Phrases 03 Flashcards
fine by me / fine with me
I’m ok with that
I owe you one.
Thank you, now I owe you a favor.; I owe you something similar in return.
“Bob: I put the extra copy of the book on your desk. Sue: Thanks, I owe you one.”
“Bill: Let me pay for your drink. Bob: Thanks a lot, I owe you one.”
by its very nature
because of its natural habits, because it is that way:
“Cash is, by its very nature, universally transferable. “
“By its very nature, Scrum is a constant journey of inspection and adaptation”
a number of years ago
Kilka lat temu
at the expense of someone or something
to the detriment of someone or something; to the harm of someone or something:
“He had a good laugh at the expense of his brother.”
“He took a job in a better place at the expense of a larger income.”
Talk is cheap
Słowa nic nie kosztują
We’ve got a bigger fish to fry
Jest coś ważniejszego…
Full of themselves
If someone talks about themselves a lot, we say that they are full of themselves
Have cross word with someone
When you got annoyed with someone, you might have a cross word with them
Tread on someone toes
When you offend someone by interfering in something they are responsible for, you are treading on their toes
Bed of roses
To say the situation is not always happy, easy or comfortable, you can say it is not always a bed of roses
Eye for something
If you are good at noticing things, you have a good eye for something
Heated discussion
A discussion, argument or debate that is full of angry and excited feelings is a heated discussion
I am on holiday all of next week
Jestem na wakacjach w przyszłym tygodniu wszystko
I spoke to Tom about it and he was of the same opinion
Rozmawiałem o tym z Tomem, a on był tego samego zdania
does not ring a bell
If something doesn’t ring a bell, it doesn’t cause you to remember anything. You don’t think you have heard about it. In
by all means
na wszelkie sposoby
take the mickey out of someone
If you take the mickey out of someone or something, you make fun of them, usually in an unkind way.
It’s all happened since you’ve taken over
To wszystko wydarzyło się odkąd przejęła
over the next few weeks
w ciągu najbliższych kilku tygodni
Michal will be returning on Monday 22nd
Michał będzie powrotu w poniedziałek 22
someone takes over the payment
ktoś przejmuje płatności
to tell you the truth, I’m confused
aby powiedzieć prawdę, jestem zdezorientowany
i will read newspaper in the library every once in a while
będę czytać gazety w bibliotece raz na jakiś czas
i will read newspaper in the library once in a while
będę czytać gazety w bibliotece raz na jakiś czas
it crossed my mind that i should tell you about this place
to przyszło mi do głowy, że powinienem powiedzieć o tym miejscu
three storeys
trzy piętrowy
no trespassing
wstęp wzbroniony
he has lost his marbles
Becomes crazy
I think he’s losing his marbles (= starting to forget things or become crazy)
you should have died in her place
Powinienes umrzeć zamiast niej
i would much rather have lost the two of you than her
Wolałbym stracić was dwóch niż ją
it is inborn
jest wrodzona
all of the sudden
every once in a while
raz na jakiś czas
salaried employees
pracownicy etatowi
hourly employees
An hourly worker or hourly employee is an employee paid an hourly wage for their services, as opposed to a fixed salary. Hourly workers may often be found in service and manufacturing occupations, but are common across a variety of fields.
on the contrary
the fact or condition of not remembering : a state marked by lack of awareness or consciousness. seeking the oblivion of sleep. drank herself into oblivion
Susan gets all the perks
informal. an advantage or something extra, such as money or goods, that you are given because of your job: A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with the job
in medieval Europe
w średniowiecznej Europie
quantum leap
milowy krok
relevant stakeholders
zainteresowane strony
At the glance
W skrócie
root cause analysis
Analiza przyczyna
your gut is telling you to trust
jelit mówi ci zaufać
a few blocks away
kilka przecznic dalej
Inhabited planet
Zamieszkana planeta
Sperm whale
how to gauge the environment
Jak ocenić środowisko