Phobia Characteristics Flashcards
Panic, Avoidance, and Endurance
Panic in response to phobic stimuli which may involve crying, screaming, or running. Children may act differently by freezing or having a tantrum.
Tend to go to great lengths to prevent encountering the phobic stimuli. This can make daily life hard e.g. afraid of using public toilets may limit time spent from home effecting their work, education, and social life.
Person chooses to remain in presence of the stimuli.
Anxiety, Fear, and Unreasonable emotional response
Phobias are classed as an anxiety disorder. They may involve an emotional experience of anxiety which is an unpleasant state of arousal. Prevents person from relaxing and experiencing positive emotions which can be long term.
The immediate, unpleasant response felt when they encounter or think of stimulus. More intense but usually short term.
Unreasonable emotional response
Anxiety or fear is much greater than normal and disproportionate to the threat it poses.
Selective attention to phobic stimulus, Irrational beliefs, Cognitive distortions
Selective attention to phobic stimulus
Keep full attention on it which is not useful when the fear is irrational and so distracts concentration.
Irrational beliefs
They may hold unfounded thoughts in relation to the stimulus.
Cognitive distortions
The perceptions of a person with a phobia may be inaccurate and unrealistic.