Philosophy Flashcards
Cognitive development (Piaget)
0-2 yrs
-retain image of objects
-manipulate objects
- play is imitative
- infant find meaning baby sitter arriving
Cognitive development (Piaget)
- moves from concrete (real tangiable) to abstract thinking ( thinks deeper, uses experiences)
- understand past present future
- night terrors & aquires words
- magical thinking
- thinking is not generalized thinking is concrete and irreversible/ ego centric
Cognitive development (Piaget)
-concrete operations
- Beguinning of abstract thought
- plays games with rules
- cause and effect understood
- thinking is reversible & independent of experience
Cognitive development (Piaget)
-Formal operations
11 to maturity
- higher level of abstraction
- planning for the future
- assumes adult role and responsibilities
- makes assumptions thinks hypothetically
According to Freud there are 3 levels to human personality
-ID- sexual and aggressive energy held in the unconscious/desires. Instinct there from birth
-Superego- is the conscious morality
-Ego- balances reality. Balances ID and ego
According to Freud 3 levels of awareness
*Preconcious- memories can be recalled if not suppressed
* Conscious- thought that’s someone is aware of
* unconscious thought and feelings outside of one’s consciousness
Social development (Erik Erikson) how they socialize
- trust vs mistrust
Birth- 1yrs
Babies learned to trust based on consistency of caregiver
Social development (Erik Erikson) how they socialize
- initiative versus guilt
- plan activities make up games, initiate activities. Lead others and make decisions. Guilt will come about if controlled and criticized. They may feel a bother to others and become followers
Social development (Erik Erikson) how they socialize
- industry vs inferiority
6- puberty
Sense of pride in accomplishment feel good about completing projects middles school. If overly criticized will have problems
Social development (Erik Erikson) how they socialize
- identity vs role confusion
Trying to find who they are (adolescence)
Social development (Erik Erikson) how they socialize
- Generative vs stagnation
Middle adult hood, establish careers, make relationships and families. Give back to community. Productive at work
Social development (Erik Erikson) how they socialize
- intimacy vs isolation
Young adult- share themselves more intimately leading towards longterm commitment
Social development (Erik Erikson) how they socialize
- ego integrity vs ego despair
Senior citizen l- contemplate accomplishments and develope a sense of integrity if they are satisfied with progress of their life
Freud psychosexual development. 5 stages ( personality solidifies before age 5)
birth 12M. Source of pleasure involves the moth, sucking, biting and chewing. Fixation smoking overeating and dependence
Freud psychosexual development. 5 stages ( personality solidifies before age 5)
2 yrs
Source of pleasure bowl movements/ fixation literally anal, controlling personality and easily angered