Phosphorus Flashcards
What are the functions of Phosphate in the body?
Regulated by PTH and Calcitriol
Regulates Ca+
Essential for teeth and bone
Cellular metabolism and energy production through ATP
What can cause HYPOphosphatemia?
starvation (Refeeding Syndrome)
too much phosphorous excretion
what is Refeeding Syndrome?
a fatal shift of fluids & electrolytes that may occur in malnourished pts
what can cause an increase of phosphorous excretion?
hyperparathyroidism: calcium rises; phosphorous drops
diuretics and diarrhea
use of Mg+ based or aluminum-based antacids (increases Ca+ but depletes phosphorous)
what are S/S of HYPOphosphatemia?
decreased BP, HR
hypoactive bowel sounds
Kidney stones
Altered LOC decreased DTR
Severe muscle weakness
Bone pain & fractures
What are some interventions a nurse can do for HYPOphosphatemia?
Replace phosphorous IV or PO
Phosphorous slow if severely low
Administer oral phosphorous with Vit. D
Fracture precautions
What can cause HYPERphosphatemia?
Increased phosphorous intake
Overuse of laxative and enemas with phosphorous
Decreased excretion of P- due to renal insufficiency
What are the S/S of HYPERphosphatemia?
Irritable skeletal muscles - twitching, cramps, tetany, seizures, parasthesias
Painful muscle spasms in calf or foot
Positive Trousseau’s and Chvostek’s signs
Hyperactive DTRs
Osteoporosis: the body is trying to get more calcium
Hyperactive bowel sounds
What are interventions that the nurse can do to help the pt?
Same as HYPOcalcemia!!!!