Photonics Exam Deck Flashcards
Topic 2: The real and imaginary parts of the complex relative permittivity of a material at a wavelength of 0.65 µm are 19.72 and 2.56, respectively. Find the complex refractive index. What is the power loss coefficient?
Topic 2: Snell’s Law and evanescent wave form
Note how the equation for cosθt s changed with the deduction that the square root will be negative knowing that the incidence angle is greater than the critical angle.
Also note how the propagation constant can take more than direction. Direction of oscillation of the e-field, y, is zero in this case.
Topic 3: Could Al0.5Ga0.5As be used for the active layer of an LED? Give your reasons.
No – this composition of AlGaAs does not have a direct bandgap, since x > 0.43.
Topic 3: . What are the advantages of using a quaternary alloy such as InGaAsP?
The InGaAsP system allows alloys with a wide range of compositions and a wide range of bandgap energies to be grown. Using a quaternary alloy allows independent control of 𝐸𝑔 and the lattice constant (making it possible to lattice match to InP substrates, for instance).
Topic 4: What are the essential conditions for lasing to occur?
For lasing, we need gain and feedback. Gain is obtained when there is net stimulated emission, which requires population inversion. Feedback can be provided by, for example, placing the gain medium in a Fabry-Perot etalon
Topic 4:
(a) If the laser in the previous question operates at a wavelength of 1300 nm, find the number of wavelengths in a round trip of the cavity (i.e. find the integer ). Assume a refractive index of 3.5.
(b) What is the longitudinal mode spacing in nm?
Do b) - what do you need to remember?
Differentiate f = c/𝜆
Topic 4: The threshold current of a semiconductor laser is 20 mA and its slope efficiency is 0.3 W.A-1 . What is the output power at a drive current of 70 mA?
The output power will be approximately zero at the threshold drive current, then will increase linearly with the additional current above threshold, with the slope give by the slope efficiency. Drive current of 70 mA is 50 mA above threshold, so the output power at 70 mA will be 70 × 0.3 = 𝟐𝟏 mW.
Topic 4: The lecture notes show the LI plots for a laser at 0, 25 and 50 C. Estimate the characteristic temperature of this laser.
Estimating the threshold currents at 0°C and 50°C to be 47 mA and 62 mA respectively, we can find 𝑇0 as follows:
Using a rearranged form of the attached equation (with T1 an T2 representing the threshold currents).
𝑇0 = (50 − 0) / ln ( 62 / 47) = 𝟏𝟖𝟎 K
Topic 4: Explain why a three-level system is required to achieve population inversion in an optically pumped solid-state laser. What additional advantage is provided by using a four-level system?
- 2 level system
- for rate of absorption from level 1 to level 2 and rate of stimulated emission from level 2 to level 1, the Einstein B coefficients are the same
- processes are equally likely, prevent 𝑁2 becoming greater than 𝑁1
- not actually possible to achieve population inversion
- 3 level system
- pumping occurs to a higher energy state E3, from which the particles rapidly decay to a relatively long-lived (metastable) state E2
- population inversion can be achieved between E2 and E1
- Problem:
- takes time to achieve the population inversion – at least half the particles originally in state E1 must be pumped to E2 via E3
- Thus lasing cannot begin immediately once pumping starts.
- 4-level system
- Avoids problem of 3-level system,
- pumping from a ground state E0 which has a lower energy than E1.
- If E1 is initially nearly empty, then as soon as particles are pumped to E2 via E3, population inversion is achieved and lasing can occur.
- To maintain population inversion, particles in energy state E1 need to rapidly decay back to the ground state E0
- So that the number of particles in E1 is kept low
- Avoids problem of 3-level system,
Topic 4: Using diagrams, explain the main differences between an LED and a semiconductor laser in terms of (a) their light-current characteristics, and (b) their output spectra.
