Phrasal Verbs_1 Flashcards
Concluir uma atividade; Cancelar alguma coisa.
To Sign off
Logo depois…
Right after
Right away
To End Up
(To finally be in a particular place or situation)
Ex1: They’re travelling across Europe by train and are planning to end up in Moscow.
Ex2: He’ll end up in jail.
Transmitir algo (idéias)
Get something across
(To manage to make someone understand or believe something)
Ex1: We tried to get our point across, but he just wouldn’t listen.
Ex2: This is the message that we want to get across to the public.
Entender algo errado; se equivocar
Get something wrong
(To make a mistake in the way you White, judge, or understand something).
Ex1: This isn’t it. We must have got the address wrong.
Ex2: You must have gotten the directions wrong.
Entender uma situação de uma forma completamente errada.
Get/have it all wrong
(Understand a situation in completely the wrong way)
No, no - You’ve got it all wrong! We’re just friends.
Se tornar bom em algo.
Get good at something
(To become skillful and successful at doing something).
Ex1: He was very good at his work.
Tirar proveito de algo ou alguém.
To tap into.
(To manage to use something in a way that brings good results.)
Ex1: Are you tapping into your staff’s full potential? Você está aproveitando todo o potencial do seu pessoal?
Ex2: If only we could tap into all that energy and creativity.
Arrombar algo (uma porta); Por algo abaixo (um muro)
To break something down.
Ex.: Some of the campers had broken down fences and lit fires that caused a lot of damage.
Derrubar, demolir.
To tear down
Ex.: They’re going to tear down the old hospital and build a new one.
Rejeitar algo ou alguém.
Se afastar de algo ou alguém.
To push something/someone away
(People may push others away as a defense mechanism to avoid getting hurt in relationships).
Conseguir aprovar. Avançar uma ideia/pauta.
To push through
(Get a proposed measure completed or accepted quickly)
Ex: The government is trying to push through a package of measures to combat organized crime.