Depression- cognitive treatment Flashcards
2 treatments for depression
A combination of cognitive and behavioural therapy
Changes irrational thoughts and beliefs and changes behaviour in response to these thoughts and beliefs
Identifies and challenges irrational thoughts
Reality tests beliefs ‘client as a scientist’- gets evidence to challenge negative belief
Changes negative thoughts and put in place more effective behaviours
Behavioural activation- gradually decrease avoidance and isolation and increase engagement in mood boosting activities like exercise
Rational emotive behavioural therapy
Turns irrational thoughts into rational ones
And also resolves behavioural problems
Developed ABC Model
D- dispute/challenge irrational belief/thought
E- effects- effects of disputing irrational beliefs
Types of disputing:
Logical/reasoned disputing
Empirical disputing- based off evidence from their real life
Pragmatic- emphasis lack of usefulness of beliefs
Patients do homework tasks where they identify their own irrational beliefs and prove them wrong. Vital for testing irrational beliefs against reality and putting new beliefs into practice
Limitation CBT (it’s ok)
Robinson reviewed 57 studies and found that CBT was better than no treatment at all, but could find no evidence to suggest that CBT was more effective than other psychological treatments
Evaluation CBT (Cost)
Not Cost-effective:
Compared to cheap drug therapy
CBT is a fairly brief therapy, requiring only 6-12 sessions, making it a cost-effective talking therapy for the NHS
Strength CBT- (Effective)
Effective: March compared CBT to antidepressants and a combination of the two when treating over 300 teens. After 36 weeks, 81% CBT group, 81% antidepressant group and 86% of combined group significantly improved.
Limitation CBT (mood)
Sturney- same for learning disability- can’t focus or understand
In some cases, depression may be so severe that patients cannot seem to motivate themselves to engage with the hard work of CBT. One major symptom of depression is a lack of concentration, which may affect their ability to even pay attention to what is happening in a session.
Limitation CBT (relapse)
Relapse: Recent research suggest long-term outcomes aren’t as good as initially considered. Ali assessed 439 clients monthly for 12 months after CBT. 42% relapsed in 6 months, 53% relapsed within a year.