Phrases Flashcards
Who are you?
Ko wai koe?
What is your job?
He aha tō mahi?
I am a worker at…
He kaimahi ahau ki..
The house is brown
He parauri te whare
He is tall
He tāroaroa ia
Tracey is at home working
Kei te kāinga a Tracey e mahi ana
Liam is fishing at the river
Kei te awa a Liam e hī ika ana
Raiha is in the kitchen cooking dinner
Kei te kāuta a Raiha e tunu kai ana
Take off your socks
Tangohia õ tōkena
Take off the t-shirt
Tongohia te tīhāte
Put on your pants
Whakamaua ō tarau
Put on your pyjamas
Whakamaua o kākahu moe
Where is the baby
Kei (w)hea te pēpi
Where is my coat?
Kei (w)hea tōku koti
Your gumboots are at home
Kei te kāinga ō kamupūtu
The water is dirty
He paru te wai
There’s no one better than Lydia at singing
Kāore i tua atu i a Lydia mō te waiata
There’s no place better than the forest for walking
Kāore he wāhi i tua atu i te ngahere mō te hikoi
What cheek!
Tōna hiapai hoki
Excellent! The best!
Ka mutu pea
To turn your nose up at something
Kua tū te ihu
Whose are those (yonder)
Nā wai ērā
Here are the keys for the house
Anei ngā kī mō te whare
Look at these pictures (near speaker)
Titiro ki ēnei pikitia
Whose is that hat (over yonder)?
Nā wai te pōtae rā?
Work is finished
Kua mutu te mahi
The pumpkin is huge
Tino nui te paukena
The meeting was really good
Tino pai te hui
Be good
Kia pai
Be quiet
Kia wahangū
Leave the soap
Waiho te hopi
He rawa
Work hard
Me ihu oneone
Are you ready?
Kua rite koe
While I was coming here I stopped to pick flowers for you
I a au e haere mai ana ka tū ki te kato putiptui mōu
While I was singing I forgot the words
I a au e waiata ana ka wareware ngā kupu
While you are sitting, you and I will have a discussion
I a koe e noho ana ka hui tāua
Then he returned home
Kātahi ia ka hoki ki te kāinga
Then the children started to sing
Kātahi ka tīmata ngā tamariki ki te waiata
She has a very beautiful house
Te ātaahua hoki o tōna whare
What a long nose you have!
Te roa hoki o tō ihu
What big eyes you have!
Te nui hoki o ōu whatu
What a hot day this is!
Te wera hoki o te rā nei
They are very good
Tō rāua pai hoki
Where are we (you and I) going?
Kei te haere tāua ki hea?
They (two) are going to sleep, not me
Kei te haere rāua ki te moe, kaua ko au
Papa called out to the dog, not the cat
Kua karanga a Pāpā ki te kurī, kaua ko te ngeru
Take out the flowers, not this one
Tangohia ngā putiputi, kaua ko tēnei
Never better
Te mutunga kē mai o te pai
How are your kids
He pēhea āu tamariki
How is your work
He pēhea tāu mahi?
Absolutely delicious
Te mutunga kē mai o te reka
What is the food like
He pēhea te āhua o te kai
Āe mārika
I am not an elder
Ehara au i te kaumātua
I am not a teacher
Ehara au i te kaiwhakaako
I am not an apple
Ehara au i te āporo
I am not a happy person
Ehara a i te tangata hari
Regardless of the rain, work continued
Ahakoa te ua ka mahi tonu.
Even though the apple was sour, he still ate it.
Ahakoa te kawa o te āporo i kai ia
Although it is small, it is a treasure.
Ahakoa he iti, he
Although it is small, it is a treasure.
Ahakoa he iti, he pounamu
These chairs are too small
He tūru iti rawa ēnei
This house is very big
He whare tino nui tēnei
The work is too hard
He uaua rawa te mahi
Out with the old, in with the new
Ka pū te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi
Why did Cat bite Dog
He aha a Ngeru i ngau ai i a Kurī?
Why did we come back here
He aha tātou i hoki mai ai ki konei?
Why did you both stand over there?
He aha kōrua i tū ai ki korā?
It is bed time now
Ko te wā moe ināianei
Where are you two going
Kei te haere kōrua ki hea?
It’s okay, friend, don’t worry
Kei te pai e hoa, kaua e āwangawanga
I am talking with Joanne
Kei te kōrero māua ko Joanne
To the tree, the birds were a nuisance.
Ki te rākau, he hōhā ngā manu.
To Kōuraraka, the porridge was sweet.
Ki a Kōuraraka he reka te pāreti.
Do you think this cake is delicious
Ki a koe, he reka te keke nei?
No good comes of sleeping late.
Kāore he hua o te moeroa.
I will never agree
E kore rawa au e whakaae atu.
There is no benefit of gossip
Kāore he hua o te ngutungutu.
Nothing good comes from eating bad food.
Kāore he hua o te kai kino
Who told you that! (It’s rubbish)
Nā wai hoki tāu!
That’s a big load of rubbish!
Tēnā piki rūkahu tēnā!
It’s inevitable/it can’t be avoided
E kore e taea te pēhea
To the old men, fishing was the best thing to do
Ki ngā koroua, kāore i tua atu i te hī ika.
In your opinion will it rain?
Ki ōu whakaaro ka heke mai te ua?
We both think this meeting is boring
Ki ō māua whakaaro he hōhā te hui nei.