Pholidota Flashcards
Describe the unique biology and anatomy of pangolins.
What order and family do they belong to?
What are their scales made of?
Do they have teeth?
What is unique about their stomach anatomy?
When are they active?
Fowler 8 Ch 40 - Pholidota (Pangolins)
- Introduction and identification
- One family – Manidae; Eight species (table 40-1)
- Found primarily in Africa and Asia
- Asian species have hair between the scales
- Biologic data and anatomy
- Males larger than females
- Scales consist of cornified epidermis that overlap in adults, but not newborns
- Roll into a predominantly impenetrable ball in defense
- Scales grow constantly to accommodate for wear
- Toothless mouth with long, sticky tongue (16-40 cm long)
- Tongue at rest lies in sheath that extends into thorax
- Salivary glands extend down to base of neck
- Stomach
- C-shaped with short lesser curvature
- Entire luminal surface is lined with thick cornified squamous epithelium, except at gland orifices and in pyloric gland region
- Glands include pyloric, oxynic, and mucus glands (in lesser and greater curvature and in pyloric canal)
- Fundic wall is thin and aglandular
- Pyloric canal is lined with spines and small pebbles (normal)
- Anus is surrounded by numerous glands that secrete noxious fluid as defense
- Behavior
- Nocturnal lifestyle
- Never leave nest box in zoos before 4:00pm
- Can climb, swim, or walk on ground – walks on knuckles with claws curled under
- No aggressive behavior ever noted in pangolins
- Nocturnal lifestyle
Describe the husbandry and restraint of pangolins.
What shoudl their enclosure be like?
What do they eat in the wild?
How are they fed in managed care?
What is their GI transit time?
How are they manually restrained?
What anesthetic agents are used?
What is their typical body temperature?
What is teh most common venipuncture site?
- Housing
- Dirt substrate with a nest box divided into 2 compartments
- 24-26C (75-77F) is best temperature with 80-100% humidity
- 10-12 hour photoperiod
- Feeding and nutrition
- In the wild eat ants, termites, bee larvae, flies, worms, and crickets
- Various zoo diets have incorporated meat, cereal, egg, and milk – now replaced mainly by insectivore diets (Table 40-2)
- Addition of soil has been shown to stabilize fecal flora
- GI transit is 24-48 hours
- Restraint
- Grasp at tail base, use leather gloves
- When hanging in the air, shake gently to cause animal to extend body and not roll into a ball
- Chemical restraint
- Ketamine and telazol commonly used
- Isoflurane commonly used via mask for longer procedures
- Atropine recommended to decrease salivation
- Physiologic data
- Body temp: 32.2 -35.2C (90-95F)
- Blood samples collected from ventral coccygeal vein (angled slightly)
What is amajor cause of death in rescued pangolins? What is this associated with and how is it managed?
What respiratory virus are pangolins potentially susceptible to?
What parasites have been documented in pangolins?
- Diseases
- Low survival rates in captive pangolins
- Males have 2x higher mortality than females
- Lesions in lungs, alimentary tract, and liver predominated
- Lesions in heart, kidneys, genitalia less frequent
- Hemorrhagic gastric ulcers and enteritis
- Major cause of death in rescued pangolins
- Stress and improper diet implicated as cause (dysbiosis)
- Treat with GI protectants and antibiotcs for secondary infections
- Infectious respiratory diseases
- Clinical signs: runny nose, panting, dysphagia, trembling
- CDV possibly implicated
- Similar clinical syndromes in pangolins (pangolins are more closely related to carnivores than other mammals)
- Exposed via stray dogs
- Parasites
- Tapeworms
- Metadavainea aelini, Raillietina rahmi, Raillietina anoplocephaloides
- Roundworms (Strongyloides and Capillaria spp.) and hookworms (Ancylostoma sp.)
- Eimeria sp. also detected
- Cylicospirura sp. detected in stomach and esophagus and encysted in mesenteric fat
- Filarial eosinophilic dermatitis also noted
- Ticks (Amblyomma testudinarium) under the scales noted
- Treatment options include thiabendazole, piperazine, ivermectin, doramectin
- Tapeworms
- Low survival rates in captive pangolins
Describe the reproduction of pangolins.
How many offspring typically occur?
How are neonates bottle raised?
