Marsupials Flashcards
What are the seven orders of marsupials and what groups are in them?
Where are marsupials located geographically?
- Taxonomy
- Australasia and Americas
- Majority in Australia, New Guinea, nearby islands
- One species in NA - Opossum
- Subclass Marsupialia
- Sever orders
- Didelphimorphia – opossums, 92 spp
- Microbiotheria (Monito del Monte)
- Dasyuromorphia (dasyurids – 71 spp).
- Peramelemorphia (bandicoots and bilby, 21 spp)
- Notoryctemorphia (marsupial moles, 2 spp)
- Diprodontia (koala, wombats, possums, gliders, macropods – 140 spp).
- Sever orders
- Australasia and Americas
Describe the musculoskeletal anatomy of marsupials.
What species have an ossified patella?
What are the epipubic bones?
Syndactyly occurs in which species?
What is unique about the atlanto-occipital articulation of macropods? What is a potential downside of that?
What is unique about the macropod symphysis?
- Musculoskeletal system
- Only bandicoots and bilby have ossified patellas
- Epipubic bones extend from cranial pubis
- Paired clavicles in all spp except bandicoots and bilby
- Second and third digits on hindfoot are syndactylus except for opossums, dasyurids, and the numbat.
- Macropods
- Atlanto-occipital articulation is highly flexible, allows muzzle to remain horizontal whether neck is horizontal or vertical.
- Weakness at the articulation may result in fractures at that site.
- Mandibular symphysis of kangaroos and wallabies unfused and flexible.
- Banded hare-wallable, bettongs, and potoroos it is fused.
Describe marsupial dentition?
What is unique about their deciduous teeth?
What are the two main groups? How do these groups reflect their natural history?
What species exhibit molar progression? What other taxa do this?
What is unique about koala dentition?
What is the dental formula of marsupials?
- Dentition
- Deciduous teeth apart from the third PM degenerate before eruption.
- Two broad groups
- Polyprotodonts (many incisors) – dasyurids, numbat, opossums, marsupial moles, bandicoots, bilby.
- Majority carnivorous or omnivorous.
- Diprodonts (two lower incisors) – Macropods, koala, wombats, possums, gliders.
- Majority are herbivorous.
- Wombats are the only diprodont marsupials with one pair of upper incisors and the only marsupials with hypsodont teeth (rootless, ever growing).
- Some spp of macropods (genus Macropus) exhibit molar progression.
- Molars erupt caudally and migrate forward throughout life.
- Cheek teeth shed from font as they wear out, replaced by next tooth.
- Unique to macropods, elephants, and manatees.
- Koala – occlusal surfaces of molars wear continuously and degree of tooth wear important for plane of nutrition.
- Polyprotodonts (many incisors) – dasyurids, numbat, opossums, marsupial moles, bandicoots, bilby.
- The basic dental formula for marsupials is I 5/4; C 1/1; P 3/3; M 4/4 but this now exists only in the Didelphidae, with the incisors of extant Australian marsupials not exceeding I 5/3.
Describe the gastrointestinal anatomy and physiology of marsupials.
What is merycism?
What is the fermentation strategy of macropods? What about koalas, wombats, possums, and gliders?
What is unique about the koala cecum?
Do any marsupials exhibit coprophagy?
What type of GI do dasyurids, bandicoots and bilbies have?
How does the GI system connect with the urinary or reproductive systems?
- Gastrointestinal system
- Macropods – foregut fermenters
- Merycism – Occasional regurgitation into mouth, involves rather violent heaving motion with vigorous movements of the forelimbs and thorax.
- Bolus not generally rechewed as in ruminants and is quickly reswallowed.
- Merycism – Occasional regurgitation into mouth, involves rather violent heaving motion with vigorous movements of the forelimbs and thorax.
- Koalas, wombats, most possums and gliders – monogastric, hindgut fermenters.
- Koalas – largest cecum relative to body size among all known mammals.
