Phonetics- Vowels Flashcards
How are vowels identified?
Tongue height in relation to upper vocal tract
Lip ‘configuration’
Frontness/ backness of the tongue
What are cardinal vowels?
A reference for phoneticians for sounds when the tongue is in an extreme position
Cardinal Vowel 1
Cardinal Vowel 2
Cardinal Vowel 3
Cardinal Vowel 4
Cardinal Vowel 5
Cardinal Vowel 6
Cardinal Vowel 7
Cardinal Vowel 8
What is different about secondary cardinal vowels?
Different lip configuration
What is the same about cardinal vowels and secondary cardinal vowels?
Tongue position
How many monopthongs are there in English?
How many dipthongs are there in English?
High, front, unrounded vowel, such as in heat, flee, he
Mid-high, front, unrounded vowel, such as in ill, bit, in
Mid, front, unrounded vowel, such as in end, bet, egg
Low, front, unrounded vowel, such as in at, ban, mad
Low, back, unrounded vowel, such as in are, cart, far
Low, back, rounded vowel, such as in on, pot
Mid, back, rounded vowel, such as in poor, paw, or
Mid-high, back, rounded vowel such as in book, full
High. back. rounded vowel, such as in ooze, doodle
Mid-low, central. unrounded vowel, such as in up, subtle
Mid, central, unrounded vowel, such as in aside, collide
In what type of syllable does a schwa occur?
An unstressed syllable
Where in a word can a schwa occur?
Beginning, middle or end of a word
Mid-high, central, unrounded vowel, such as in err, hearse
How many target positions does a dipthong have?
Dipthong in rain, hate, make, stay
Dipthong in chair, bear, rare, stare
Dipthong in kite, night, ride, lie, shy
Dipthong in how, now, brown, cow
Dipthong in noise, toy, point, coil
Dipthong in sure, tourist, poor (depending on accent)
Dipthong in near, ear, clear, steer
Dipthong in note, rode, go, coat, snow
Close, front, unrounded vowel
Close-mid, front, unrounded vowel
Open-mid, front, unrounded vowel
Open, front, unrounded vowel
Open, back, unrounded vowel
Open-mid, back, rounded vowel
Close-mid, back, rounded vowel
Close, back, rounded vowel