Phrasal Verbs Flashcards
To do sometime because someone has said that you should
Act on somebody’s (advice)
To make an extra copy of computer information
Back something up
To be doing something
Be up to something
To divide something into different areas
Break up something
To demand that something happens
Call for something
Decide that a planned event ou activity will not happen
Call something off
To cover a surface or fill a place with things that are not tidy or well organized
Clutter something up
To discover something or someone by chance
Come across somebody/something
To visit someone at their house
Come around
To deal successfully with a difficult situation
Cope with something
Take action in order to achieve something or to solve a problem
Deal with something
To become more and more rare and then disappear completely
Die out
To think of a new idea or plan
Dream something up
To start to sleep
Drop off (to sleep)
To stop working and doing thinks that most people do because you do not want to be part of society any longer
Drop out
To finally be in a particular place or situation
End up
To move things about or touch things with no particular purpose
Fiddle with something
To feel that you belong to a particular group
Fit in
To start doing something seriously and with a lot of attention
Get down to something
To start to do something in a purposeful way
Go about doing something
To choose something
Go for something
When something that makes a noise suddenly starts making a noise
Go off
To move towards something
Head for something
To ask someone for something
Hit up
somebody for something
To manage to keep a job
Hold down a job
To manage to do work as it is given to you and not be late in doing what you have to do
Keep up with something
To enjoy something very much
Lap something up
If you say you will never ……., you mean that it is an embarrassing experience that other people will not let you forget
Live something down
If you ….. money, you use that money to buy the things that you need to live
Live off something
To meet another person in order to do something together
Meet up with somebody
To leave the place where you are and go somewhere else
Move on
To stop living in a particular home
Move out
To give someone all of the money that you owe them
Pay up (informal)
To start learning something or doing something regularly without intending to
Pick up sth
To choose something from a group of things
Pick sth out
If a vehicle “pulls over”, it moves to the side of the road and stops
Pull over
If a vehicle “pulls up”, it stops
Pull up
To arrange to do something at a later time
Put sth off
To cause sth to explode
Set off sth
To arrange a number of things in a particular way
Set sth out
To arrange for sth to happen
Set up sth
To start living somewhere that you are going to live for a long time
Settle down
To satrt to feel relaxed and comfortable in a new situation
Settle into sth
To make a decision after spending a period of time thinking about the choices
Settle on sth
To pay someone the money that you owe them
Settle up
To be taught by someone (FORMAL)
Study under sb
To replace or destroy something
Sweep sth aside
To manage to reveal something
Tease out sth
To happen in a particular way
Turn out
If someone who is lying down “turns over”, they change position so that they are facing a diffrent direction
Turn over
If a person in a television show is “voted off”, the people watching the programme vote in order to make that person leave the show
Vote sb off
To annoy someone, often on purpose (INFORMAL)
Wind sb up
To destroy something completely
Wipe sth out
Stop demanding something
Back down
Stop working
Break down
To end / To separate
Break up
Raise (a child)
Bring up (a child)
To meet someone unexpectedly
Bump into
Carry on
To become popular (an ideia or a style) / To understand
Catch on
Make happier
Cheer up
Inherit (money)
Come into (money)
Think of and suggest an idea
Come up with (an idea)
Be mentioned, arise or appear
Come up
To rely on
Count on
Reduce the amount you consume
Cut down on
Separate / Isolate / Interrupt
Cut off
Stop doing / eating something
Cut out
Fasten, button up clothes / Repair, redecorate, modernize a room
Do up
Put on different clothes in order to disguise yourself
Dress up
To visit informally or unexpectedly
Drop by
Fall in love with
Fall for (someone)
Argue and stop being friendly with someone
Fall out with (someone)
Find out
Find out more about something
Follow up
Have a good relationship with
Get along with (someone)
Go away for a period of time for a break
Get away (for the weekend)
Not be punished for doing something
Get away with
Manage to survive/live
Get by
Have a good relationship with
Get on with (someone)
Start or continue doing something
Get on with (something)
Recover after the end of a relationship with someone
Get over (someone)
Recover from
Get over (something)
Meet (usually for social reasons)
Get together
Get rid of
Give away (secrets)
Give back
Give in (homework)
Agree to do something you do not want to
Give in (to someone’s request)
Produce and send into the air
Give off (a smell)
Announce or broadcast information
Give out (information)
Distribute to a group of people
Give out
To stop trying to do something (often because it’s to difficult)
Give up
Support an idea or agree with someone’s opinion
Go along with
To continue
Go on
Have a romantic relationship with someone
Go out with
Complete a promise or plan
Go through with
Submit school work, submit documentation
Hand in
To distribute to a group of people, usually free
Hand out
To wait or spend time somewhere, doing nothing
Hang around
Spend time relaxing (informal)
Hang out
To hang clothes or an object n a hook or line / To end a phone call
Hang up
Go towards
Head for
Prevent someone from making progress
Hold back
Do something more quickly
Hurry up
To continue
Keep on
Let down
Give someone a lighter punishment than they expected
Let off
Take care of
Look after
Feel superior to
Look down on
Try to find
Look for
Feel happy about something that is going to happen
Look foward to
Look into
Find information about
Look up
Admire and respect
Look up to
Compensate for
Make up for
Become friends again
Make up with (someone)
Invent (stories, excuses)
Make up (something)
Lose consciousness
Pass out
Return money
Pay back
Pay for
Finish paying for something; have a positive result from hard work
Pay off
To draw attention to something
Point out
Lose consciousness
Pass out
Return money
Pay back
Pay for
Finish paying for something; have a positive result from hard work
Pay off
To draw attention to something or someone
Point out
Put something back in the correct place
Put away
Organize an event
Put on (an event/a show)
Place something on your body
Put on (clothes)
Increase (weight)
Put on (weight)
Put out
Put up (for the night)
Lift into the air
Put up (your hand)
Put up with
Charge someone too much for something
Rip off
Meet by acident
Run into
Use up (e.g. money, petrol, time)
Run out of
Try to impress people by telling or showing them what you are capable of
Show off
To close
Shut down
Arrange or order by classes or categories; find a solution
Sort out
To represent
Stand for
Be easy to see because of being different
Stand out
Resemble a member of your family in appearance, behaviour or character
Take after (someone)
To remove from a surface or your body
Take off (something)
Leave the ground (e.g. plane)
Take off
Attempt something new; employ
Take on
Take control of
Take over
Start to like, especially after only a short time
Take to
Star doing (a hobby)
Take up
Speak angrily to someone who has done something wrong
Tell off
Get rid of something you do not need anymore
Throw away
Return towards the place you started from
Turn back
Reject or refuse
Turn down
To transform
Turn into
To disconnect (e.g. a computer)
Turn off
To connect
Turn on
Arrive, usually unexpectedly, early or late
Turn up
Finish a supply of something
Use up
To use something until it becomes unusable
Wear out
Think about and find a solution; do exercise
Work out