- Wombat SI is short, colon large and sacculated, cecum vestigial.
- Possums and gliders – expanded cecum is main site for fermentation in ost spp.
- Striped possum and honey possum – simple SI, lack plant material in diets.
- Coprophagy in some spp of ringtail possums.
- Dasyurids, bandicoots, bilby have simple GIT.
- Females – Urogenital sinus (urethra opens into), together with the rectum opens into a common vestibule (cloaca).
- Males – Penis lies within the common vestibule.
- Urogenital openings ventral to the rectum.
- Macropods – foregut fermenters
Describe the anatomy and physiology of marsupial skin.
What species lack a pouch?
Do males have teats? How does teat number vary across species?
Where is their skin thinnest and thickest?
What is unique about glider skin?
- Skin
- Many spp of dasyurids, opossums, numbat lack a pouch.
- Som spp temporary pouch from folds of skin during lactation.
- Males lack teats.
- Female teat number varies.
- 2 koala.
- 2 wombat.
- 4 macropods, numbat
- 4-12 in dasyurids
- 2-6 in possums and gliders
- 6-8 in bandicoots, bilby
- 4-13 in opossums.
- Cutaneous glands have various functions.
- Thin skin, especially inner surfaces of forelimb, where vascularity of SQ is significantly increased.
- Wombat skin thicker compared t others, inelastic.
- Sacral plate on the rump that is rigid.
- Gliders distinguished from possums by presence of a gliding membrane extending from hindlimb to forelimb.
Describe the sensory anatomy of marsupials.
What is their field of vision like?
What pupil shapes exist in marsupials?
Describe the fundic anatomy of macropods, koalas, and dasyurids.
- Sensory systems
- Wide field of peripheral vision with binocular vision for precise close vision.
- Good day and night vision.
- Still have difficulty navifating barriers that are not solid when alarmed and fleeing.
- Iris is thick and brown, pupil circular and ilated easily with tropicamide.
- Fundus heavily pigmented dark brown ventrally.
- Some animals have choroidal vessels visible through the pigment.
- Optic disk at the junction between these two zones, well vascularized.
- Retinal vessels not prominent.
- All macropods have persistent hyaloid vessels (tuft arising from center of optic disk and extending toward the posterior lens capsule). Usually not easily visualized but may be seen moving within vitreous.
- Kangaroos – myelination of then erve fiber layer may be seen extending from around the optic disc.
- Lateral and medial.
- Koala – small, spherical, frontally palced eyes.
- Relatively large corea.
- Tapetum across retina above optic disc.
- Mean IOP 24.2+/- 6 mmHg.
- Iris brown.
- Pupil vertically oriented slit.
- Lacrimal puncta slitlike openings inside the lid edges near medial canthus.
- Dasyurids have a vascular retina.
- Arteries do not branch but form discrete capillary loops.
Describe the immune system of marsupials.
How does the immune system of pouch young develop?
How is passive immunity provided? How long does it last?
What lymp structures are palpable in healthy marsupials?
- Immune system
- No lymphoid tissue is present at birth, neonate is not immunocompetent.
- Mos tspp reach immune system maturation at time of first release from the teat about half way through pouch life.
- Passive transfer of material Ab throughout lacrtation.
- Ab are absorbd unchanged across GI epithelium of pouch young.
- Passive immunity is short lived most maternal Ab lost about 4 wks after separation from the mother, with young only protected buy an underdeveloped active immune system.
- Secretions from pouch epithelium and MP in marsupial milk may contribute to immunologic protection of pouch young.
- Thymi are firm, bulging structures on ventral neck.
- Regress by sexual maturity.
- Superficial LN not palpable in healthy macropods.
- Superficial inguinal, axillary, rostral mandibular, mandibular, and facial LN are palpable in koalas.
- Popliteal and subiliac LN are absent.
Describe the reproductive anatomy of marsupials.
What type of placentation do they have (generally speaking)?
