Philippians 3 - District Level Generals Flashcards
What is in their shame?
Their glory
(Philippians 3:19)
Who took hold of Paul?
Christ Jesus
(Philippians 3:12)
Whom has God called heavenward in Christ Jesus?
(Philippians 3:14)
For whose sake has Paul lost all things?
Christ Jesus his Lord’s
(Philippians 3:8)
At what has Paul not already arrived?
His goal
(Philippians 3:12)
Who presses on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called him heavenward in Christ Jesus?
(Philippians 3:14)
Multiple with:
Who presses on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of him? Paul (Philippians 3:12)
In whom may Paul be found?
(Philippians 3:9)
Who is a Hebrew of Hebrews?
(Philippians 3:5)
Who is a Pharisee in regard to the law?
(Philippians 3:5)
What should you join together in following?
Paul’s example
(Philippians 3:17)
How do we await a Savior from heaven?
(Philippians 3:20)
From where do we eagerly await a Savior?
(Philippians 3:20)
Of what tribe is Paul?
(Philippians 3:5)
Who is forgetting what is behind?
(Philippians 3:13)
Who now considers whatever were gains to him loss for the sake of Christ?
(Philippians 3:7)
What is Paul as for righteousness based on the law?
(Philippians 3:6)
Who has called Paul heavenward in Christ Jesus?
(Philippians 3:14)
What should you keep on those who live as we do?
Your eyes
(Philippians 3:17)
Who live as enemies of the cross of Christ?
(Philippians 3:18)
Who presses on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of him?
(Philippians 3:12)
Multiple with:
Who presses on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called him heavenward in Christ Jesus? Paul (Philippians 3:14)
Who has reasons for such confidence?
Paul himself
(Philippians 3:4)
Who is of the tribe of Benjamin?
(Philippians 3:5)
Multiple with:
Who is of the people of Israel? Paul (Philippians 3:5)
What is their destiny?
(Philippians 3:19)
Multiple with:
What is their stomach? Their god (Philippians 3:19)
What does Paul consider a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus his Lord?
(Philippians 3:8)
Multiple/Inverse with:
What does Paul consider everything because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus his Lord? A loss (Philippians 3:8)
Multiple with:
What does Paul consider garbage, that he may gain Christ and be found in him? All things (Philippians 3:8-9)
Who was circumcised on the eighth day?
(Philippians 3:5)
Who is straining toward what is ahead?
(Philippians 3:13)
What is Paul forgetting?
What is behind
(Philippians 3:13)
Of what do many live as enemies?
The cross of Christ
(Philippians 3:18)
Who is faultless as for righteousness based on the law?
(Philippians 3:6)
Of whom did Christ Jesus take hold?
(Philippians 3:12)
In what should you join together?
Following Paul’s example
(Philippians 3:17)
DANGER! NOT a multiple! You need 5 words!
What is Paul in regard to the law?
A Pharisee
(Philippians 3:5)
Who is of the people of Israel?
(Philippians 3:5)
Multiple with:
Who is of the tribe of Benjamin? Paul (Philippians 3:5)
What do we put in the flesh?
No confidence
(Philippians 3:3)
In whom do we boast?
Christ Jesus
(Philippians 3:3)
Who considers everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus his Lord?
(Philippians 3:8)
Multiple with:
Who considers all things garbage, that he may gain Christ and be found in him? Paul (Philippians 3:8-9)
What will the Lord Jesus Christ transform?
Our lowly bodies
(Philippians 3:21)
As for what is Paul faultless?
Righteousness based on the law
(Philippians 3:6)
What does Paul consider garbage, that he may gain Christ and be found in him?
All things
(Philippians 3:8-9)
Multiple with:
What does Paul consider a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus his Lord? Everything (Philippians 3:8)
What does Paul consider everything because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus his Lord? A loss (Philippians 3:8)
Who has lost all things for Christ Jesus his Lord’s sake?
(Philippians 3:8)
Toward what is Paul straining?
What is ahead
(Philippians 3:13)
Who has not already arrived at his goal?
(Philippians 3:12)
Multiple with:
Who has not already obtained all this? Paul (Philippians 3:12)
Whose example should you join together in following?
(Philippians 3:17)
In regard to what is Paul a Pharisee?
The law
(Philippians 3:5)
In what do we put no confidence?
The flesh
(Philippians 3:3)
DANGER! NOT a multiple! You need 5 words!
By whom do we serve God?
His Spirit
(Philippians 3:3)
DANGER! NOT a multiple! You need 5 words!
Who wants to become like Christ in his death?
(Philippians 3:10)
What does Paul now consider whatever were gains to him?
(Philippians 3:7)
For whom is it no trouble to write the same things to you again?
(Philippians 3:1)
On whom should you keep your eyes?
Those who live as we do
(Philippians 3:17)
Whom may Paul gain?
(Philippians 3:8)
Of what are they mutilators?
The flesh
(Philippians 3:2)
Who has not already obtained all this?
(Philippians 3:12)
Multiple with:
Who has not already arrived at his goal? Paul (Philippians 3:12)
What does Paul consider everything because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus his Lord?
A loss
(Philippians 3:8)
Multiple/Inverse with:
What does Paul consider a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus his Lord? Everything (Philippians 3:8)
Multiple with:
What does Paul consider garbage, that he may gain Christ and be found in him? All things (Philippians 3:8-9)
Who was persecuting the church?
(Philippians 3:6)
Who wants to know Christ?
(Philippians 3:10)
Multiple with:
Who wants to know the power of Christ’s resurrection? Paul (Philippians 3:10)
When was Paul circumcised?
On the eighth day
(Philippians 3:5)
When has Paul not arrived at his goal?
(Philippians 3:12)
Multiple with:
When has Paul not obtained all this? Already (Philippians 3:12)
In whom has God called Paul heavenward?
Christ Jesus
(Philippians 3:14)
DANGER! NOT a multiple! You need 5 words!
On what basis does righteousness come from God?
The basis of faith
(Philippians 3:9)
DANGER! NOT a multiple! You need 5 words!
What will be like the Lord Jesus Christ’s glorious body?
Our lowly bodies
(Philippians 3:21)
What should all of us, then, who are mature take?
Such a view of things
(Philippians 3:15)
What is their stomach?
Their god
(Philippians 3:19)
Multiple with:
What is their destiny? Destruction (Philippians 3:19)
Who does not consider himself yet to have taken hold of it?
(Philippians 3:13)
What if someone else thinks they have reasons to put confidence in the flesh?
Paul has more
(Philippians 3:4)
Who considers all things garbage, that he may gain Christ and be found in him?
(Philippians 3:8-9)
Multiple with:
Who considers everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus his Lord? Paul (Philippians 3:8)
When has Paul not obtained all this?
(Philippians 3:12)
Multiple with:
When has Paul not arrived at his goal? Already (Philippians 3:12)
Who wants to know the power of Christ’s resurrection?
(Philippians 3:10)
Multiple with:
Who wants to know Christ? Paul (Philippians 3:10)
Who should take such a view of things?
All of us who are mature
(Philippians 3:15)
Who has more reasons to put confidence in the flesh?
(Philippians 3:4)