PHMP and decontamination Flashcards
What is PICO?
What is confidence intervals and relative risk?
Confidence interval:
the range of values that the absolute risk difference will take in the population
A confidence interval that overlaps with the value of no difference is insufficient evidence for a difference between treated group an the control group.
relative risk:
the ratio of;
Probability of an outcome in exposed group: Probability of an outcome in an unexposed group.
What are the 5 steps/cycle of clinical audits?
Identify problem or issue
Set criteria and standards
Observe practice/data collection
Compare performance with criteria and standards
Implementing change
Name 2 other things you can do other than audit? (5)
Peer review- Getting groups of dentists together to share experiences on the aspects of practice.
Enhanced Significant Event Analysis- Meet and analyse an event to implement changes from what we have learned.
Practice based research project- Participation in an approve research project with Scottish Dental practice Based Research Network.
Quality improvement project- specific methodologies and training required for this.
What are the 6 dimensions of healthcare? briefly explain each
Safe – ensure no avoidable harm to patients and that healthcare is delivered in a clean and safe environment.
Effective – ensure that most appropriate services, interventions and support are provided to everyone.
Person centred – partnership between patients and those delivering healthcare, ensures individual needs/values are met via communication, compassion, continuity and shared decision making
Timely – ensures that the most appropriate services, treatment and support are delivered at the correct time for everyone
Efficient – ensure that input maximises output = avoiding waste of equipment, supplies, ideas and energy.
Equitable – Ensures high quality care is provided to everyone regardless of personal characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, location and socioeconomic status.
What 3 head, neck and oral features can occur with cocaine use? (7)
Perforation of nasal septum and palate
Gingival lesions &ulceration
Erosion and attrition of tooth surfaces
Orofacial pain +/- cluster headaches
Nasal drip
What are 4 side effects of opioid use? (6)
Infective endocarditis risk
Enhances sedative agents
In large quantities;
Respiratory depression
What chemical class of drugs does methadone belong to?
Opiod receptor agonist
5 Methadone can be taken orally. Two formulas exist, one which contains sugar and an alternative formula which is sugar-free.
(a) List two environmental or lifestyle factors which increase the risk of dental caries for an individual who is prescribed methadone.
- Environmental: SIMD – employment status (unemployed), Crime rates (high), income (low)
- Lifestyle: high sugar, poor OH
What is the risk of sugar free preparation of methadone?
- More acidic - erosion
- Sugar free methadone lacks chloroform- less of an irritant if injected. The patient could inject this- increasing the risk of adverse side effects e.g. HIV transmission through reusing needles.
- Give 3 types of consent?
Implied – patients action or lack of action clearly indicates their wishes
Verbal – patient clearly states their consent for procedure
Written – patient signs declaration that they consent to procedure
What factors must we discuss with the patient to ensure informed consent? (8)
Why tx is justified
What is involved in the procedure
The risks and benefits of tx
Alternatives to tx
Consequences of no tx
What 6 factors make up consent?
It must be
-Recently obtained
-Remain current and appropriate (pt still agrees)
-Specific to the proposed treatment.
-Ability (patient needs to have the capacity to make an informed condition )
Informed- Pt needs enough information to make the decision.
Voluntary- Pt has made the decision (not manipulated or coerced)
What type of person carries consent for a 3 year old patient (4)
Those with parental responsibility
- Biological mother
- Childs father if he is married to biological mother
- The childs father (if not married) as long as his name is on the birth certificate after 4th May 2006
- court appointed people with parental rights (e.g. adoptive parents)
What type of person carries consent for a 16 year old patient
In Scotland those 16 or over can consent for themselves as long as they have capacity
Or welfare guardian.
Or dentist with AWI certificate.
You are working at a dental practice as a dentist, you arrived exceptionally early and saw 2 nurses getting off the bus in their uniforms.
- Name 2 concerns you would raise with the nurses?
Infection control/cross infection
practice and professional reputation
You are working at a dental practice as a dentist, you arrived exceptionally early and saw 2 nurses getting off the bus in their uniforms.
Name 6 key learning outcomes from a learning session on PPE?
Wear PPE at times when dealing with clinical procedures
Change/Wear PPE when cleaning up
Change PPE between patients
Correct disposal PPE after usage and soiling - in orange stream
Use of PPE During decontamination
Use of PPE: Protect eyes, hands and clothing
Use of PPE: Protect the patient: eyes, hands and clothing
You are working at a dental practice as a dentist, you arrived exceptionally early and saw 2 nurses getting off the bus in their uniforms.
