Phobias and the Behavioural Approach to Explaining Phobias Flashcards
Definition of phobias
Instances of irrational fears that produce an avoidance of the feared object or situation
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5
What does the DSM5 categorise phobias into:
1- Specific Phobias
2 - Social Phobias
3 - Agoraphobia
Specific phobias:
Fears relating to a particular object or situation. Include animal or situational phobias
Social phobia:
Excessive fear of situations involving other people. Most people are nervous about public speaking but someone with a social phobia is afraid of any activity performed in public (e.g eating in public)
Fear of public spaces. This can result in people being afraid to go out of their home, so they are unable to go to work or shop for provisions.
- It is thought to be most serious of all phobias
- Many ppl with agoraphobia also prone to panic attacks when they venture into public spaces
What are the three characteristics:
- Behavioural
- Emotional
- Cognitive
What are behavioural characteristics:
Something that you DO
What are the three behavioural characteristics:
- Panic
- Avoidance
- Endurance
Describe behavioural characteristic: Panic
Panic may involve a range of behaviours including crying, screaming or running away
Describe behavioural characteristic: Avoidance
People with a phobia make conscious effort to avoid coming into contact with phobic stimulus. This can make it hard to go about daily life
Describe behavioural characteristic: Endurance
The alternative to avoidance is endurance, in which a sufferer remains in the presence of the phobic stimulus but continues to experience high levels of anxiety
What are emotional characteristics:
How you are FEELING
What are the two emotional characteristics:
- Anxiety
- Emotional responses are unreasonable
Describe emotional characteristic: Anxiety
Phobias are examples of anxiety disorders. They involve emotional response to anxiety and fear. Anxiety prevents sufferer from relaxing and makes it difficult to experience any positive emotion. Fear is the immediate and extremely unpleasant response we experience when encounter or think about phobic stimulus
Describe emotional characteristic: Emotional responses are unreasonable
The emotional responses experienced in relation to phobic stimuli go beyond what is reasonable