L15-Human Person as a Being Condemned to be Free Flashcards
Who quoted “existence precedes essence”
jean paul sartre
refers to the totality of how a person has lived his or her life
refers to the nature or the whatness of a human person
existence precedes essence means ..
a human person does not have a pre-determined nature; but is created depending on how he/she lives his or her life
the existential condition of being thrown into one’s existence with nothing to cling to as a guide
we are in ____when we have no control over the realization of our plans in life
according to ______, we can rely only on those things within our power and on the sum of probabilities that made our actions possible
things do not always turn the way we plan them; the __________ of our plan is beyond our control
according to ____, we are what our actions are; our actions define who we are; there is no life outside action
a ______ is nothing else but what he purposes, he exists only in so far as he realizes himself
human person
________ endless pushing of a rock may appear meaningless, but it is not the top of the mountain that is important for him; it is the pushing of the rock; it is his engagement and commitment with life that matters
a human person is _______; hence, he or she is responsible for him/herself, for others, and ultimately for humanity
a person is free but he/she does not exist ______; he/she co-exists with others and his/her actions surely affects others
the person’s awareness of his/her huge responsibility gives him/her so much anguish, which is the feeling of being burdened by his/her own awareness of his/her total responsibility
to be human is to be ____, and to be free is to be ________
free, responsible
who said “freedom is doing what is good as a matter of duty”
freedom does not _____; it commands
freedom is not an act of doing anything one _____; it is slavery to one’s appetite or emotion
a human person is free when ..
a person acts freely if he/she acts out of a sense of duty and if he/she acts on a command imposed upon him/herself
to be free is to be able to choose _________ of conditions
acting out of a sense of _____ is to act in freedom