Identify 4 Key steps you would follow when conducting an audit to ensure staff follow instructions on PPE? (4)
Clinical Audits are a quality improvement report.
The key steps of an audit cycle are:
* Identify the problem or issue.
* Set criteria & standards
* Observe practice/collect data.
* Compare the performance with criteria and standards
* Implement change.
- Why do we need to clean? (4 examples)
Q said manual cleaning but manual cleaning is being phased out
1. Incase of biological contamination Contamination with deposits prevents direct contact between the steam and surfaces of the instruments that is necessary for effective sterilisation. - e.g. biopsy devices may become contaminated with previous patient materials (resulting in a misdiagnosis)
2. -Functionality of the instrument (biological debris may clog the hinges in forceps and impair function of cutting tools such as burs or endodontic files)
3. Removes organic material:
Any restorative material left on instruments can adhere to the instruments (during sterilisation) making them more difficult to clean & can encourage microorganism growth. These should be removed if possible at chairside.
4. Legal requirements- It is a requirement under the medical devices directive for effective cleaning prior to sterilisation.
Why do we need to test the washer disinfector/steriliser? (4)
Legal requirement
Testing helps detect procedural errors and equipment malfunctions
It is important to protect the patient by making sure the machine has carried out all parameters as set up during installation or validation.
Ensure the equipment is working to its optimum and to the correct standard
Ensure validity of the cycle ( Validation is completed by a qualified personell- also does periodontic testing/maintenance)
Describe the 5 steps of the washer disinfector
Cleaning stages - prewash, main wash and rinse-
Flush/prewash - saturates the contaminated instruments
< 35 degrees (to prevent coagulation of proteins)
Main wash - Detergents are used at this stage to increase the effectiveness
Depends on the chemicals used (generally 45-65 degrees)
Rinse - removes residue (biological or chemical)
< 65 degrees
Removing prions/vCDJ:
Thermal disinfection - actively killing microorganisms with heated water
Between 90 - 95 degrees for a minimum of 1 minute
Drying - removes moisture before sterilisation
No specific temperature but its usually between 90 - 110 degrees
What are the differences between type B and type N sterilisers?
Type N:
No vacuum = Work by filling the chamber with steam and passively forcing air out of the chamber.
Cannot process wrapped, channelled or lumened instruments or hinged (due to the lack of vacuum capabilities)
instruments cannot be stored and must be used directly after sterilisation
Type B Sterilisers:
Pre-vacuum - Remove air by vacuum pump to create a negative pressure
Then chamber fills with air - allows all surfaces of the instruments to be sterilised (even wrapped instruments)
Post-vacuum - removes remaining moisture to ensure the product is not saturated
Processes wrapped, channeled and lumened instruments and porous items i.e. cotton wool swabs
Since it can process wrapped instruments the instruments will be sterile at the time of use and can be stored (for long periods of time)
Name 4 key personnel involved in the decontamination process and give a
description of each of their roles
Manager (generally the practice owner):
Person who is ultimately responsible for decontamination
define staff roles and responsibilities, ensure training records are present etc
Person designated by the manager with the authority to operate a steriliser/washer disinfector
This includes those involved in noting of device reading and housekeeping duties
competent/Test person:
Records Test cycle readings from the machine to ensure that the parts of the machine are working correctly and that the equipment taking temperature/pressure readings are providing accurate values
Periodic testing, Maintenance and validation of equipment:
We have the equipment tested and validated by a qualified personnel so that we are assured that the decontamination responsibilities are being carried out to the correct standard.
Authorising Engineer (decontamination)
AE(D) ensure the work being done by you and the service partner are up to standard.
- Can sign off validation reports carried out by CP(D)
- Can advice if the testing is being carrying out correctly or not
What type of water is used for the final rinse in the AWD cycle and why use this as opposed to mains water?
Pure water is used. This has all the particulate filtered out and has a very low bacterial/fungal presence. (Conductivity of PW is 4.3 microsiemens)
Mains water cannot be used as we want a conductivity of less than 30 microsiemens.
Conductivity is a measure of all the particulate water has come in contact (silicates/metals/minerals) . Mains water can leave a residue on the instrument surface
Tap water cannot be used for sterilisers, have to use water of less than 30us (micro-siemens)- pure water.