Describe the anatomy of the female urogenital tract.
Describe the route the fetus takes during parturition.
How does the median vagina change after the first parturition in most species?
Describe male marsupial reproductive anatomy.
What accessary sex glands are present?
What marsupials produce seminal plugs?
- Reproductive system
- Diffuse, epitheliochorial choriovitelline placenta.
- Bandicoots – diffuse placenta with both choriovitelline and chorioallantoic contributions.
- Female reproductive anatomy
- Each of the paired lateral uteri opens into a vaginal cul de sac through a cervix.
- Paired lateral vaginae both open separately into the urogenital sinus at level of urethral opening, separated along the length by soft tissue median septum.
- During parturition, fetus tunnels through this septal tissue for form a median vagina.
- In most marsupials, median vagina closes rapidly after fetus passes and then reforms with each subsequent parturition.
- In most macropods, opossums, and honey possuym, the med vagina becomes epithelialized after first parturition and remains patent as permanent median vag.
- Male repro anatomy
- Scrotum is pendulous, pedunculated (other than wombats), and pre penile.
- Strong cremast muscle retracts scrotal contents against the body.
- Accessory sex glands include a large disseminate prostate and one or more pairs of bulbourethral glands.
- No seiminal vesicles or ampullae.
- Some spp the prostate is easily palpated in the abdomen of breeding males.
- Macropodidae are the only marsupials to produce semen.
- Coagulates to form a seminal plug in the female after ejaculation.
- May be seen protruding from the female common vestibule.
Describe the urinary anatomy of marsupials.
What is the path of the ureters from kidney to bladder?
Why is urinary bladder surgery difficult?
Why is urinary catheterization of males difficult?
- Urinary system
- Unique to marsupials – Path of ureters from kidney to bladder.
- Ureters pass between median and lateral vaginae on each side.
- Surgical procedures on females difficult.
- Macropods, koala and wombats, bladder is intrapelvic when not distended.
- Ureters pass between median and lateral vaginae on each side.
- Urethra of male has paired valvelike cusps proximal to the external orifice.
- Similar cusps distal to the urinary bladder sphincter. Mkes cath difficult.
- Koalas – two regions of the male urethra may potentially impede the cath.
- First is a narrowing of the lumen and some mucosal irregularity in the vicinity of the openings of the bulbourethral glands.
- Second is the prostatic sinus, groove on either side of the urethral crest distal to the neck of the bladder.
- Unique to marsupials – Path of ureters from kidney to bladder.
Describe the metabolism and thermoregulatory strategies of marsupials.
What type of adipose tissue do they have?
What are the two types of torpor in marsupials? Which species experience which type?
At what point can pouch young thermoregulate?
How does marsupial metabolism compare to other mammals? What species have higher metabolic rates compared to other marsupials?
How do marsupials regulate their body temperature?
- Metabolism and thermoregulation
- No brown adipose.
- Two types of torpor in some spp.
- Shallow daily torpor – temp drops to 11C-28C lasts 2-20 hours – opossums, dasyurids, small possums, numbat and marsupial moles.
- Deep prolonged torpor (hibernation) – body temp drops to 1-6 deg Cm lasts 1-3 wks in pygmy possums, feathertail glider, monito del monte.
- Cannot thermoregulate until about half way through pouch life.
- Metabolism is lower than other mammals.
- Macropods at 25% and koala and hair nosed wombats at 44%.
- Basal metabolic rates highest in the small insectivorous dasyurids, but rates for other dasyurids less than half of other carnivores.
- All wombats have extremely low req of energy, protein, and water.
- Thyroid hormones in plasma in wombats lowest recorded for any mammal.
- Koalas and hairy nosed wombats rarely drink fluids.
- Thermoregulation by evaporative mechanisms – panting, seating, licking.
- Unique kangaroos – sweating stops as soon as exercise stops despite body temp.
- A method of evaporative heat loss by spreading saliva on forearms is common in macropods that have undergone exertion or anxiety.
