Daily Communication 1 Flashcards
Um monte de…Um bando de…
A bunch of…
Ficar/Estar parado (sem fazer nada)
Stand around
A frente de alguém
Ahead of someone
Você tem que agarrá-lo (pegar)!
You have to grab it!
Dar o seu máximo, o seu melhor. Go all in!
You have to go big!
A pior/melhor hipótese; na pior/melhor das hipóteses.
The worst/best-case scenario
Na minha compreensão; Pelo meu entendimento; Conforme meu entendimento.
As my understanding
Fora isso (tirando isso).
Outside of (that) = Apart from (that)
They are a preposition with multiple meaning: “except for..”, “in addition to..”, “including..”.
Encontrar e falar com alguém
To get hold of someone
Ex.: Did Daniel get hold of you?
Obter ou alcançar alguma coisa; ter a posse ou ser bem sucedido em conseguir algo.
To get a hold of something
Ex.: Where did you get a hold of that ideia?
Completamente diferente; totalmente oposto.
It’s like night and day
Ex.: she’s not the same since last week. Her transformation was like night and day.
Corrir um erro
To right a wrong
Ex.: I need to right some wrongs.
Eu poderia concordar com você mas logo ambos estaríamos errados
I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Ser franco/direto com alguém
To be straight with someone
Ex.: I’m gonna be very straight with you.
Bem diferente (outra completamente diferente).
Quite another
Ex.: Waiting to help homeless is one thing, finding cheap secure accommodation for them is quite another.
Por falta de outra alternativa.
By default
- because of a lack of opposition
(They won the last election by default) - Through lack of positive action rather than concious choice.
(Legislation dies by default if the governor fails to act on it).
Jogar um balde de água fria.
Pour cold water on something.
Ex.: He poured cold water on my plans to move to Florida.
Eu tiro o chapéu
I take my hat off (to)
Do jeito que as coisas vão…
As it is…
Ex.: As it is he won’t be able to get early.
Da mesma forma/maneira
In the same manner
Estar louco para fazer algo
To long to do something
(It means to have a strong desire or need for something)
Ex.: I long to make out with her (estou louco para ficar com ela).