Phonetics Flashcards
What are minimal pairs?
A pair of words that DIffer only by one phoneme. Share / Chair Glow/ grow.
Difference between advice and advise?
Homonyms vs Homophones
Homonyms: same spelling and more than one meaning.
Fit bear date
Homophones: different spelling and meaning but sound the same. Flower/flour sell/cell
What’s a cluster?
A combination of 2 3 or 4 consonant sounds at the beginning, end or middle of a word.
Syllabic consonants
Are I useful tool of pronouncing classic sounds The sound more native like. It consists of a omitting the vowel sound schwa between 2 consonant sounds. It is to skip a vowel sound between consonants. For example 7 suddenly medal.
S endings
Ellipsis and near ellipsis
Ellipses and neurolypses happens when we delete or omit certain words that are part of our speech. When their obvious from the context.
The 1st case happens with personal pronouns I read a book.
The 2nd case is living out it
And your near ellipsis is when we mix and link sounds instead of completely erasing the word.
Such as saying I’m leaving now
Or with the aux have
Excuse vs excuse
/s/ noun
She made a false excuse
/z/ they excused themselves from coming to class
Loose vs Lose
Loose /s/ adjetive: loose pants
Lose /z/ verb to lose my mind
Every day vs everyday
Every day separate is an adverb
Every day I wake up at 5 am to go to school
Everyday together is an adjective : my everyday routine consists of waking up at 5 am.
Fortis and lenis
sometimes identified with tense and lax, are pronunciations of consonants with relatively greater and lesser energy, respectively
P is fortis and it’s lenis counterpart would be b
How many sounds in the English phonetic system?
12 vowels, 8 dipthongs, 24 consonants
Weak and strong forms
English is a stress based language Which means some words are stressed and others are not when speaking. Usually content words like nouns and main verbs are stressed, While others like articles aren’t stressed. When this happens the weak word will have its bowels replaced by a dependent a depending on stress. And because of this the meaning of a sentence can chang. As a rule the strong form of a word is usually at the end of a sentence, and when this happens we call it stranded.
Can you pass the milk?
I CAN do it, but I won’t
Practice/ practise
Uk: practice with a C is a noun and with an S a verb, in the USA both are with an s
Explain intonation in question tags
the greater control you have over your rising and falling intonation the more you can do with your communication in English
What does falling intonation mean?
Falling intonation is used when the sentence is more like an statement, you’re sure about what you’re saying, and only seek confirmation.
Why are questions tag important in conversation?
Both patterns, falling intonation and rising intonation are important because they are very common in spoken English as they invite people to join the conversation, either asking them for confirmation or seeking a real answer.
What does rising intonation mean?
This rising International means of sentence is more of a real question, you’re expecting an answer. Usually theres a pause before the q
. For example, John didn’t feel his driving test again did he? In this case you don’t know if failed his exam or not so you’re asking for an answer.
Explain word stress
The meaning of a word can change if you stress a different syllable. This really happens with a few words not all of them, Most of these words are 2 syllables long, but they can also be 3 sylllable long in some cases.
There are 2 categories.
Words that change from noun to verb When the stress moves from the 1st to the 2nd syllable l and keep the same general meaning.
Then the 2nd category are words that change completely in meaning, Most of them change from a noun to a verb, but can change to an adjective.
Converse .
What’s another word for early stress
Main stress
Ri:’fjuz = decline to do something
‘Refjus= rubbish
Kən’səul = give sympathy n comfort
‘Konsəul = a keyboard, or a panel of switches
‘Kontract = formal legal agreement
kən’tract = get smaller
Happy, satisfied = kən’tent
‘Kontent = what is contained in something
Pull out = iks’trakt
A short passage from a longer text= ‘ekstrakt
Disagree, protest= əb’dgekt
A thing = ‘obdgekt
Very small= mai’nju:t
Sixty seconds= ‘minit
Go away from, leave= di’zə:t
A place where nothing grows= ‘dezət
An armed Bank raid
Hold up
A burglary
Break in
An appearance by a star who had retired
A sudden strike
Walk out
A cinematic device where the film
A sudden period of rain
A mechanical failure
A ten second period before the departure of rocket
The moment of departure of a rocket
Lift of f
Initial expenditure on a particular project
What’s a phrasal verb?
A phrasal verb is a combination of verb + preposition, or sometimes an adverb. The preposition or adverb changes the meaning of the verb, giving each phrasal verb an unique meaning.
What’s word stress?
When we stress a word we elongate the main vowel sound in the most important words in a sentence.
Phrasal verb as a verb
The stress is on the preposition.
He dropped OUT
Picked her UP
Turned it ON
Phrasal verb as a noun or adjective
The stress is on the verb
He is a high-school DROP out.
BACK up.