sweat it
Telling someone to stay relaxed
Hang loose
Let’s leave this place
Let’s bounce
Everything is fine
It’s all good
It’s not important
No biggie
Saying thanks or giving good wishes
Saying something is the right solution
That’s the ticket
Agreeing to an offer
It’s a deal
Asking for the latest news
What’s the scoop
Not knowing can sometimes be better
Ignorance is bliss
You can say this to show suprise
Oh, really
To show that you are interested in
That’s interesting
This is great for showing surprise or doubt
No way
To show excitement or surprise
To show curiosity or surprise
Are you serious
Use like to make your words softer
To share what’s on your mind
I think
Politely share your thoughts
In my opinion-roses always work 🤣
You’re sharing a personal view
As far as I’m concerned
You show confidence
I believe
For personal perspective
To me
For changing topics or adding new ideas
By the way
New or correcting information
To make your ideas sound
You know
For getting back to the main point
Add more details or explain your point
I mean
To say goodbye
It was nice talking to you
Catch you later
To say goodbye
Take care
I’ll see you around
I’m busy
I’m tied up
I’m ungry
I’m furious
I’m leaving
I’m heading out
I’m understand
I’m got it
I’ts not a problem
No worries
It’s your decision
It’s your call
I don’t’ care
I’m not bothered
I’m tired
I’m beat
Give me more details
Fill me in
Keep your eye on the ball
What are you trying to say?
What are you getting at?
I don’t understand
I don’t get it
I’ll think about it
I’ll sleep on it
I need help
I need a hand
It’s raining a lot
It’s puring down
I don’t like it
It’s not my cup of tea
I’m not interested
I’ll pass
I’m schocked
I am stunned
How does it call?
What is it called when?
I’m boring
I’m bored
This is more easy
This is easier
Close the TV
Turn off the TV
Make my bed
Do my bed
Return back to me
Return to me
Can you repeat again?
Can you repeat that?
Ask to him for help
Ask him for help
This is more better
This is better
People is happy
People are happy
According with the report
According to the report
I go out in the night
I go out at night
Take over
Hand over
Pull over
Drive away
Come up
Come up
Go down
Go down
What are you doing ?
What are you up to?
For real?
I can’t believe it.
No way!
I don’t like it!
I’m not into it.
My mistake
My bad
I understand you
I feel you
I have no money
I’m broke
Lets meet today
Let’s catch up today
Don’t touch me
Get off me
Be careful !
Watch out!
Thank you
I appreciate it
I don’t know
I’m not certain
I’m angry
I’m seeing red
Excuse me
It’s cold
It’s chilly