Pure Water:
Reverse osmosis
What is CPD? (3)
Continuing professional development:
- process of tracking and documenting the skills,
knowledge and experience that you gained throughout your career
- It is a requirement by the GDC that a registered member must adhere to 100 hours of verified CPD training every 5 years to stay registered.
- CPD helps maintaining and updating their skills, knowledge and behaviour throughout their working life, contributing to delivery of good quality care and service provision, that patients and the public trust.
How many hours of CPD are to be done in a 5 year cycle and how many are to be
At least 100 hours of Verifiable CPD every 5 years
At least 10 hours every 2 years (want to spread the CPD)
Give 3 suggested CPD topics and the hours per cycle
Medical emergencies (At least 10 hours)
Disinfection and decontamination (at least 5 hours)
Radiography/radiation protection (At least 5 hours)
What are the 6 components of clinical governance?
Clinical audit
Openness (to poor performance and practice)
Risk management (to patients and practitioners)
Clinical effectiveness - evidence based practice
Education and training (CPD)
Research and development
What is an audit?
what is the purpose of a clinical audit? (3)
List the stages of a clinical audit cycle (6)
It is a quality improvement process that seeks to improve patient care and outcome through systematic review of care against explicit criteria and the
implantation of change.
It is used to :
Review what should be done is being done
Highlight gaps in knowledge, learning, attitudes, protocols and training
To produce a framework for implementing change
-Identify problem or issue
-Set criteria and standards
-Observe practice/data collection
-analyse and compare performance with criteria and standards
-Implementing change
What are the stages of significant event analysis (SEA)? (7)
Step 1 – identify significant event
Step 2 – collect and collate as much information as possible relating to the event
Step 3 – convene a meeting – non-threatening, no blame – educational focus
Step 4 – undertake a structured analysis
Step 5 – implement changes and monitor progress of all actions agreed upon
Step 6 – write up event analysis
Step 7 – seek educational feedback – peer review
List stages in the chain of infection (6)
Infectious agent
portal of exit
mode of transport
portal of entry
susceptible hosts
state the name and concentration of chlorine releasing agent
sodium hypochlorite (actichlor) – 10,000ppm – 3-5mins
How long is the chlorine releasing agent left for?
Give waste streams and an example for each?
Waste streams:
1. Black
2. Orange
3. Yellow
4. Red
Black stream:
Household/domestic waste/non-infected waste
e.g. paper towels, wrappers
Disposal = put in an outdoor bin and collected by the council for landfill
Orange stream:
Low risk items that come into contact with the patient
e.g. PPE, swabs
Disposal = secured with ratchet tag, removed by specialise services to be heat disinfected
Yellow stream:
High risk/HAZARDOUS items
e.g. teeth (no amalgam), SHARPS, contaminated metal instruments, drugs and medicines
disposal = removed by specialist services for incineration
Red stream:
e.g. Amalgam, teeth containing amalgam fillings, lead foils
disposal = removed by specialist services and undergoes specialised waste reprocessing and centrifuging so that the mercury does not harm the environment
Brown confidential - confidential documents e.g. letters, px notes
Tooth with extracted amalgam what stream does it go into?
red stream
disposal = removed by specialist services and undergoes specialised waste reprocessing and centrifuging so that the mercury does not harm the environment
Amalgam Disposal
● Amalgam waste is put in a rigid white container which is has a screw top (red) lid and is spill proof
● It contains a mercury vapour suppressant
● it is clearly labelled as amalgam and is easily distinguished from other waste streams
● Amalgam waste is centrifuged to remove mercury (which is recycled)
Amalgam licensing law:
consignment note - kept for 3 years
What document is a legal/GDC requirement that needs to be kept regarding waste disposal?
How long does this need to be kept for?
What information has to be recorded? (5)
consignment note - kept for 3 years
Description of waste
Quantity of waste
Destination of waste
Origin of waste
Transport of waste
Describe clinical governance.
It is a systematic approach to maintaining and improving the standard of patient care within the health system.
What are the divisions of NHS Scotland dental services?
- Primary care
general dental services/practices
Public dental services – community services - Secondary care – hospital/dental hospital services
List the 9 GDC standards for dental professionals
Put patient’s interests first
Communicate effectively with patients
Obtain valid consent
Maintain and protect patients information
Have a clear and effective complaints procedure
Work with colleagues in a way that is in patients best interests
Maintain, develop, and work within your professional knowledge and skills
Raise concerns if patients are at risk
Make sure your personal behaviour maintains patients confidence in you and the dental profession
List the sinner circle (5)
Over time blood or biological matter can dry in and adhere to the instrument.
