Phobias- behavioural explanation Flashcards
How are phobias caused?
mowrer suggested- Classical and operant conditioning
eg. little albert+skinners rat+pavlovs dogs
Limitation behavioral expl. phobias (reductionist)
P. Reductionist
E. doesnt take into account biology eg… or cognition eg.. irational beliefs and cog. distortions
E. so not a full explanation for phobias because it is not applicable to every cause of phobia
L. therefore weakness because is poor explanation as lacks generalisability and ecological validity
strength behavioral expl. phobias (evidence)
supporting evidence
little albert
Further evidence- De Jongh-found 73%
people with fear of dentists had experienced trauma involving dentistry, compared to control group with low dentist anxiety where only 21% had experience of a traumatic event.
strength behavioral expl. phobias (individual)
Individual explanations: The two-process
model provides a credible explanation for how a particular person developed and maintained their specific phobia
can focus on ind. diff. in treatment etc
Phobias characteristics
Behavioural- panic, avoidance, endurance
Emotional- Anxiety, fear, unreasonable response
Cognitive- Selective attention, irrational beliefs, cognitive distortions