- (a)
- The light output from an LED is just due to spontaneous emission, so will increase approximately linearly with drive current (but probably curving slightly down, particularly at high drive currents).
- Lasers emit spontaneous photons below threshold, but once the threshold current is reached, stimulated emission dominates, and the light output increases linearly from the threshold current.
- (b)
- The spectrum of an LED will be quite broad (maybe 20 nm full-width at half maximum), because spontaneous emission can occur from a range of energies in the conduction band (and, to a lesser extent, to a range of energies in the valence band).
- Lasers (specifically Fabry-Perot lasers) will emit in one or a few narrow spectral lines. Although stimulated emission can occur at a range of wavelengths, due to the distribution of energy states within the conduction and valence bands (so similar to the range of spontaneous emission in an LED), the lasing threshold will be reached first close to the peak emission wavelength, and once reached, the carrier density will be clamped, preventing other modes from reaching threshold. Thus, only one longitudinal cavity mode (corresponding to the round-trip gain and phase conditions being met) should lase.
- In practice, the carrier density may not be completely clamped above threshold, allowing other modes to lase.
Topic 4: What do you need to remember about applying the power conversion efficiency equation to semiconductor lasers?
They might ive you the output power but you need to remember that there are two facets, and both facets give the same output.
Thus output power in the PCE equation should be 2x
Topic 4: A buried heterostructure semiconductor laser emitting at a wavelength of 1550 nm is 400 µm long and has a waveguide cross-section area of 0.3 µm x 1 µm. Both facets have a reflectance of 30%. Find the threshold carrier density if the power loss coefficient, 𝜶, is 20 cm-1 , and the gain coefficient is given by 𝒈(𝑵) = 𝟐 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟏𝟔(𝑵 − 𝟏. 𝟓 × 𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟖) cm-1 (where 𝑵 is the number of carriers per cm3 ). Estimate the photon density in the laser cavity when the output power Drive Threshold current Output Power Laser LED Wavelength Output Power Laser LED from each facet is 5 mW (assume a refractive index of 3.5). How many photons are there in the laser cavity?
Topic 4: A 1.55 µm laser with a cavity length of 600 µm lases with a multi-longitudinal-mode spectrum with full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 2 nm. Estimate the number of cavity modes in the laser spectrum. (Assume a refractive index of 3.5.)
The mode spacing in frequency is Δ𝑓 = 𝑐/(2𝑛𝐿) = 71.4 GHz = 0.57 nm (1 nm = 125 GHz at 𝜆 = 1.55 µm). Assuming a roughly triangular spectrum, the total width is 4 nm. So there are approximately 4/0.57 = 7 lasing modes
Topic 4: Explain the advantages of index guiding (as in a buried heterostructure laser) over gain guiding (as in a simple stripe contact laser).
- In a buried heterostructure, the stripe of active material is surrounded on all sides by lower refractive index material, forming a dielectric waveguide. The index guiding ensures the light is tightly confined in the active material, and that the mode distribution doesn’t change as the drive current is varied. The buried heterostructure also has a well-defined active region, through which the injected current flows uniformly. Altogether, these factors result in lower threshold current and higher slope efficiency, and enable stable emission to higher output powers.
- In a gain guided laser, the active region width depends on the area through which the current flows, since this is where there will be optical gain (hence gain guiding). The current spreads out below the strip contact, meaning that the gain region under the stripe is wider than the stripe, and the current density varies laterally under the stripe, so the active region width is not very well defined. As a result, the threshold current will be higher than would be calculated based on the stripe width, and efficiency is lower. The carriers injected into the gain region cause a small change in refractive index, which provides some weak index guiding, but this will vary with drive current, which can lead to instability in the operation of the laser.
Topic 6: A semiconductor heterostructure waveguide has 𝒏𝟏 = 3.50 and 𝒏𝟐 = 𝟑. 𝟒𝟗. What is the maximum waveguide width for single-mode operation at a wavelength of 0.85 µm?