Limit time between use and processing.
Detergent depends on purpose:
Enclosed process- High and low alkaline detergent (not touching skin)
Ultrasonic- enzymatic detergent
Manual washing- pH neutral detergent (less harmful for operator skin)
Chemicals must be validated against the cycle and revalidated if they are altered.
Influenced by the chemicals used/ stage of AWD (wash stage <65 degrees & thermal disinfection (90-95 degrees)
Energy - The force applied when cleaning
Manual = brush
Ultrasonic = cavitation via sound waves
Washer disinfect = high pressure jet sprays
Since the force generated in the WD is less than the others we have to add stronger chemicals i.e. high/low alkaline (this can be used as its an enclosed process).
Also, Water - Various types can be used;
Potable/tap water can be used for;
Ultrasonic (hot or cold)
Manual washing (hot or cold)
Washer disinfect (hot or cold)
Tap water cannot be used for sterilisers, have to use water of less than 30us (micro-siemens)- pure water.
Name the 10 SiCPs
patient placement and assessment for infection risk
hand hygiene
respiratory & cough etiquette
safe management of linen
safe management of blood & bodily fluids spillages
safe management of care environment
safe management of care equipment
safe waste disposal (including SHARPS)
Occupational safety - prevention and exposure management of SHARPS
What are the 4 pillars of ethics?
o Respect for autonomy
o Non-maleficence
o Beneficence
o Justice
What is negligence?
The omission to do something which a reasonable practitioner would do
(something which a reasonable practitioner would not do)
Dentist fails to meet standards of ordinary care which can ultimately result in px harm.
Negligence could be not doing something or doing something you shouldn’t have done.
What is the criteria for clinical negligence? (4)
- The dentist** owes the patient a duty of care** (if he has accepted the person as a patient- if you have not accepted the person you have no duty of care towards them)
- Duty of care is breached. This would be if your practice has not met the accepted standards (taken from expert witnesses e.g. other dentists)
- as a result of the breach, harm has been caused i.e. damage.
- The damage has to be reasonably foreseeable and have had negative consequences and effects. Therefore, the dentist should have seen that this could happen and so put measures in place to prevent it from happening.
How long should Notes be kept for - adults and children.
Adults = A minimum of 2 years and up to 10 years
Children = 10 years or up to the 25th/26th birthday rule. (whichever is longer for children)
What should Notes be? (8)
What type of study provides the highest level of evidence?
List 4 aspects of this type of study?
We thinking Randomised Control Trial
randomised, inclusion/exclusion criteria, control group, double blinding.
Systematic reviews/meta analysis of RCT - Cochrane review
* Well formulated question (PICO)
* Comprehensive data search - using electronic databases/ongoing/unpublished non english studies
* Unbiased selection and abstraction process- at least 2 reviewers & a data extraction form to select relevant papers
* Assessment of papers- at least 2 reviews assessing quality (components of study) and risk of bias
* Synthesis of data- metanalysis calculates the treatment effect based on the pooled data.
Give 3 other study designs (other than the one with the highest evidence).
Cohort study - prospective
case control study - retrospective
cross sectional study
case study - one patient
ecological study
What is SiMD?
Scottish index of multiple deprivation
Area based index which uses data zones to rank neighbourhoods based on social determinants i.e employment status, crime, housing conditions, income, education (skills, training), geographic access to services, health/healthcare services
1-5 (1= poor area, 5 = affluent)
Give 7 factors influencing deprivation?
employment status
housing conditions
education (skills, training)
geographic access to services
health/healthcare services
Split mouth study designs
- What are the advantages of a split mouth study design? (2)
Both control and intervention group are exposed to same environment.
Each of the 2 treatments are randomly assigned to either the right or left halves of the dentition in the same environment.
What are the disadvantages of a split mouth study design (3)
Patient can not be blinded
Adds more bias into the reporting
Incorrect reporting risk
What is a P value?**
Used to determine the significance of your results. (Hypothesis testing)
P value is a probability
P <0.05 is used to indicate statistical significance
This would mean you reject the null hypothesis & your results are statistically significant.
Describe the decontamination cycle? (9)
acquitisation (buying them)
Name 4 legislations for decontamination.
