Other Flashcards
Parenting styles
-Authoritative: response to children and listen to questions
-Authoritarian: children expected to follow strict rules and do not know why.
-permissive: child driven no rules
- Neglectful: uninvolved does not meet child’s needs
Group development sequence
Forming/ preaffiliation,
storming/ power and control,
adjourning/ termination
Negative reinforcement
Removal of adverse (negative) stimulus with goal of increasing the targeted behavior.
Positive reinforcement
Addition of (positive) stimulus with goal of increasing the targeted behavior.
Positive punishment
Addition an undesireable consequence to prevent a behavior .
Negative punishment
Removing something desirable to prevent undesirable behavior
Maslows pyramid
1 Physiological needs- food waer oxygen
2 safety needs - safe from harm
3 social needs - friendship and intimacy
4 esteem needs- self respect from others
5 self actualization- to be onself and be consistent with self. Ongoing process. Personal growth
Negative vs positive feedback back loop
Negative feedback- patterns of interaction maintain stability and Constancy while minimizing change. Maintains homeostasis
Positive feedback- patterns of interaction that facilitate change or movement towards growth
Qualitive research vs quantative
Qualitive- time consuming smaller sample
quantitive- collects through input of responses like questionnaires
Can you get the same answer over and over again
Is what is believed to be measured actually being measured or is it something else.
External ( can results be generalized) and internal validity ( is there confidence in cause and effect)
Descriptive statistics
Describes basic feature of the data. Describes what the data shows
Inferential statistics
Answers research questions or test models of hypothesis
Independent variable vs dependent
-Indendent the cause
Dependent the result/ impact
Problem solving process when meeting with clients
Engagement, assessment, planning, intervention, evaluation and termination
- in the assessment/ treatment plan SOAP. Subjective objective action and plan
For trauma treatment
- Safety and stabilize
- Morning and rememberance: acknowledge and discussed what happened
- Reconnection: reintegration find way to use trauma for impowerment, move forward with life
How to get through crisis
- Biopsychosocial
- Rapport
- Identify problems and causes to problem
- Discuss feelings and emotions
- New coping techniques
- Restore functioning with action plan
- Plan follow up session
Formative vs summative evaluation
-Formative happens during the intervention. Allows for modification
- summartive happens at the end was the objectives met
Types of research:
- Pre- experimental contains intervention groups only does not have an control group/ comparison group. It’s the weakest
- Experimental/ randomized experiment : most rigorous. Manipulated variable to determine affects on control group
- quasi experimental: uses intervention and comparison groups. But assignment to group is non random.
- single subject research does the intervention have the intended impact on client or many clients from a group. The most common or pre and post test or single case study . The behavioral change a client exhibits because of a treatment
Comprehensive risk management strategy
_ ongoing process
Comprehensive ethics audit is one important feature of the above. Risk are examined by:
- Appointing committee of informed staff
- Gathering information from agency docs, interviews with staff/clients and other sources to assess risk of client rights
- Review collateral info
- Is there a risk high, low moderate ?
- Action plan to address risk
- Monitoring policy implementation with reducing risk
Social planning
Process where a community decided there goals relating to social issue
Community bases Desicion making stages
Emerging- agreeing on course of action
Reinforcement- community members make a decision and justify why it’s correct
Operant conditioning
Reinforcement, punishment, neg, posi
- when a learners behavior is followed by a consequence of reinforcement
Classical conditioning
-Unconditioned stimulus a stimulus that leads to a automatic response ( shivering)
Leads to unconditioned response
- neutral stimulus does not ussually trigger response on its own
- conditioned stimulus was once neutral but now triggers a response. Never paid attention to doc but started paying attention once you got bite. Leads to conditioned response
Dynamic vs static risk factors
Dynamic- can be changed such as housing, treat psych remove guns
Static- can’t be change past experiences, offense age
Positive reguard
Supporting clients Without judgement
Randomness and disorder in the system