Phonics Flashcards
Connects the sounds in language (phonemes) to their written symbols (graphemes). These phonics skills are used to decode words when reading and to encode words when writing.
Consonant blends
Two or more consonants that blend together when decoded, but with each retaining its own sound (bl, cl, fr, gr, sk, sn, etc.)
Consonant digraphs
Two consonants that make a single consonant sound when together in a word (sh, ch, th, wh, kn, etc.)
Silent e
A vowel is followed by a consonant and then a silent e at the end of the word that makes the vowel have its long sound
Vowel digraphs
Two vowels that make a single vowel sound when together in a word, also known as “vowel teams” (ai, ay, au, ee, ea, ou, oy, etc.)
One vowel sound made by the combination of two vowel sounds; words with diphthongs require a glide between the two sounds (au, aw, oi, ou, oo, etc.)
R-controlled vowels
A vowel followed by the letter r when the r dictates how the vowel is pronounced; the vowel will not make its normal short or long sound (ar, er, or, ir, ur)
Inflectional endings
A suffix added to a word that changes its grammatical function, but does not change its meaning (-ed, -er, -est, -ing, -s)
Reading and writing strategies
Provide numerous opportunities for children to read from high-interest texts that include many words that adhere to taught rules of sound-letter relationships.
Encourage students to use newly-acquired phonics skills in their writing.
Word building activities
Students make words focusing on a specific phonics pattern using a variety of materials, such as letter cards, tiles or blocks.
Is the ability to use letter/sound relationships to read words. The process involves seeing a word, making a connection between the letters and sounds, and blending the sounds together
Progression of Decoding:
- Monosyllabic words
- CVCe
- CVVC, Vowel digraphs, Vowel dipthongs
- Multisyllabic words
Sight word
Words that students are expected to know without decoding. When a word is very common but isn’t decodable
High frequency words
Words that may or may not be decodable but appear in text so often that it is best for students to know them by sight instead of decoding them repeatedly.
Decodable words
Words that students are expected to need to decode. They follow the regular letter/sound correspondence rules, so students can decode them