Philosophical enterprise Flashcards
from which greek words does philosophy come from
Philein & Sophia
philein & sophia mean what
love & wisdom
these are true lovers of wisdom
philosophers goal is to be come ______
to be wise is to know the _____
their activity is always in pursuit of ______
philosophers are not easily ______
is a way of looking at the world and giving it meaning; it can provide a high quality of method of examining our beliefs
3 greek philosophers
socrates, plato, aristotle
these three prominent names of western tradition introduced intricate ideas concerning the:
- rational capabilities of man
- how these capacities can be used and developed
the recognition that a human person is a thinking being fundamentally supports the idea that we all have the freedom to ___________
explore the world
he was short, thick-set, and ugly; his clothes were old and poor, which showed that he cared little or nothing for external appearances
his philosophy emanated from his way of life, that was not concerned about wealth and worldly goods
his way of doing philosophy was by making dialogues with various people; thus, he would spend most of his time in the marketplace and talk to the people from different walks of life
socratic elenchus
socrated coined the line ________
an examined life is not worth living
one of the students who gathered around socrates
explains the two worlds of plato, the real world and the unreal; an example of this is, the digital world as the ‘unreal world’, while the actual world is the ‘real world’
allegory of the cave
plato’s way of doing philosophy
sought to solve the question of the real and unreal; in other words, it seeks the truth
for plato, the ______ is often forgotten at birth
he studied under plato
he maintained that things can be known and proven using the senses and the faculty of reason
aristotle put forward the notion that the forms have two categories:
- substance
- accidents
needs another thing to exist
can subsist on its own
aristotle introduced his ideas about __________ or things that can be achieved and proven by using the senses
empirical evidence
known for the quote ‘nothing is in intellect that was not first in the senses’, thus by using one’s senses, one can gain knowledge
St. thomas aquinas
socrates, plato, and aristotle believed that
all human beings are endowed with reason
a type of philosophy centered on finding answers to the question ‘who and what am i?’
eastern philosophy
for them, philosophy and religion are intimately connected
eastern philosophy
the goal of their respective philosophical enterprise is not only to understand human nature, but most importantly, to practice how to truly live as a ______________
human person
made confucianism
confucianism attempts to craft a philosophy of ________
he believed that if a leader sets a good example to his constituents, to his family, and people with whom he would have a relationship, they, in turn will do the same
is it considered as a social philosophy that is grounded on assumption that proper social and political behavior is cultivated in the family
for him, the love and relatioship with one’s family are ________
confucianism has similarities with the filipino’s concept and experience of ________
confucius had these same thoughts with the aim of promoting a certain ___________
societal order
also known as the historical buddha
siddharta gautama
is anchored on the idea that human person lives in suffering and that he should overcome this
this _________ refers to the deep dissatisfaction that pervades human experience, and thirst for endless desires
four noble truths taught by buddhism:
- human life is pervaded by suffering
- suffering is a result of craving
- state of freedom from suffering
- any one can attain nirvana by following the eightfold path
state of freedom from suffering that we can attain by realizing that we are not selves, thus abandoning craving
eightfold path:
- right view
- right resolve
- right speech
- right action
- right livelihood
- right effort
- right mindfulness
- right concentration
it consists of knowing the noble truths and buddha’s teaching as a whole
right view
it consists of the intention to renounce sexual drive and the intention of non-ill-will, and non-cruelty
right resolve
it involves not engaging in speech that is false, malicious, or idle
right speech
it means not killing living beings, not taking what is not given, and avoiding misconduct in sexual pleasures
right actions
it consists of the resolve not to earn one’s living in a way that violates ethical code
right livelihood
it means eliminating and preventing unwholesome states and develop meditative practice
right effort
it includes various contemplations of the body, feelings, and mind
right mindfulness
it means the attainment of progressively higher mental states
right concentration
buddhism is neither ________ nor _______, but rather realistic
optimistic, pessimistic
buddhism teaches that we can attain freedom from suffering through total ________
responds to the question ‘who am i’; this question goes into the deeper meaning of the self
indian philosophy
indian philosophy is essentially _________; it is said that the human person is conceived as spiritual in nature
indian philosophy promotes ________ approach to reality
the common theme of all schools of indian philosophy is to “___________”
see the self
indian philosophy reminds us that the physical world is not as important as ___________________
knowing the inner self
the brand of philosophizing in indian philosophy, making it an essential enterprise, is fundamentally centered on ______________
the notion of the self