How long is gestation and the nursing period? (generally, varies by species)
- Reproduction
- Normall solitary but occasionally male/female cohabitation occurs
- Male mounts female sideways
- Single offspring occurs in general
- Formosan pangolin breeding season is Sep – February with births from Aug – Jan
- Gestation, sexual maturity and maternal care vary by species (Table 40-5)
- Newborns are precocious (well-developed)
- Soft scales harden over next few days
- Females have single pair of pectoral mammary glands
- Nurse young for 5-6 months
- Esbilac has been used as a milk replacer
A recent study evaluated venous blood gas analytes of anesthetized white bellied pangolins.
What is the scientific name of this species?
How did anesthesia affect the blood gas analytes?
Were any significant biochemical changes identified with anesthesia?
Bailey, R. S., Aitken-Palmer, C., & Chinnadurai, S. K. (2018).
Venous blood gas and selected biochemical values from awake and anesthetized white-bellied pangolins (Phataginus tricuspis).
Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine, 49(4), 1025-1028.
Abstract: Pangolins are one of the most-trafficked endangered species and are rare in zoologic collections. Blood gas and select biochemical analysis was performed on nine African white-bellied tree pangolins (Phataginus tricuspis). Paired blood samples were collected from the ventral tail vasculature prior to (T1) and after 10 min (T2) of sevoflurane anesthesia, and selected blood gas and biochemical parameters were measured using a portable blood gas analyzer. Median (min-max) values for corrected venous blood were pH = 7.372 (7.207–7.529) at T1 and 7.278 (7.124–7.418) at T2. Corrected values were PCO2 = 51.7 (29.6–69.0) mmHg at T1 and 58.431 (38.1–90.8) mmHg at T2. Clinicians should be aware that this species may hypoventilate while anesthetized with sevoflurane and develop a respiratory acidosis. Concomitant administration of respiratory depressants could compound this effect in a species where oro-tracheal intubation has not been described.
- PO2 increased between awake and anesthetized animals.
- Changes in CO2 not significant but consistent with hypoventilation in other mammals.
Takeaway: This species develops respiratory acidosis under sevoflurane anesthesia.
A recent study established the echocardiographic parameters of the white bellied pangolin.
What is the scientific name of this species?
What cardiac diseases have been reported in pangolins?
What findings were common on the echos of these animals?
What is the best way to position these animals for echos?
- What are some of the limitations of echo in this species?
JZWM 2019 50(3) 604-610
Karisa N. Tang, DVM, Dana Buoscio, DVM, Dipl ACVIM (Cardiology), Jennifer Langan, DVM, Dipl ACZM, Dipl ECZM (ZHM), Michael J. Adkesson, DVM, Dipl ACZM, Dipl ECZM (ZHM), Sathya Chinnadurai, DVM, MS, Dipl ACZM, Dipl ACVAA, Dipl ACAW, and Copper Aitken-Palmer, DVM, PhD, Dipl ACZM
Abstract: Relatively little is known about pangolin care and physiology, and it has become increasingly important to have a better understanding of normal health parameters for evaluation of free-ranging, rehabilitating, and managed populations. Echocardiograms were performed on six African white-bellied pangolins (Phataginus tricuspis) under professional care at a single institution. Because of the propensity of pangolins to roll up with only thick keratinized scales exposed, the pangolins were anesthetized with either isoflurane or sevoflurane. All echocardiograms were performed and evaluated by a board-certified cardiologist. None of the pangolins had any evidence of prior cardiac disease. All standard measurements were obtained. Four pangolins (66.7%) had trace to mild mitral regurgitation, six (100%) had trace to mild tricuspid regurgitation, and two (33.3%) had trace to mild pulmonic regurgitation. All examinations were determined to be normal, with no evidence of valvular structural abnormalities, cardiac dysfunction, chamber enlargement, or cardiac hypertrophy. This report broadens understanding of normal echocardiogram parameters in pangolin species and contributes techniques and baseline data for veterinarians caring for these vulnerable populations.