- Panting is major means of evap cooling in the koala.
- Wombats more tolerant of cold than heat, cannot sweat.
- Use postural thermoreg or salivation on forelegs and hest to air cooling.
- Dasyurids do not sweat, cope with heat by licking and panting to increase evap cooling.
What are the four types of marsupial placentation?
Give examples of groups of marsupials with each type.
- 4 types of marsupial placentas
- Complete absence of allantois as a placental organ; allantois used only for excretion. All nutrients passed through a well vascularized yolk sac (Maceopodidae, phalngeridae, didelphidae)
- As above but the allantois approaches the chorion, although it does not fuse with it and retreats again during development (eastern quoll and dunnarts, other Dasyurids unknown)
- The allantois fuses with the chorion to form a chorioallantoic placenta but the yolk sac remains well-developed and is the main organ for exchange. (Phascolarctidae, Vombatidae);
- The allantoic placenta is the main organ of exchange but a well-developed choriovitelline placenta remains. The chorioallantoic placenta forms a discoid placenta that is firmly attached to the uterine wall and there is a long and thick umbilical cord (Peramelidae).
Describe the postnatal development of marsupials.
How does milk composition change over time?
Describe the lung development of neonatal macropods.
What is the primary function of the liver in neonatal macropods?
How is infection prevented in the nonsterile environment of the pouch?
● Normal Postnatal Development
o Neonatal macropods lack functioning adaptive immune system and weigh < 1 gram.
o After birth they crawl from cloaca to the pouch, continue to develop within a nonsterile environment.
o Suckling is continuous initially, becomes progressively intermittent after first third of pouch life.
o Milk composition changes dramatically with lipids, protein, and energy content increasing over time and carbohydrates decreasing at the point of pouch emergence.
o Newborn macropods – cutaneous respiration and simple lungs capable of gas exchange.
▪ Lungs composed of short branching airways that terminate in large saccules.
▪ Development of lungs is generally slow, saccules become subdivided by septal crests and decrease in size.
▪ At birth, liver is actively hematopoietic, produces the erythrocytic, granulocytic, leukocytic cell lineages.
▪ Throughout pouch life the hematopoiesis declines in the liver and BM takes over.
▪ Hemoglobin of pouch lung adapted to lower O2 and higher CO2 concentrations than ambient levels.
▪ Renal function is limited and compensated for by continuous oral intake of milk.
▪ Gastric grehlin secretion is important for regulating appetite shortly after bith.
▪ Pouch contains a broad range of gram positive and negative bacterias.
▪ Immune compounds in milk, prenatal transfer of immunoglobulins, antimicrobial compounds sereted in the pouch, chemical and mechanical cleaning of the pouch and pouch young.
▪ Paired thymus play important role in maturation of T cells and CMI.
▪ Pouch young able to synthesize antimicrobial peptides soon after birth.
Describe the proper nutrition of marsupials.
What are some common nutritional issues?
● Nutrition
o Most marsupials low metabolic rate and lower maintenance req for energy, protein, water, and other nutrients.
o Captivity often fed in excess and diets of low fiber that result in obesity and GI/dental dz.
o Energy intake should be monitored and controlled, activity encouraged.
o Small macropods should be supplemented with vit E.
▪ Prone to weakness and wasting of HL leading to paralysis and death.
● Myopathy.
● Stress, overcrowding may increase vit E requirements.
● This syndrome not only linked to diet, probs multifactorial.
Describe the hand rearing of marsupials.
Describe the differences in marsupial milk that make it challenging to find a suitable replacer.
How does the volume drank differ between mother reared and hand reared pouch young?
What effect does lactose have on pouch young?
Describe the weaning process for proper GI function.
o Hand rearing
▪ Requires detailed understanding of neonatal development and physiology, unique pouch environment, maternal care, passive immunity, development of immune system, amd milk composition.
▪ Major challenges simulating the pouch environment and functions.
