Philosophical Thoughts on Education Flashcards
Empericist Educator
John Locke
Opposed the “divine right of kings”
John Locke
“Survival of the fittest”; Social Darwinism between societies and cultures
Herbert Spencer
What is Spencer’s educational theory called?
Social Darwinism
Concept of Utilitarian Education
Herbert Spencer
He favoured specialized education other than the general education
Herbert Spencer
He does not disregard the accumulated wisdom of the past
John Dewey
A proponent of whcih schools are for the people and by the people.
John Dewey
John Dewey and his philosophy of…
Learning through experience.
Children are ___ human beings who want to explore their environment.
It is a special envirenment established by members of the society, for the purpose of simplifying, purifying, and integrating the social experience of the group.
This style of administration is out of place because it blocks genuine inquiry and idalogue.
Authoritarian or coercive style.
In the philosophy of John Dewey school identifies as.
Social, scientific, and democratic.
In his philosophy, schools and teachers should be agent of change.
George Counts
George Counts Philosophy of Education.
Building a New Social Order
In George Counts’ education philosophy __ are instrument for social imrpovement.
This philosopher also indicated that problem solving should be dominant method for instruction.
John Dewey.
Philosophy that emphasizes the reinformation of society.
Social Reconstructionism.
An era of interdependence and so education must be international in scope for global citizenship.
Technological Era.
Philosophy of social reconsructionism.
Theodore Brameld.
Education is designed to awaken students’ consciousness about social problems and to engage them actively in problem solving. This is according to those firmly committed to equality or equity in society and education.
Social Reconstructionist.
These philosophers believe in problem solving method of teaching and learning.
John Dewey, George Counts, and Theodore Brameld.
His philosophy is “Critical Pedagogy vs. Banking Method”.
Paulo Freire
A critical theorist believed that systems must be changed to overcome oppression and improve human conditions.
Paulo Freire
Vehicle of social change.
Education and Literacy.
Pedagogical approach in which an educator deposits information into students’ heads.
Banking Method
A necessary relationship between teacher and learner is necessary for the conscientization process to occur.
Democratic Realtionship.
What is Freire’s critical pedagogy?
Problem-posing education.
It is the basis for critical and problem-posing pedagogy.