SDCEP health & safety - practice support manual
SHTM 0101
BSEN - British standards European norm
Give 5 common reasons for Handpiece faults
- Incorrect compression setting and lack of maintenance
- Damaged/oversized bur fitted
- Incorrect use/not used for its intended use
- Poor/inadequate cleaning and incorrect processing
- Incorrect/inadequate lubrication (most common)
Briefly describe manual washing (2)
- PPE, Process, Drying
Requires PPE:
Face shield
Nitrile rubber gloves and heavy duty gloves over the top of them.
Dedicated sink for manual washing and Separate sink for rinsing
Water cannot > 35 degrees C
proteins coagulate above this temp and can also damage the chemicals we are using to clean
Chemical detergent with a neutral pH
Follow manufactures guidelines
Usually in ml/L i.e. 5ml per 1 litre
Use a long handled, soft bristled, non-metallic brush which can be processed through a thermal washing cycle.
Scrub the instruments below the surface of the water
Increases the contact of the instrument and the detergent in the water
It minimises splashing
Prevents aerosols being produced
Using sterile, dry, non linting disposable towel to aid drying process.
Used for likened hand pieces and items that would be damaged or inhibit sterilisation by immersion technique
Non limiting disposable wipes are used to wipe down instruments
Briefly describe ultrasonic bath
Uses sound waves at a high frequency to generate microbubbles.
The fluctuation in pressures generated by the waves causes the bubbles to expand and then collapse which has a scouring effect against the surface of the instruments = cavitation
What maintenance and tests are carried out for an AWD?
Checking the spray arms rotate and spray jets are not blocked
Checking the door seal for damage or contamination
Verifying the condition of the load carrier
Checking there are no instruments (parts) from pervious cycles
Making sure the strainer/filter is clear
Making sure there is enough chemical
Carrying out a protein detection test and soil test
Noting disinfection temperatures on daily cycles
Carrying out a full ACT (automatic control test - weekly)
What temp, pressure and time is sterilisation carried out (Sterilisers)?
134-137 degrees and must be maintained for 3 minutes
2.05-2.35 bar
What maintenance and tests are carried out for sterilisers - daily and weekly? (3 each)
drain and fill the reservoir (standing water is the perfect place for harbouring bacteria)
Steam penetration test (bowie dick- checmical indicator to see that steam penetrates )
ACT - automatic control test
Air leakage test (sucking all the air out to check chamber integrity- that no air can get back in)
Air Detector Function tests- puposefully puts air in to check the machine can detect it.
Give 4 factors in the aetiology of fear?
Past negative medical/dental experiences.
e.g. painful, frightening, embarrassing.
Influence of family/peers. (transference)
Expectation of pain.
Media representations.
Poor knowledge of the dental environment/procedures
How may an anxious patient present? (7)
High neuroticism
pessimism and negative expectations/outcomes
Low pain threshold
poor concentration
Physiological & Somatic sensations:
Feelings of unease
Tell them that this is a normal response for someone who is worried/nervous
Cognitive Features
Interference in concentration
Hypervirgilance (looking around all the time)
Inability to remember certain events whilst anxious
Imagining the worst outcome
Behavioural Reactions
Aggressive behaviour
What is the cycle of behaviour change? (5)
precontemplation - not interested in change at this moment
contemplation - keen for change in the future
preparation - wants to make change now
(relapse can occur at any stage)
Give 4 management techniques for anxious patients? (10+)
- Reducing anxiety via general attitude/try to reduce anxiety via your treatment style;
- Explain the fight or flight response
- Let the patient know that they are in control.
- Establish trust.
- Provide realistic information.
- Provide a high level of predictability - i.e. at the start of the appointment tell the patient exactly what you have planned, ask them their thoughts and concerns.
- Can also establish stop/rest signals
- Positive reinforcement
- Tell, show, do
- Acclimatisation
- voice control - Teach them coping strategies:
Relaxation exercises
Distraction activities = Pleasant/relaxing thoughts, counting.
Moderate/severe dental anxiety:
3. Exposure based treatment programmes = systematic desensitisation.
- Pharmacological Support:
They can prescribe an oral sedative e.g. benzodiazepines from GP
referral - May need professional psychological/psychiatrist treatment where the anxiety is a manifestation of underlying emotional problems/serious mental difficulties.
What is primary appraisal in stress?
interpretation/evaluation of stressors - is it significant
- harmful / threat
or - irrelevant / a challenge
What is secondary appraisal?
Reaction to primary appraisal to adress any percieved threats.