Key Points
- Pathologies of GIT and respiratory systems most common, isolated reports of cardiac disease in Asian pangolin
– Mild left ventricular hypertrophy, pericarditis, heart failure, arteriosclerosis
– Unclear if African pangolins have similar disease
- N = 6, no known heart disease, induced and maintained on isoflurane/sevoflurane
– Left lateral, right lateral recumbency, FL extended cranially to allow better access to thorax
– Head/thorax elevated for improved ventilation (prevent obesity hypoventilation syndrome)
- No cardiac murmurs or arrhythmias
- Mild tricuspid (100%), mitral (66%), and pulmonic (33.3%) regurgitation 🡪 appears normal
– Regurgitation amount usually too small to obtain velocity
- Positioning more difficult compared to cats and dogs
– Scales prevented full lateral views
– Intercostal space too small for adequate visualization
– Apical 4-chamber and 5-chamber views had suboptimal parallel alignment due to heart orientation 🡪 more in a horizontal plane and thorax small
– Prevented peak aortic outflow velocity estimation, NOT diagnostic evaluation
- Limitations
– Isoflurane and sevoflurane impact on measurements 🡪 can cause myocardial depression
– Differing age classes 🡪 age influence presumed minimal
Take home: presents echocardiographic technique and parameters for P. tricuspis
A recent study described complications associated with pregnancy and parturition in African white-bellied pangolins.
What is the scientific name of this species?
How long is their gestation suspected to be?
What are the indications for caesarian section in this species?
- How are the pups cared for afterward?
Aitken-Palmer, C., Demaar, T. W., Johnson, J. G., Langan, J., Bergmann, J., Chinnadurai, S., … & Adkesson, M. J. (2019).
Complications associated with pregnancy and parturition in african white-bellied pangolins (phataginus tricuspis).
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 50(3), 678-687.
Abstract: There are no studies to date on the normal reproductive physiology of African white-bellied pangolins (Phataginus tricuspis). As a reclusive species, little is known about normal gestation, successful parturition, and potential complications during pregnancy. Ten female P. tricuspis were diagnosed as pregnant and monitored under professional care. Five developed complications during pregnancies or during parturition and are detailed in this case series. Dystocia occurred in two dams each, with malposition of a singleton fetus. Both dams were successfully treated with surgical intervention by caesarian section. Of the two individuals, one fetus was nonviable, but the other neonate survived and was reared by the dam to weaning. A third pregnant female died during pregnancy from septicemia resulting in death of the preterm fetus. The two additional dams of the five gave birth to full-term neonates. One fetus was stillborn with evidence of fetal distress, and the other died immediately after birth (perinatal death) with undetermined etiology. Based on this case series, complications associated with pregnancy occur in P. tricuspis, indicating the need for further study and close monitoring during impending parturition.
- Animals in this study part of a group of pangolins brought to 5 US zoos to establish ex situ population; 10 animals were gravid, 5 of those presented with dystocia
- Normal gestation period unknown: Suggested to be as long as 7-9 mo in this paper
- Neonatal survival reported to be low in Formosan pangolins and dystocia, stillbirths, fatal fetal malformations reported in all 4 species of Asian pangolins
- Normal fetal presentation unknown
– Downward head deviation likely abnormal
– In 2nd case was in anterior position earlier in pregnancy and in posterior position w/ lateral body position during dystocia
– In domestic dogs, anterior vs posterior presentation not associated w/ dystocia, but position of head, limbs and body are
- C-sections were straightforward without complications
- Similar outcome when placenta was manually removed vs shed naturally + ocytocin
- Indications for c-section (similar to other mammals):
– Lack of progression from stage 1 to stage 2 after 6-8h
– Stage 2 labor w/ strong, active abdominal contractions for >30 mins without expulsion of fetus
– Stage 2 labor for > 4h
– Prolonged parturition (stage 1 and 2) for > 24h
– Part of the fetus protruding from vagina without expulsion of the fetus
- Care should be prompt and attentive following C section. Should consider resuscitation w/ atropine and doxapram if needed via umbilical vein
- Monitoring of each dam near parturition by remote cameras or direct observation important
Take home:
- African pangolins seem to be predisposed to dystocia and perinatal mortality
- C-sections should be performed if any of the above listed occurrences are observed
- Monitoring of each dam near parturition recommended
A recent paper described the reproductive behaviors of the Sunda pangolin.
What is the scientific name of this species?
How do male and female courtship behaviors differ?
How does mating occur?
What are some potential concerns with reproductive behavior?
Reproductive behavior of the captive Sunda pangolin (Manis javanica Desmarest, 1822).
Zhang, F., Yu, Y., Yu, J., Wu, S., Li, S., Wang, Q., Min, Y. and Sun, R.
Zoo biology, 2020;39(2):65-72.
