Take out
Extrae/sacar/salir con (go on a date with)
Take off
It took the ols cloth off its head.
Turn out
Echar, expulsar.
Vaciar (Tina turned out her handbag)
Producir (company, produce)
Apagar (Ana put down (soltó/dejó) her book and turned out the bedside light)
Concluir, resultar, terminar (The forecast is good, but it is too soon to say how it will turn out).
Find out
Descubrir, enterarse de
I just find out - me acabo de enterar
Boil down
Reducir, reducirse
The trans debate in school boils down to -
It all boils down to failure to plan. (Eról boil dawn tu féiliur tu plan) Todo se reduce a falta de planificacion
Figure out
Darse cuenta, comprender, entender, solucionar, descubrir
To figure out for themselves - A entender por ellos mismos
Step down
Dejar el cargo, dimitir, renunciar
Ron expected to step down as head chef - se espera que Ron dimita como…
Go broke
Arruinarse. Quebrar
Sneak in
Burn out (burnaut)
Quemarse, consumirse, agotarse, (If you’re born out, reed)
Dream up
Dream up with good live
Soñar con buena vida
Slam into
Estrellarse contra, darse contra
Slam for
Putear, criticar, echar la bronca
Henry slammed Daniel for his mistake
The boss slammed Norma for getting the order wrong.
Imitar (satirizar)
Hit off
Get involved in
Involucrarse, formar parte
Dejar, abandonar (pareja)
Walk out on
Give (sb) the shove
This woman gave (Géif) my brother the shove to run (rán) off with another man
Find out
Descubrir enterarse
Dad find out his anonymous kidney donor is his daughter
Make out
Liarse, enrollarse
I saw you making out with her
Swell up
HIncharse, inflamarse, ponerse gordo
Her foot are (fórar) swelling up cause she is a fucking fat
Go down as
Pasar a la historia como
Ser recordado como
Go down (comer el coño)
Go down as nobody (nóbary)
Call off
Cancelar, suspender
Call off my meetings