1. alarm stage (initation of fight or flight)
2. Resistance - if it continues the body stays activated but this cannot be maintained
3. Exhaustion.- prolonged exposure to the stressor depletes the body’s resources (leading to a variety of health issues)
Give 4 responses to stress?
- Direct action
- Seek information
- Do nothing
- Coping
What is burnout?
A process whereby a previously committed professional disengages from his or her work in response to stress and strain experienced in the job
Maslach burnout inventory:
1. Emotional exhaustion measures feelings of being emotionally overextended and exhausted by one’s work
2. Depersonalization measures an unfeeling and impersonal response toward recipients of one’s service, care treatment, or instruction
3. Personal accomplishment measures feelings of competence and successful achievement in one’s work
Give 4 examples of coping mechanisms for stress?
Work/life balance
education on stress
set own goals
know own limits.
What are the recommended allowances for alcohol intake for Male and females?
14 units spread evenly across 3 days with 2 alcohol free days per week
How may you screen for alcohol abuse?
using screening tools like;
AUDIT - (gold standard) isn’t recommended in the GDP setting as it is time consuming
FAST - (recommended) the most practical and relevant in the GDP setting
CAGE - can be used in GDP but not on young people
CRAFFT - can be used in GDP specifically on young people
What brief intervention can be used for alcohol abuse?
We use behaviour change counselling
We should be non-judgemental
Should last between 5 - 2 minutes
We should encourage people to recognise their conflicting feelings towards their actual and ideal behaviour
We should encourage people to recognise that the responsibility of change lies with them
A one off intervention:
Aimed at changing behaviour
FRAMES Framework:
F-eedback is given to patient about their drinking
R-esponsibility for change is placed on the patient
A-dvice for change is given to the patient
M-enu of options -Self directed change options are given
E-mpathetic style using warmth, respect and understanding
S-elf-efficacy to encourage change - empowering the patient
How do you calculate how many packs of cigarettes smoked per year?
20 cigs in 1 pack
number of packs per day x number of years smoked
How do you offer smoking brief intervention?
The 3 A’s
Establish and record smoking status Is the patent a non/current/ex? how many per day? how long for? what products? quitting attempts? desire to quit now/future?
Personal benefits - use what you’ve found in the mouth to provide supporting evidence
Offer to help and signpost services
Phone trained advisor that will provide advice, Specialist services, Pharmacy services
The 5 A’s
Establish and record smoking status (as above)
Personal benefits - use what you’ve found in the mouth to provide supporting evidence
Arrange follow up:
What are the 6 criteria that make up consent?
It must be
-Recently obtained
-Remain current (pt still agrees)
-Specific to the proposed treatment.
-Ability (patient needs to have the capacity to make an informed condition )
Informed- Pt needs enough information to make the decision.
Voluntary- Pt has made the decision (not manipulated or coerced)
List 6 things you should tell the patient for valid consent?
o Options for treatment, their risks and potential benefits
o Why you think a particular treatment is necessary and appropriate for them? o The consequences, risks and benefits of the treatment you propose
o The likely prognosis
o Your recommended option
o The cost of proposed treatment
o What might happen if the proposed treatment Is not carried out
o Whether the treatment is guaranteed, how long it is guaranteed for and nay
exclusions that apply
what are the principles of waste disposal? (4)
What are the 2 next steps after an audit?
Implement changes, Repeat the audit
What do we dry instruments with and why?
a sterile non-linting disposable towel
(doesn’t shed fabric/material)
List the dimensions of healthcare(6)
Person centred
What 3 factors makes consent valid.
obtained recently
consent is specific
consent remains appropriate
Define incidence and prevalence.
Number of new cases over a specific period of time.
Number of cases at a point in time. (snapshot)
A patient with Alzheimer’s attends your clinic.
What are the signs and symptoms? (7)
- Short term memory loss
- Inability to manage everyday tasks
- Confusion/poor judgement
- Communication problems (Gradual loss of speech)
- Distress aggression/anger/mood changes/ frustration
- Risk of wandering/leaving taps running/cooking unattended.
- Increased physical frality
- Difficulty eating and swallowing (causing weight loss)
- Social withdrawl
- Apathy (lack of interest)
- Loss of confidence
What are the signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s? (4)
bradykinesia (Slow movement and initiation of movement)
rigidity (increased muscle tone- causing pt to be stiffer & move in jerks)
resting tremor
mask like appearance
Drooling (problems with swallowing)
Cognitive changes/hallucination
What are the principles of the Adults With Incapacity Act 2000?