Understanding reproductive behavior is important for the conservation of endangered species, but research on the reproductive behavior of Sunda pangolins (Manis javanica Desmarest, 1822) is still very scarce. In this study, we used focal animal sampling and all‐occurrence recording by an infrared monitor to observe the behaviors of two Sunda pangolins during a 5‐day breeding period at the Pangolin Research Base for Artificial Rescue and Conservation Breeding of South China Normal University (PRB‐SCNU). The behavioral characteristics and breeding strategies were analyzed, and the results were discussed together with information on other captive Sunda pangolin pairs at PRB‐SCNU. The results found that there was no obvious estrus behavior in the captive female, while the male could exhibit sexual excitement and courtship behavior after a brief introduction period. Repeated copulation continued over many days after the female accepted the courtship. The average duration of copulatory behavior was 248.9 ± 148.7 s (n = 25), and all copulation occurred between 20:00 and 08:00 hr in the natural day–night photoperiod. The mating position of Sunda pangolins was lateral–ventral and was classified as the ninth or eleventh pattern under both Dewsbury’s and Dixson’s classification systems. This study can provide scientific guidance for the captive breeding and management of Sunda pangolins and other pangolin species, which is of great significance for ex situ conservation tactics.
- Sunda pangolin: Southeast Asia, critically endangered IUCN, Appendix I, one of the most illegally traded mammals in the world
– Nocturnal, generally solitary, males are territorial
Key Points
- Male courtship behaviors: following actively, approaching female, synchronizing behavior, sniffing and touching the female
- Copulation: thrusting, don’t lock, may have 1+ intromissions prior to ejaculation, generally intromission time >3 min, can have more than one copulation within an hour
– 9th or 11th pattern in both the Dewsbury and Dixson classification systems
– Can mate with multiple females
- Female courtship behaviors: following and touching male, backing up into the male to present hip and hind end, reverse mounting
– ‘No estrus behavior appreciated in this study’
– Females may mate repeatedly with the same male or multiple males - possibly induced ovulation
- Males mount in a lateral-ventral position to get around the female’s tail which can only curl ventrally
– Peak mounting and copulating activity between 20:00 and 2:00
– Copulation successful in 10.8% of mounts
– Successful mated pairs copulate many times/day for many days
– Males can injure or kill females with claws (degloving wounds, evisceration)
- No obvious estrus behavior, mating initiated by male courtship but female courtship may occur
- Can be housed and mated in pairs, sexual selection behavior may not be strong
- Sunda pangolins mate in lateral-ventral position, usually at night, and with repeated mating behaviors during an estrus
A recent paper investigated the digesta retention times of Chinese pangolins.
What is the scientific name of this species?
What is their primary diet?
- Which component was easier to track in the feces?
- How long was the GI retention time?
What compound was used as a surrogate for passage time?
- How well did it compare to the passage of ants & termites?
Zoo biology. 2020 May;39(3):168-75.
Digesta retention time and recovery rates of ants and termites in Chinese pangolins (Manis pentadactyla).
Sun NC, Lo FH, Chen BY, Yu HY, Liang CC, Lin CC, Chin SC, Li HF – Rev by AJC
Abstract: Pangolins are myrmecophagous mammals whose biology and ecology remain poorly studied. Termite mandibles and ant head capsules are the two primary remains found in pangolin feces. Determining the retention time of insect cuticles is important for understanding the digestive physiology of pangolins, while determining the recovery rate of termites and ants in feces is required to estimate the number of these prey items that are consumed by pangolins. In this study, the authors conducted feeding trials with captive Chinese pangolins (Manis pentadactyla). Sixty grams of the fungus-growing termite Odontotermes formosanus (18,816 individuals) and 15–20 g of the yellow crazy ant Anoplolepis gracilipes (14,400–19,200 individuals) were fed to each pangolin. After feeding, pangolin feces were collected daily for 1 week. The authors also assessed the accuracy of using chromium (III) oxide powder (Cr2O3) as a proxy for determining gut passage time, as has been done in previous studies. The results showed that remaining termite mandibles and ant head capsules in feces peaked at 66 and 90 hr after feeding and their recovery rates were 0.35 ± 0.10 and 0.65 ± 0.04, respectively. In both feeding trials, the retention time of Cr2O3 was much shorter than that of the termite mandibles and ant head capsules, indicating that Cr2O3 is not an appropriate indicator for estimating food retention time of myrmecophagous animals. Our results revealed that the ant head capsules were preserved better in feces compared with the termite mandibles, suggesting that termites may be considerably underestimated in the feces of wild pangolins.
