Phrasal Verbs 2 Flashcards
Break into pieces
Fall apart
Separate from an interior
Fall out
Fall to the ground
Fall down
(of hair, teeth) become loose and unattached
Fall out
Write information in blanks, as on a form
Fill (something) in / out
Fill to the top
Fill (something) up
Communicate, make understandable
Get (something) across, over
Like each other
Get along - on
Have mobility
Get around
Go on a vacation
Get away
Do without being noticed or punished
Get away with (something)
Receive something you had before
Get (something) back
Retaliate, take revenge
Get back at (somebody)
Become interested in something again
Get back into (something)
Step onto a vehicle
Get on (something)
Recover from an illness, loss, difficulty or overcome a problem
Get over (something)
Get together
Reveal hidden information about somebody
Give (somebody) away
Ruin a secret or Give something to somebody for free
Give (something) away