Minimum necessary intervention
Take account of the wishes/past wishes of the adult
Consult with relevant others i.e. family members, friends, carers
Encourage the adult to exercise what capacity they have (residual capacity)
What is capacity?
The ability to;
* Give consent
- Make reasoned and informed decisions
- Understand decisions (Understand the tx, benefits&risks, consequences of no tx and alternatives)
- Communicate decisions (Tell you what they want e.g. language barrier)
- Retain memory of decisions
Who can consent under the AWI 2000?
welfare POA
welfare guardian
Medical and dental practitioners - who have has specific training - under section 47 of AWI act with general authority to treat.
what is the equivalent of AWI 2000 in England?
Mental Capacity Act 2005
How do the symptoms of parkinsons complicate dental treatment? (5)
problems with consent - lack of capacity
Swallowing problems
Impaired use of upper limbs.
Tremor at rest- often reduces on purposeful movements- but patient may need iV sedation wth midazolam for muscle relaxation to reduce movement and enable safe provision of dentistry.
Problems with tx compliance and communication
Dry mouth from the anticholinergic side effects of the drugs
Drug interactions
hard to recognise pain
Cleaning of reusable surgical instruments is an essential pre-requisite to ensure effective disinfection and or sterilisation. Give 4 reasons why.
-Functionality of the instrument (biological debris may clog the hinges in forceps and impair function of cutting tools such as burs or endodontic files)
-Incase of biological contamination (Biopsy devices may become contaminated with previous patient materials. This can result in a mis-diagnosis.
-Restorative materials- cements can adhere to the instruments making them more difficult to clean. Cements and restorative materials should be removed at chairside.
-Legal requirements- It is a requirement under the medical devices directive for effective cleaning prior to sterilisation.
What are the 5 stages of the washer disinfection cycle. Explain why each stage is important and what the effect is at each stage.
Prewash - remove easy to remove contamination
**Wash- to remove difficult to remove contamination & to wash the instruments and inside of the machine.
** rinse- to remove detergents from previous stage
Thermal disinfection- to disinfect the instruments and inside of the machine
Drying- to drain and dry the instruments and the inside of the machine ready for the next load.
Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Shiny Sheen smokers’ toothpaste compared to the brand market leader.
Methods: This single centre study was carried out on 48 consecutive patients who smoked. Participants had a baseline tooth-cleaning and were randomly allocated to 1 of 2 products. After one month outcomes were assessed including whether there was any tooth staining. The outcome assessor was unaware of product allocation.
Results: Shiny Sheen was more effective at preventing tooth staining than the brand market leader: Risk Ratio (RR) [95% Confidence interval] =0.91 [0.74 to 1.14].
State the research question using the PICO framework.
2020 p1
- P – population = smokers
- I – intervention = shiny sheen
- C – comparison = brand market leader
- O - outcome = tooth staining prevention
Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Shiny Sheen smokers’ toothpaste compared to the brand market leader.
Methods: This single centre study was carried out on 48 consecutive patients who smoked. Participants had a baseline tooth-cleaning and were randomly allocated to 1 of 2 products. After one month outcomes were assessed including whether there was any tooth staining. The outcome assessor was unaware of product allocation.
Results: Shiny Sheen was more effective at preventing tooth staining than the brand market leader: Risk Ratio (RR) [95% Confidence interval] =0.91 [0.74 to 1.14].
What kind of study is this?
2020 p1
Randomised control trial
Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Shiny Sheen smokers’ toothpaste compared to the brand market leader.
Methods: This single centre study was carried out on 48 consecutive patients who smoked. Participants had a baseline tooth-cleaning and were randomly allocated to 1 of 2 products. After one month outcomes were assessed including whether there was any tooth staining. The outcome assessor was unaware of product allocation.
Results: Shiny Sheen was more effective at preventing tooth staining than the brand market leader: Risk Ratio (RR) [95% Confidence interval] =0.91 [0.74 to 1.14].
What 2 steps have been taken to minimise bias in this study (1).
Explain why these minimise bias (1)
2020 p1
- Random allocation of the toothpaste.
- Blinding of the person assessing the level of tooth staining after.
- Randomisation prevents the researcher picking patients they think will do better/ provide better results.