Key Points:
- Pangolins are obligate myrmecophagous (eat termites or ants) nocturnal mammals
- Ants and termites are very high in chitin
– Numerous ant and termite cuticles present in the feces of pangolins and used to estimate natural diets but due to differences in composition of exoskeleton this may impact estimation of natural diets
– Determining retention time of insect cuticles important for understanding digestive physio of pangolins
- Objective: assess digesta retention times and recovery rate of ants and termites
- Cuticular remains of ants were preserved much better and found in higher numbers than termites in pangolin feces
– Likely that traces of termites present in pangolin feces are more difficult to detect
- Pangolins defecated every 1-2 days after consuming the insect diet (no difference between being fed ants or termites)
- Proportion of termite/ant cuticles excreted peaked on days 3-4 after feeding which is longer than other myrmecophagous animal (giant anteaters, numbats and echidnas).
- Chromium (III) oxide powder had a faster digesta retention time than termites or ant cuticles
Take Home:
- Cuticle remains of ants are higher than that of termites in the feces of captive pangolins.
- Chromium (III) oxide powder is not a good surrogate for ant/termite passage times in Chinese pangolins
A recent study established serum biochemical and mineral parameters of the Sunda pangolin.
What is the scientific name of this species?
What changes were documented in restrained rather than anesthetized pangolins?
Were there any differences by gender or by age class?
Serum biochemistry and select mineral parameters of pre-release sunda pangolins (Manis javanica) following rehabilitation in vietnam.
Nguyen ND, Lam HK, Jimerson J, Hayek LA, Raphael BL, Valitutto MT.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 2021;52(1):241-252.
Native to Southeast Asia, the Sunda pangolin (Manis javanica) is critically endangered largely because of poorly regulated wildlife trade, consumptive practices, and use in traditional Chinese medicine. Efforts to rescue and rehabilitate animals confiscated from the illegal trade are complicated by a general lack of knowledge surrounding the normal health and disease processes unique to the species. To provide clinical reference intervals for normal health states of Sunda pangolins, biochemical parameters were determined from rescued individuals in Vietnam that had undergone a 14-day observation period and met a set of criteria for release back into the wild. Blood samples were collected from 42 apparently healthy Sunda pangolins while anesthetized or awake. Packed cell volume (PCV) and total solids (TS) were determined manually, and serum biochemistry values were determined in-house with a benchtop analyzer. Additional biochemical and mineral parameters not included in the primary panel were determined from a subset of 10 pangolins through an external diagnostic laboratory. Overall reference intervals were calculated for PCV and TS (n = 29) and for standard serum biochemistry parameters (n = 42). Females and males demonstrated significant variation with respect to body mass, potassium (K+), and phosphorus, whereas age was a significant source of variation in alkaline phosphatase. Seasonal variation in glucose (GLU), creatinine (CRE), total proteins, sodium, calcium, and K+ was also observed. Comparisons between anesthetized and awake pangolins demonstrated significant variation in GLU, CRE, and K+. The parameters determined in this study can serve as a clinical reference for ex situ Sunda pangolin conservation efforts. In the context of wildlife rehabilitation, serial bloodwork allows for continued monitoring of patient health and should inform decision making regarding release readiness and timing.
- Sunda pangolin (Manis javanica; Family Manidae) - critically endangered, Appendix I CITES
– Threats: human consumption, skin trade, traditional Chinese medicine
– Nocturnal, semifossorial, semiarboreal, obligate myrmecophages (ant-eating, and termite)
– High stress under human care, rehabbed after confiscation from illegal trade
Key Points
- Venipuncture - ventral coccygeal vein, fasted, awake or anesthetized, prior to release
- Analyzer: Abaxis VetScan Comprehensive and bench-top VetScan VS2
- Small sample sizes
- Sexual dimorphism: males higher weight (5 kg vs 3.8 kg avg), Phos, and K
- Subadults: higher ALP than adults
- Season: Glu higher in winter, Crea, Ca, Na, K, TP higher in summer
- Anesthetized vs awake: Glu higher under GA, crea and K higher awake
- PCV and TS: no significant variation by sex, age, season, or anesthesia vs awake
- Reference intervals established for Sunda pangolins (Manis javanica) biochemistry on Abaxis
A recent paper described the use of Modified Choukroun’s Platelet-Rich Fibrin in rescued formosan pangolins.
What is the scientific name of this species?
What are some of its common conservation threats?
What are some of the benefits of platelit rich fibrin or plasma?
