Phrases Flashcards
어디에서 만날까요?
where shall we meet?
빨리 나으세요
get well soon
뭐 할까요?
What shall we do?
다른 약속이 있어요
I have another appointment
I understand, I get it
정말 미안해요
I’m really sorry
여행 잘 다녀오세요
have a good trip
다른 색은 없어요?
do you have another colour?
다음에 다시 올게ㅛ
i will come again next time
바지 좀 보여주세요
please show me the pants
how much is it?
over here
이거 주세요
please give me this one
by credit card
사과 10,000원어칙 주세요
please give me 10,000 won worth of apples.
뭐 드시겠어요?
what will you eat? what do you want to eat?
몇 분이에요?
how many people are there?
빨리 나으세요
Get well soon
어디 아프세요?
are you hurt? are you ill? where are you ill?
얼굴이 안 좋으세요
you don’t look well
푹 쉬세요
make sure you get some rest
really? is that true? (honorific)
무슨 음식을 좋아하세요?
what food do you like?
내일 학교에 꼭 오세요
be sure to come tomorrow (honorific)
please come in
어떻게 해요?
what should i do?
나중에 우리 같이 테니스 쳐요
let’s play tennis together sometime
시간이 있을 때 뭐 하세요?
when you have free time, what do you do? (honorific)
요즘 어떻게 지내세요?
how have you been these days? (honorific)
i’m sorry (honorific)
잘 부탁드립니다
please treat me well (often said when introducing oneself)
of course, naturally
내일 만나요
see you tomorrow
같이 점심 먹을까요?
shall we have lunch together?
차 한잔할까요?
shall we have a cup of tea?
글쎄요, 아직 잘 모르겠어요.
hmm… i don’t know yet
같아 찾아봐요
let’s look for (something) together
그건 잘 모르겠어요
i’m not sure about that
아직 특별한 계획은 없어요
i don’t have any special plans yet
감기에 걸려서
because i caught a cold
건강이 안 좋아서
because i’m in bad health
너무 피곤해서
because i am very tired
다른 약속이 있어서
because i have another appointment
머리가 아파서
because i have a headache
because i am busy
숙제가 많아서
because i have a lot of homework
시간이 업어서
because i don’t have time
시험이 있어서
because i’ll take an exam
일이 생겨서
because something came up, because i have something that i have to do
여섯 시까지 가겠습니다
i will be there before 6 o’clock (formal)
그래서, 뭐요?
so what?
yes…? and…?
nice to meet you (formal)
이름이 뭐예요?
what is your name?
이분이 누구예요?
Who is this person?
thank you (polite)
누구 거예요?
whose is it?
제 거예요
It is mine
이게 뭐예요?
what is this?
Thank you (formal)
I’m sorry (polite)
레몬차 주세요
Please give me a cup of lemon tea
여기 있어요
Here you go.
Excuse me
어디에 있어요?
Where is …..?
….. 알아요?
Do you know ……?
네, 알아요
yes, i know xxx.
친구가 많아요
I have many friends
시간 있어요?
are you free? do you have time?
실례지만, 누구세요?
I’m sorry, who is speaking? (Honorific)
-씨 집이에요?
Is this —-‘s home?
아, 그래요?
Ah, really?
핸드폰 번허가 몇 번이에요?
What is your handphone number
지금 몇 시예요?
What time is it now?
약속이 있어요
he / she has an appointment
요즘 잘 지내요?
have you been well lately?
네, 잘 지내요
Yes, i have been well.
어늘 같이 영화를 봐요
let’s watch a movie together today
요즘 무슨 영화를 해요?
What movies are playing these days?
(시산을) 잘못 들었어요
i didn’t hear (the time) correctly
you’re welcome
이쪽으로 가세요
go this way (honorific)
어떻게 가요?
how do i get to —-?
얼마나 거려요?
how long does it take?
다음에 꼭 같이 가요
let’s go together next time
사진 좀 보여주세요
please show the picture to me.
참 멋있어요
this is great!
재미있게 보내고 싶어요
i want to spend (while) my time in an interesting / fun manner
Where are we?
여기가 어디예요?
How was it?
What, what kind of
What do you think? How is it?
큰 소리로
where is it located? What is the locatiob?
위치가 어디예요?
글쎄요, 아직 잘 모르겠어요
I don’t know, at this moment i don’t know
Of course, naturally
이것은 한국말로 뭐예요?
what is this in korean?
우리 교실에 학생이 몇 명 있어요?
how many people are there in our class.
언제 방학이 끝나요?
when does the semester break end?
주말에 무슨 영화를 봤어요?
what movie did you watch last weekend?
언제 왜 학교에 안 왔어요?
why didn’t you come to school yesterday?
신촌역에서 서강대학교에 어떻게 가요?
how do you get to Sogang University from Sinchon subway station?
사과는 한 개에 얼마예요?
how much is an apple?
말하기 수업은 몇 시에 시작해요?
What time does the speaking class start?
여기서 지하철역 까지 얼마나 걸려요?
how long does it take to get from here to the subway station?