- Blinding of the assessor- They are not aware of which toothpaste is causing the result (prevents assessor being more lenient to achieve the result they want)
Provide two safety features of amalgam waste conditioners
2020 p1
- Amalgam waste is put in a rigid white container which is has a screw top (red) lid and is spill proof
- It contains a mercury vapour suppressant
- (it is clearly labelled as amalgam and is easily distinguished from other waste streams)
Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Shiny Sheen smokers’ toothpaste compared to the brand market leader.
Methods: This single centre study was carried out on 48 consecutive patients who smoked. Participants had a baseline tooth-cleaning and were randomly allocated to 1 of 2 products. After one month outcomes were assessed including whether there was any tooth staining. The outcome assessor was unaware of product allocation.
Results: Shiny Sheen was more effective at preventing tooth staining than the brand market leader: Risk Ratio (RR) [95% Confidence interval] =0.91 [0.74 to 1.14].
How would you communicate the risk ratio (RR) to a colleague?
2020 p1
This gives us the effect of the intervention.
Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Shiny Sheen smokers’ toothpaste compared to the brand market leader.
Methods: This single centre study was carried out on 48 consecutive patients who smoked. Participants had a baseline tooth-cleaning and were randomly allocated to 1 of 2 products. After one month outcomes were assessed including whether there was any tooth staining. The outcome assessor was unaware of product allocation.
Results: Shiny Sheen was more effective at preventing tooth staining than the brand market leader: Risk Ratio (RR) [95% Confidence interval] =0.91 [0.74 to 1.14].
Is there sufficient evidence that shiny sheen is effective at preventing tooth staining in the population of smokers?(1) Justify your answer (1)
2020 p1
The risk ratio overlaps the value of 1, therefore not significant.
Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Shiny Sheen smokers’ toothpaste compared to the brand market leader.
Methods: This single centre study was carried out on 48 consecutive patients who smoked. Participants had a baseline tooth-cleaning and were randomly allocated to 1 of 2 products. After one month outcomes were assessed including whether there was any tooth staining. The outcome assessor was unaware of product allocation.
Results: Shiny Sheen was more effective at preventing tooth staining than the brand market leader: Risk Ratio (RR) [95% Confidence interval] =0.91 [0.74 to 1.14].
List four additional pieces of information you would wish to know before drawing firm conclusions on whether or not you would consider recommending Shiny Sheen as a smokers’ toothpaste. (2 marks)
- Who funded the research- was it shiny sheen (could there be a conflict of interest)?
- Drop outs- was this equal on both sides (could indicate another problem with the toothpaste making patients non-complaint.
- What was the inclusion exclusion criteria
o Smoker- but what? How long for?
o Anything else that may have impacted their shade- Coffee/ previous whitening) - When was the toothpaste used? Were they both used the same amount of times i.e. twice daily.
2020 p1
2 List two complications that may arise in the dental surgery if local anaesthetic with adrenaline is administered to a patient who has recently abused cocaine?
- Increase in blood pressure
- Risk of heart attack
Practice principal is concern about sharps injury policy and ask you to investigate it
- Describe how would you investigate it (5)
1.Identify problem/ issue
2.Set criteria & standards
3. Observe practice (collect data)
4. Compare performance with criteria and standards
5. Implement change
Audit cycle came up twice.
A nurse sustains sharps injury from patient with Hepatitis B
- Initial management of the injury (2)
1.Apply pressure and allow it to bleed (Squeeze)
2. Wash don’t scrub (soap and water)
3. Assess type of injury-
High risk material (blood/bodily fluid)
Significant injury (Through the skin/ superficial graze)
4. Risk of blood source- is the patient known to have HIV/HEP B/C
5. Establish contact- senior member of staff/ occupational health/ record injury.
A nurse sustains sharps injury from patient with Hepatitis B
- What is the component of hepatitis B in the vaccine (1)
The patient is given Hepatitis B surface antigens (active immunisation) but antibody levels need to be checked to see the response.
-Adjuvants are also in the vaccine to enhance the immune reponse to vaccine antigens e.g. aluminium adjuvant/ syththetic adjuvant
A nurse sustains sharps injury from patient with Hepatitis B
Nurse is vaccinated with Hep B surface antibody of 320, What would you inform the nurse about the risk of getting hepatitis B (1)
The nurse should be at virtually no risk of infection (according to the CDC)
surface antibody level >12 is classed as effective so very small risk of contracting the disease.
I don’t know what surface antibody 320 means? Type/ level?
A nurse sustains sharps injury from patient with Hepatitis B
To where the nurse should be referred to (1)
Occupational health.