How was platelet rich fibrin acquired in this paper?
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 52(2): 779–786, 2021
Ting-Yu Chen
Abstract: Trauma is a key threat to wild Formosan pangolins (Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla) and the most frequent reason for presentation to the rescue center of the Taipei Zoo from 2008 to 2017. Of the 105 cases received during this time, 72% presented for trauma. Among these 76 cases, 72% survived and were returned to the wild. Traditional wound management resulted in healing times from 45 to 410 d. Improvements in the success and duration of wound healing could increase the success rate of pangolin release back to the wild. This case series describes wound management in five cases using either traditional wound management practices (two cases) or modified Choukroun’s platelet-rich fibrin (MC-PRF) in an attempt to accelerate the wound-healing process (three cases). MC-PRF is relatively easily obtainable and widely used to promote tissue healing in other species. MCPRF was applied to the wounds of three pangolins every 1 to 2 wk with satisfactory results. The healing time with MC-PRF were 21, 45, and 51 d, shorter than the 60–98 d seen in the cases of traditional wound management in this series. Given the scarcity of literature on pangolins, these cases evaluating both traditional and MC-PRF wound management practices can serve as examples for other pangolin rescue centers in their treatment of traumatic wounds.
Key Points:
- Formosan pangolin is subsps of Chinese pangolin
- Trauma is the leading reason for presentation of pangolins to the Tapei Zoo’s rescue center
– Mostly snare or trap related – tail or limb fractures are common, puncture wounds, cuts, or bites from being trapped also occur. 72% survival rate with time to healing ranging from 45 to 410 days
– Reduced survivability in captivity due to poor acceptance of captive diets – anorexia very common due to stress, health status, and lack of diet variety
– Reducing healing time may enhance survival
- Platelet rich plasma: concentrated natural combination of platelet-derived growth factors that should exert bioactivity at the site of application.
– Contains: platelet- derived growth factors including insulin-like growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, platelet-derived angiogenic factor, and transforming growth factor beta. May provide early protection against bacterial contamination
- Platelet-rich plasma or platelet rich fibrinogen are used for a variety of wounds, but require multiple purification steps that may delay application or prevent certain facilities from having access to these products
- The modified Choukroun’s platelet-rich fibrin technique is the easiest and most inexpensive method of obtaining platelet-rich products – need syringe and centrifuge
– 3 mL blood obtained from ventral tail vein, placed in centrifuge tube with no additives, centrifuged at 2,000 g for 10 minutes. The MC-PRF forms as a jelly (the buffy coat). Rapid centrifugation without additives concentrates fibrinogen before thrombin turns it into fibrin, capturing platelets and leukocytes in the clot.
– This can then be applied directly to wounds
- This report described two cases with traditional wound management (debridement, cleaning with dilute chlorhexidine, honey bandage, antibiotics based on C/S, and tegaderm covering) as well as three cases with the addition of MC-PRF which had slightly shorter healing times.
– Traditional wound management required more intensive debridement, topical treatment and bandaging and had a wide variability in time to healing
Take Home: Great resource for obtaining MC-PRF for wound healing; more work needed to determine if it does truly reduce healing time in pangolins.
A recent study described the nutritional content of Polyrhachis ants.
What is the scientific name of the Chinese pangolin?
Describe the anatomical adaptations pangolins have to be myrmecophagous?
- What is their dentition like?
- What is different about their stomach?
What are some of the nutritional benefits of chitin in pangolin diets?
What are some of the benefits of formic acid?
What nutritional values were both colony and adult ants high in?
Colony composition and nutrient analysis of Polyrhachis dives ants, a natural prey of the Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla).
Xu N, Yu J, Zhang F, Wu S, Zou C, Wang Q, Wang Y.
Zoo Biology. 2022;41(2):157-165.
The Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla) is a critically endangered mammal with a highly specialized diet. To enhance nutritional knowledge of its diet, we analyzed the colony composition of a nest of Polyrhachis dives ants, which is the key natural prey in the Chinese pangolin’s diet. In addition, we determined the nutrient composition of the total colony compared with adult ants. Nutrients quantified in this study included: crude protein, crude fat, carbohydrate, and amino acids, minerals, and vitamins, as well as formic acid and chitin, which have not been reported in previous diet studies. Our results showed that the colony consisted of adults (82%), pupae (10%), larvae (7%), and eggs (1%) (fresh mass). Both the total colony and adult ants, respectively, contained high concentrations of crude protein (62.97% and 64.68%), chitin (49.25% and 60.40%), crude fat (10.12% and 9.91%) (dry matter basis), and formic acid (2.06% and 3.07%) (fresh mass). This implies that Chinese pangolin might prefer prey with high protein, high chitin, low fat, and low formic acid content. Colony and adult ants differed in chemical composition in many aspects, thus it might be unsuitable to feed Chinese pangolin with only adult ants. Chitin and formic acid may play important roles in the diet and selectivity of Chinese pangolin. This study provides reference information that may be useful for developing better artificial diets with more comprehensive nutrient compositional data to meet the nutritional requirements of the Chinese pangolin under managed feeding programs.
- Chinese pangolins - critically endangered since 2014, CITES Appendix I
– Toothless and have a highly specialized diet consisting of mainly ants and termites
– Polyrhachis dives are the main ant prey in their diet
- Pangolins have a specialization of the muscularis externa of the pyloric region of the stomach which is large and forms a type of gizzard
- Chitin - reduces absorption of bile acids and fatty acids, promotes growth of Bifidobacteria which produces lactase and galactose kinase, helping the host absorb lactose, and inhibits growth of other microorganisms
– Adding 5% chitin into artificial food of Chinese pangolin increased digestibility of fat but decreased digestibility of dry matter, crude protein, ash, and energy by more than 10%
– Could shorten the period food stays in the GI tract allowing feces to take more wild-type shape (strips or lumps)
- Formic acid - beneficial effect on animal growth performance, inhibits growth of some microorganisms (Salmonella, Campylobacter, E coli), or change gut microbiome
Key Points
- Both the whole colony and just the adult ants had high crude protein, chitin, crude fat, crude ash, formic acid
- Colony had higher Fe, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cu, Se than adults alone ‘while adults scored higher in other minerals’
- Colony had higher Vit B2 and Vit E than adults
- Energy content of adults was higher than the total colony
- Both P. dives colony and adult ants were high in protein and chitin but no high in fat and low in formic acid
- Colony and adult ants differed in chemical composition in many aspects and it might be unsuitable to feed Chinese pangolins with only adult ants
A recent study investigated the incorporation of soil and chitin into captive Sunda pangolin diets.
What is the scientific name of this species?
What is their dietary gruel typically made of?
How did the addition of soil to the gruel affect digestibility?
How did the addition of chitin affect digistibility?
- What species can digest chitin?
- How does chitin affect calcium absorption in anteaters?
Zoo Biology. 2020;39:29–36.
The addition of soil and chitin into Sunda pangolin (Manis javanica) diets affect digestibility, faecal scoring, mean retention time and body weight
Francis Cabana | Claudia Tay
Abstract: Pangolins (Manis spp.) are myrmecophagous mammals with a wild diet of termites and ants. Diets are not yet readily acceptable by all pangolins and lack soil and chitin compared to their wild diet. This study aimed to assess the usefulness of including soil and chitin in pangolin diets by measuring changes indigestibility, food mean retention time, faecal scoring and body weight changes. Two male and two female Sunda pangolins (Manis javanica) from Night Safari (Singapore) were fed their typical gruel‐type diets, with soil and chitin added in various amounts throughout 10 different treatments. Diet intake was calculated daily and faecal boluses were collected for digestibility analysis. Chromium oxide was added to the diet to measure mean retention time four times per animal per treatment. Faecal consistency scores were recorded daily where 1 is firm and 5 is liquid. Every animal was weighed weekly. Adding soil or chitin to the diet had various effects on the apparent digestibility of organic matter, crude protein and fiber with little effects on crude fat or calcium. Soil had a general positive influence on organic matter and fiber digestion. The addition of chitin and soil together had the stronger effects. Only at 25% inclusion of soil did the faecal score begin to improve. The overall maintenance energy requirements for adult M. javanica was 79.28 Kcal/kg BW^0.75/day, similar to other myrmecophagous mammals. The usage of soil and chitin in pangolin diets may be helpful in controlling weights while preventing behaviours associated with hunger.
