Philosophy Flashcards
Cognitive development (Piaget)
0-2 yrs
-retain image of objects
-manipulate objects
- play is imitative
- infant find meaning baby sitter arriving
Cognitive development (Piaget)
- moves from concrete (real tangiable) to abstract thinking ( thinks deeper, uses experiences)
- understand past present future
- night terrors & aquires words
- magical thinking
- thinking is not generalized thinking is concrete and irreversible/ ego centric
Cognitive development (Piaget)
-concrete operations
- Beguinning of abstract thought
- plays games with rules
- cause and effect understood
- thinking is reversible & independent of experience
Cognitive development (Piaget)
-Formal operations
11 to maturity
- higher level of abstraction
- planning for the future
- assumes adult role and responsibilities
- makes assumptions thinks hypothetically
According to Freud there are 3 levels to human personality
-ID- sexual and aggressive energy held in the unconscious/desires. Instinct there from birth
-Superego- is the conscious morality
-Ego- balances reality. Balances ID and ego
According to Freud 3 levels of awareness
*Preconcious- memories can be recalled if not suppressed
* Conscious- thought that’s someone is aware of
* unconscious thought and feelings outside of one’s consciousness
Social development (Erik Erikson) how they socialize
- trust vs mistrust
Birth- 1yrs
Babies learned to trust based on consistency of caregiver
Social development (Erik Erikson) how they socialize
- initiative versus guilt
- plan activities make up games, initiate activities. Lead others and make decisions. Guilt will come about if controlled and criticized. They may feel a bother to others and become followers
Social development (Erik Erikson) how they socialize
- industry vs inferiority
6- puberty
Sense of pride in accomplishment feel good about completing projects middles school. If overly criticized will have problems
Social development (Erik Erikson) how they socialize
- identity vs role confusion
Trying to find who they are (adolescence)
Social development (Erik Erikson) how they socialize
- Generative vs stagnation
Middle adult hood, establish careers, make relationships and families. Give back to community. Productive at work
Social development (Erik Erikson) how they socialize
- intimacy vs isolation
Young adult- share themselves more intimately leading towards longterm commitment
Social development (Erik Erikson) how they socialize
- ego integrity vs ego despair
Senior citizen l- contemplate accomplishments and develope a sense of integrity if they are satisfied with progress of their life
Freud psychosexual development. 5 stages ( personality solidifies before age 5)
birth 12M. Source of pleasure involves the moth, sucking, biting and chewing. Fixation smoking overeating and dependence
Freud psychosexual development. 5 stages ( personality solidifies before age 5)
2 yrs
Source of pleasure bowl movements/ fixation literally anal, controlling personality and easily angered
Freud psychosexual development. 5 stages ( personality solidifies before age 5)
3-5 yrs
Source of pleasure genitals fixation guilt of anxiety of sex
Oedipus complex loves mom jealous of dad
Freud psychosexual development. 5 stages ( personality solidifies before age 5)
Age 5- puberty
Sexuality is latent or dormant during this period. No fixations at this stage
Freud psychosexual development. 5 stages ( personality solidifies before age 5)
Beguins at puberty
Source of pleasure The genitals, sexual urges return. No fixation at this stage
Self psychology
*The development of the self.
Mirroring- reflect back at child that they are worthy
Idealizing- children need to idealize caregiver and see them as powerful
Alter ego/Twinning- children need to feel they fit in with others
Social development (Erik Erikson) how they socialize
- Autonomy vs shame and doubt
children are just starting to gain a little independence. They are starting to perform basic actions on their own and making simple decisions about what they prefer. By allowing kids to make choices and gain control, parents and caregivers can help children develop a sense of autonomy
Object relations theory
Object relations theory is a school of thought in psychoanalysis that focuses on how people’s early relationships with others influence their development and future relationships. The theory suggests that people internalize unconscious relationships during childhood, which continue to impact their adult relationships.
0-5Mnormal autism: attached self absorbed most the the time is spent sleeping
1-5M normal symbiotic: infant and the mother are now one and there is a barrier between them and the world
5-9M separation individualization: the infant still attached mom. Increased alertness of the outside world
9-15 M: crawling walking becomes more distant from mom
15-24 M child makes sure mom is always insight when moving around
24-38M: object constancy they understand mom has a separate identity
Kholbergs moral development
- pre conventional
Before age 9:
1. Child obeys out of fear of punishment
2. Child acts acceptably it their best interest to listen to rules to get rewards
Kholbergs moral development
- conventional
Early adolescence
- Person acts to get approval from others
- Obeys laws and futile obligations to maintain social systems. Rules are rules
Kholbergs moral development
- post conventional
- Genuine interest in welfare of others
- Guided by individual principles based broad universal principles. Concern for larger issues of morality
Strengths based perspective. Humans can grow change and adapt
Emphasize unconscious motives and desires as well as the importance of childhood experiences in shaping personality.
Psychoanalytic - Freud
Personality arrives because of attempts to resolve conflicts between unconscious sexual and aggressive impulses and societal demands to restrain these impulses.
Individual psychology
He was a follower of Freud Adler. He broke a way and stayed the sexual and aggressive urges are not the motivation for human behavior. Instead human strive for perfection.