Phrases 02 Flashcards
no one is willing to speak about an elephant in the room
nikt nie chce mówić o słoniu w pokoju
Odd number
Odd - Nieparzysta
Even - parzysta
On purpose
on the contrary, you pay me in a advance
przeciwnie, płacisz mi z góry
ongoing endeavor
trwają starania
Pendulum is swinging
Wahadło kołysze
People are made of flesh and bone
Ludzie są z krwi i kości
People will make you or break you
to bring success to or improve, or ruin, someone. The army will either make or break him. It’s a tough assignment, and it will either make or break her.
Profound consciousness
Głęboka świadomość
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Samospełniające się proroctwo
speak in cliches
mówić komunały
Survival is at stake
Stawką jest przetrwanie
The whole thing began to worry me beyond measure
Cała sprawa zaczęła mnie martwić ponad miarę
There is no pain-free solution to the problem
Nie ma bezbolesne rozwiązanie problemu
This one is written in the stone
something is permanent or fixed and cannot be changed. It implies that the decision or statement is final and cannot be altered.
to bail out the banks
do ratowania banków
unpleasant, unkind, cruel, or more severe than is necessary
Uphill battle
Ciężka bitwa
- needing a large amount of effort
- leading to a higher place on a slope
Welfare state
Państwo opiekuńcze
You have to put your money where your mouth is
Musisz umieścić swoje pieniądze gdzie usta
You just blew away all the competition
Po prostu zmiotłeś konkurencję
will be out of pocket for most of the afternoon
“out of pocket” - in reference to expenses means those expenses that you have to pay for out of your own pocket.
“I will be out of pocket tomorrow.” - the person will not be reachable by phone or any means “tomorrow”.
wash your hands of somebody/something
to stop being involved with or responsible for someone or something, usually because they have caused too many problems for you: “I should imagine he couldn’t wait to wash his hands of the whole project.”
cut corners
to do something in the easiest, quickest, or cheapest way, often harming the quality of your work:
“We’ve had to cut corners to make a film on such a small budget.”
“Companies are having to cut corners in order to remain competitive in the market.”
I just spoke to someone…
Przed chwil z kimś rozmawiałem…
Don’t let your personal opinions cloud you judgement
Nie pozwól żeby twoje osobiste opinie wpłynęły na twój osąd
kill two birds with one stone
to solve two problems at one time with a single action.
“John learned the words to his part in the play while peeling potatoes. He was killing two birds with one stone.”
“I have to cash a check and make a payment on my bank loan. I’ll kill two birds with one stone by doing them both in one trip to the bank.”
I’m all ears
Fig. listening eagerly and carefully. “Well, hurry up and tell me. I’m all ears.”
ready to do something at the drop of a hat
immediately; instantly; on the slightest signal or urging. (Alludes to the dropping of a hat as a signal.) “John was always ready to go fishing at the drop of a hat. If you need help, just call on me. I can come at the drop of a hat.”
does that ring a bell?
czy coś ci to przypomina?
bear unbearable
bear (bore, borne) - to bravely accept or deal with a painful, difficult, or upsetting situation. unbearable - too unpleasant, painful, or annoying to deal with [= intolerable]: “The pain was almost unbearable.”, “He was making life unbearable for his parents.”
take someone in hand
to take control of someone; to assume the responsibility of guiding someone. “Someone is going to have to take Tim in hand and help him out. Alice decided that she would take the new worker in hand.”
a healthy mind is found in a healthy body
w zdrowym ciele zdrowy duch
it’s too early to know which way we may want this to go.
jest zb yt wczesnie bysmy wiedzieli w która strone chcemy pojsc
is that still the case
czy to wciaz aktualne?
Thanks for the heads up
Dzięki za ostrzeżenie
with Jaklub’s explanation
zamiast according to Jakub’s explanation; mniej formalne
in the long run
after a very lengthy period of time; “she will succeed in the long run”.
w końcu; ostatecznie; na dłuższą metę
4 out of 5 people
czterech na pięciu ludzi…
snake oil
comes from the 19th-century American practice of selling cure-all elixirs in traveling medicine shows. Snake oil salesmen would falsely claim that the potions would cure any ailments. now-a-days it refers to fake products. “why did you buy that snake oil? it does absolutely nothing!”
etched in stone
Something, especially rules and customs, that cannot be changed at all is said to be etched in stone.
not out of the woods
- slightly better but not yet well; said about someone’s health: “The operation went fine, but she’s not out of the woods yet – the next 24 hours will tell us whether or not she’ll recover.”
- improving but not yet good; said about financial problems: “Our sales went up last month, but the company is not out of the woods yet.”
sometimes used in the form out of the woods (in good condition): “If we continue to watch our expenses, we should be out of the woods in a month.”
his efforts will bear great fruit in the future
jego wysiłki przyniosą owoce w przyszłości
live to fight another day
to lose a fight or competition but not be completely defeated and therefore be able to try again in the future: “The anti-pollution campaigners lost the debate but lived to fight another day.”
Team building part
Chlanie firmowe :)
More heat than light
If a discussion generates more heat than light, it doesn’t provide answers, but does make people angry.
which never seems to be the case
Statistics from vehicle manufacturers indicate that there are more more blue cars than red being driven on our roads.
However, it seems not to be the case in London, where blue is an unpopular colour.
to keep (someone) in the loop
To furnish someone with sufficient relevant information and include them in the decision-making process.
clear the air
- Lit. to get rid of stale or bad air: “Open some windows and clear the air. It’s stuffy in here.”
- Fig. to get rid of doubts or hard feelings: “All right, let’s discuss this frankly. It’ll be better if we clear the air.”
out of the blue
if something happens out of the blue, it happens suddenly and you are not expecting it: “Then one day, completely out of the blue, I had a letter from her.”, “The invasion came out of a clear blue sky and caught everyone off guard.”