Key Points
- Nutrition is described as the most difficult aspect of keeping pangolins in captivity
- Gruels high in insects – ants’ eggs, silkworm larvae, black soldier fly larvae – have been successful but transitions to gruel from live ants is often needed
- Wild pangolins ingest a substantial amount of chitin and soil due to the nature of their prey – rescued pangolins may have stomach contents up to 70% soil by weight basis
– Soil may act as a masticatory agent since they are toothless
- Gruel in this study – silkworm larvae, mealworms, ants’ eggs, insectivore pellets, vitamin K, vitamin b complex
– Added soil (5, 15, 25%), chitin (2, 4, 8, 10%) or both (10 or 25% soil, 10% chitin)
- Feces & diet were analyzed to determine digestibilities
- Treatment affected digestibility of protein (increased with soil), fat (increased)
- Chitin may have decreased mean residual time as it increased in the diet
- The addition of both chitin and soil improved fecal condition scores
- Myrmecophages have some ability to digest chitin as NDF
– Armadillos, anteaters, & pangolins have short intestines with no cecum
– Aardvarks have a caecum
- Soil may provide beneficial microbes
- Unlike anteaters, adding chitin did not affect the absorption of calcium (increased in GA by 20% when chitin was 10% of the diet).
- Took pangolins a few days to get use to the addition of the soil
Take Home: The addition of soil and chitin can enhance digestibility and satiety of pangolins in captivity
A recent study evaluated the clinicopathology of African white-bellied pangolins.
What is the scientific name of this species?
What types of crystals were common in their urine?
What changes were seen with advancing age?
JZWM 2022 53(3) 551-560
Death due to illegal trade and trafficking serves as the largest threat to pangolins in their geographic range countries. Appropriate veterinary care is essential to the welfare of sick or debilitated pangolins. Given the challenge of comprehensive physical examination of this species due to its unique anatomic features and poorly studied physiology, laboratory diagnostics can provide essential information to guide appropriate medical care. This retrospective study included previously analyzed blood and urine samples collected from adult (n = 17) African white-bellied pangolins (Phataginus tricuspis) under managed care that were sampled over a 4-yr period as part of routine veterinary examinations. Samples from clinically normal animals were used to summarize results for this species. Pangolins had a lymphocyte-predominant leukogram with a mean neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio of 0.83 (min–max: 0.13–4.81). Seasonal, sex, and age differences were present for several hematologic and serum biochemical analytes. Urine samples had a median urine specific gravity (USG) of 1.040 (min–max: 1.006–1.060), a neutral-to-basic urine pH (6.0–8.6), and contained mainly struvite crystals or infrequently calcium oxalate dihydrate crystals. Winter samples had higher USG than summer samples. The clinicopathologic data provided herein offers applicable information useful for the clinical management of pangolins.
Key Points
- Intro
– Pangolins are insectivorous mammals, 8 species, 4 of which native to Africa. Ex situ population management increasingly important.
– MC COD in Asian pangolins - GI disease, pneumonia, skin disease, intestinal parasitism
- Retrospective review of records from 2016-2020:
– CBC/chems
– Urine samples
– Created standard reference intervals
- Anisocytosis, polychromasia reported in all individuals. Low numbers of schistocytes, target cells, Howell-Jolly bodies, echinocytes, hyper-segmente neuts, reactive lymphs, and large platelets. Rouleux formation in 6/114 samples.
- Urine: squamous epithelial cells present in samples, and struvite crystals were present (n=14), rare to moderate. Ca oxalate dihydrate from two urine samples from the same pangolin.
- Advancing age was associated with higher Na, CL, Creat, ALP, AST, ALT, globulins, calculated osmolality, and MCH
- Advancing age was also associated with lower Ca, phosphorous, BUN:Creat, albumin, albumin:globulin ratio, RBC count, reticulocyte count, WBC count, neutrophil count, lymphocyte count, urine specific gravity (USG), and urine pH
- Male pangolins had higher Creat, RBC count, HGB, and PCV, while females had higher BUN:Creat
- Seasonal variation was documented for MCH, BUN, BUN:Creat, ALP, TBili, and USG (Fig. 2).
– MCH higher in summer vs spring (P = 0.002) and winter (P = 0.0001).
– BUN concentrations higher in spring than summer (P= 0.02) and fall (P= 0.009).
– BUN:Creat was higher in winter compared with summer (P = 0.01) and fall (P = 0.007).
– ALP activities were higher in spring vs fall (P = 0.03).
– Total bilirubin concentrations were higher in fall than spring (P = 0.02) and winter (P = 0.01).
– USG was higher in the winter vs summer (P = 0.03).
Take home message
* Describes hematology, biochemistry and urinalysis data of clinically normal adult P. tricuspis ex situ.