philosophical Flashcards
basic principles and concepts underlying somebody’s practice or conduct
influences the way we act, behave, or conduct
values, beliefs, truths, and principles that guide the practitioner’s actions
professional philosophy
theories, models of practice, frames of reference, and intervention approaches that guide OT practice
professional philosophy
questions concerned with the nature of humankind
how we view humankind as a human being
views a person as a whole
holistic view of human kind (metaphysical)
the entire system of a person
holistic view of human kind (metaphysical)
dynamic and harmonious interaction of biological, psychological, sociocultural, and spiritual elements
holistic view of human kind (metaphysical)
can control and determine their own behavior and change it as they desire
humans as active beings (metaphysical)
has their own autonomy for the body and have the capacity to think or act for themselves
humans as active beings (metaphysical)
continuous interaction between person and environment
open system; humans as active beings (metaphysical)
stimulus has an effect on one another
open system; humans as active beings (metaphysical)
refers to the ordinary and familiar things that people do everyday
occupations; humans as occupational beings (metaphysical)
should be meaningful to a person
occupations; humans as occupational beings (metaphysical)
contributes to well-being
occupations; humans as occupational beings (metaphysical)
areas of occupation
performance skills
client factors
performance patterns
environment and context
activity demands
redefining occupations; humans as occupational beings (metaphysical)
related to nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge
how humans learn and gain knowledge
how do we know things? how do we do these things?
learning through experiences
human learning (epistemology)