Phrases And Expressions Flashcards
왜 이래?
What’s wrong with you?, why are you
like this?
(Note: 왜 이래? can be used when an
obiect doesn’t work to mean “what’s
wrong with this?”)
To be the only one
(Note: 하나뿐이다 has a connotation of that thing being very precious)
From one’s experience
왜 난 안 되지?
Why can’t I?
너나 잘 해
None of your business, Mind your own
business, you do you, worry about
(Note: 너나 잘 해 is rude but can be made more cheeky and playful depending on tone by saying (title)나 잘 해 and can translate to “dont worry about me. You do you”’)
신경 끄다
Mind your business
(Note: 신경 끄다 has the same meaning as 신경 쓰지마 but is more rude)
for what
그게 해서 뭐하다
What’s the point (of doing that)?
(너)한테 맡길게(요)
I’ll leave it to you
It is what it is
If you don’t mind…
정신 (좀) 차려
Get it together
(Note: the 좀 adds a somber nuance like “get your shit together”)
니 마음대로 하다
Do as you like, do what you what
(내/제) 말이 맞지(요)
I was right, wasn’t I?
What can we do?, it is what it is
어쩔 수 없다
It can’t be helped, to be inevitable
Uh oh, what do I do now?
(내가/제가) 그랬잖아(요)
I told you so
I know, that’s what I meant, see?
그러게 (내가/제가) 뭐랬다
See?, What did I say?, i told you so
(Note: 그러다 means (yeah, right, I know, I told you so)
(Note: the 래 in 뭐랬다 is quoting)
It’s obvious, of course
말해 뭐해
say no more, no need to say anymore
(Note: 말해 뭐해 has two meanings. The first has a connotation of “no need to say more, i already know” but is not rude. The second has the connotation of no need to say anymore because (you) won’t understand anyway)
이런저런 일이 좀 많다
(I’m) busy with one thing or another
신경 쓸 일이 많다
There are lots of things (I) have to care about
(Note: used when trying to express that you are busy)
Of course
요즘 좀 복잡하다
(Things are) a bit complicated lately
(Ex: 학교 끝고 나서 왜 못 만나래?
- 요즘 좀 복잡하잖아)
This and that, one and another
(Ex: 와… 언니가 요즘은 바쁘네요
- 응. 이런저런 일이 많아요)
뭐 이 정도 가지고(요)…
A humble (negative) reply to “your Korean is good”
(Note: short for which roughly translates to “I’m only at this level yet you say I’m good”)
(Note: this phrase can sound cocky or arrogant depending on tone)
(Note: an alternate phrase is 이 정도 아무것도 아니다)
화장실이 급하다
To (really) have to go to the bathroom
it serves you right
그때그때 해서 할게(요)
I’ll play it by ear
(Note: 그때그때 in this context means in the moment when something happens/occurs.)
(Lit: I’ll look at the moment and then do it)
Forget it
(Note: 됐다 has multiple meanings and can also mean “I’m done/finished’”)
(Ex: 안 기억 나면 됐다)
없던 일로 하다
To pretend something never happened
(Ex: 이제 일은 없던 일로 하자)
그럴 리(가) 없다
That can’t be, there is no way (something would happen), not possible
손꼽아 기다리다
To look forward to, anticipate, can’t wait
(Note: for nouns 을/를 should be used before 손꼽아 기다리다 and -기를 should be used for verbs)
(Lit: looking forward to doing simmering as if counting each day on one’s fingers)
(Ex: 우리 가족 휴가를 손꼽아 기다렸어)
(Ex: 저는 보드를 좋아해서 겨울이 오기를 손꼽아 기다리고 있어요!)
오래 기다리다
to wait for a long time
좀 쉬다
to take a break
나도 그래(요)
me too, same here, so do i
불 보듯 뻔하다
To be clear as day, be obvious
(Lit: to be obvious like seeing a fire)
부담 갖지 마(세요)
Don’t feel pressure, don’t feel burdensome, no pressure
빵 타지다
To burst into laughter, bust out laughing
To be fucked, to be in deep trouble, to be in a horrible situation
(Note: this is slang)
(Lit: I became a penis)
빨리 낫다
To get well soon
(Note: 빨리 낫다 is conjugated to 빨리 나아(요) or 빨리 나으세요. For “ㅅ” verbs the last letter is removed)
(Note: 빨리 닛길 바래(요) is more polite; Lit: I hope you get well soon)
That’s a lame/ corny joke
(Note: this is slang)
무슨 상관이다
Why does it matter?/ what do you care?