Phrases Flashcards
short phrases
a presto
see you soon
I wish!
Credo di no
I don’t think so
Same to you
dire una bugia
to tell a lie
tocca a te/me
it’s your turn/it’s my turn
al’inizio/al principio
at the beginning
guardarsi allo specchio ingranditore
look at oneself in a magnifying mirror
chi va piano va sano e va lontano
slowly but surely (one who goes slowly goes safely and goes far)
perdita di tempo
waste of time
fatti i fatti tuoi
mind your own business
a buon mercato
a good buy/a deal
tira vento
it’s windy
c’e’ nevica
it’s snowing
patti chiari amici cari
clear agreements make good friends
quando a Roma vai, fa’ come vedrai
when in Rome, do as the Roman’s do (when you go to Rome, do as you see)
c’e’ la nebbia
it’s foggy
e’ afoso/c’e’ afa
it’s muggy/sultry
c’e’ posta per te
you have mail
faccio come voi
I’ll do what you want
tutta bagnata
soaking wet