● Also finding appropriate milk substitute.
● Minimizing exposure to pathogen.
● Milk of marsupials must support pouch young from embryonic state at birth until independence.
o Composition changes profoundly during course of lactation.
o Calcium, P, Na, and K also changes with lactation time.
o Milk very low in lactose, oligosaccharides predominant carbs for most of lactation.
o Transport of sugars into the intestinal mucosal cells relatively slow process.
o Mother-reared PY drink small volumes frequently.
o Hand reared PY fed larger volumes less freq.
o When hand reared PY fed milk containing lactose, the capacity of mechanism for transport of sugars into cell exceeded, unabsorbed lactose accumulates within intestinal lumen, increases osmolality of gut contents and results in watery diarrhea, dehydration, malabsorption, malnutrition, stunted growth.
o Oligosaccharides significantly larger than lactose and exert a lower osmotic effect.
▪ Numerous milk formulas have been used.
● Critical factors – Low lactose content, mirror changing composition of natural milk from early to late lactation.
● Weaning process – herbivores require inoculation of gut with appropriate bacteria. Hand reared koalas that have not consumed pap must be fed natural pap or substitute.
● Macropod and wombat young should be given access to fresh feces from healthy adults or mixed with water or formula, fed as slurry.
Describe marsupial reproduction - what are the various phases?
What are the five marsupial reproductive strategies and what species exhibit them?
● Reproduction
o In general – Brief gestation, birth of altricial young, extended and sophisticated lactational phase, significant portion fo which is spent in the pouch.
o Unlike other mammals, in all marsupials – conception does not interrupt the estrous cycle, but lactation does.
▪ 5 basic marsupial reproductive strategies:
▪ 1 – Possums, mountain pygmy possum, gliders, dasyurids, opossums are polyovular and polyestrous, with a gestation period shorter than the estrous cycle.
● Postpartum estrus and ovulation are suppressed during lactation.
▪ 2 – Bandicoots and bilbies are polyestrous and polyovular, with an ultra-short gestation period.
▪ 3 – Macropods are monovular and polyestrous, with a gestation period of similar lngth to the estrous cycle.
● Postpartum estrus and ovulation occur.
● During lactation, if fert has occurred, embryo remains as a blastocyst in embryonic diapause, except in western gray kangaroo, Lumholtz tree kangaroo, and musky rat kangaroo.
o Maintained by the sucking stimulus of the PY,
o Eastern gray kangaroo, parma, and whiptail wallaby – postpartum estrus does not occur, but females may come into estrus and mate when PY is older.
▪ 4 – Honey possum and pygmy possums (except the pygmy possum) – polyestrous and polyovular, with prolonged gestation and embryonic diapause.
▪ 5 – Koala and wombat are polyestrous and monovular, gestation period shorter than estrous cycle.
● In koala, ovulation is induced by copulation.
How can the reproductive success of marsupials be enhanced?
How does cross fostering work?
What are some difficulties with it?
How does milk composition change with the addition of a donor young?
o Enhancing reproduction.
▪ Semen collection, cryopreservation, induced superovulation, artificial insemination, ooyte and ambryo harvesting, and in vitro fert have been carried out in various spp.
▪ Best success probably koalas.
▪ Cross fostering has been successful in macropods.
● Potential to dramatically increase the reproductive rate.
● Rearing of young by a surrogate mother of a different taxon.
● Alternative for euthanasia of very small unfurred orphans of threatened spp.
● Factors implicated in successful cross-fostering attempts:
o Relative size of donor and surrogate females
o Size of pouch young at weaning.
o Differences in length of pouch life between spp.
o Size differences between the donor young and those of the surrogate spp at transfer.
● Females regulate milk composition and production irrespective of pouch young age.
o Transfer of donor young to species with more immature or advanced mammary glands will result in slowing or acceleration of growth and development and duration of pouch life.
o If the joey can be raised to age at which hand-rearing can start, considered successful.