Historical Foundation of Education Flashcards
Education or school is an institution created by___ to impart specific knowledge and skills necessary for functioning in a society.
It preseves itself and to do this it maintains its function and intitutuion.
A philosopher who claimed that school introduces and trains each child of society into membership within such a little community, saturating him with the spirit of service, and providing him with instruments of effective self- direction”
John Dewey
This is a term referred to as a role learning that prepares us for future roles.
Anticipatory socialization
What is the most important agent of socialization?
He explained that in primitive societies, a preliterate person faced the problem of survival in an environment that pitted them against natural forces and wild animals.
Humankind developed life skills that eventually became___.
Cultural pattern.
This is based on where early humankind found security in group life.
Kinship and tribal patterns
Process by which individuals internalize the norms and values of society and so social cultural continuity are attained.
A great leap in literacy which in turn had tremendous educational consequences which citizens of civilized society of 21st century now enjoy.
Introdcution of written and oral language.
School is derived from the greek word?
The first historical group in educational history.
Primitive Societies
Their curriculum is about practicing survival skills such as hunting, fishing, and food gathering.
Primitive Societies.
The Greek historical group has two city-states.
Athens and Spartan.
Their educational goal is to develop well-rounded people.
Their educational goal is to develop soldiers and military leaders.
Their agents are private schools and teachers; schools of rhetoric.
Their educational goal is to cultivate Islamic beliefs and develop expertise in mathematics, medicine, and science.
The Arabic influences on western education.
Arabic numerals and computations.
Their educational goal is establishing social order to prepare persons for appropriate roles.
Mediaval Group.
Their influences on western countries are the institutionalization and preservation of knowledge.
Mediaval Group
Their influence on western education is a two-track system of schools.
They cultivate a humanist who is an expert in classics.
Renaissance Group.
Their curriculum involves catechism, religious concepts, and rituals.
Education is the function of society and as such what are taught in schools arise from the nature and character of society itself.
Sociological concept.
This period provides vocational training for the children.
Pre-colonial period.
Tribal tutors of the pre-spanish period were replaced by__.
Spanish missionaries.
This law gave Filipinos a complete system of education from elementary to the collegiate level.
The Educational Decree of 1863.
Established the public primary school in 1901 and intermediate school in 1904 which provides free public education.
Act no. 74
It is the first state school university of university status that was founded in 1908.
University of the Philippines (UP).
Executive Order No. 217 is also known as___.
Quezon Code of Ethics.
A system of free and compulsory elementary education was established by__.
Malolos Costitution
Four pillars of education.
Learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, and learning to be.