Philemon - Questions from Memory Verses Flashcards
G – What is perhaps the reason Onesimus was separated from you for a little while?
That you might have him back forever
(Philemon 1:15)
A – According to Philemon, chapter 1, verse 4, whom do I always thank?
My God
(Philemon 1:4)
G – Who has refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people?
You, brother [OR Philemon]
(Philemon 1:7)
G – What has given Paul great joy and encouragement?
Your love
(Philemon 1:7)
G – What have you refreshed?
The hearts of the Lord’s people
(Philemon 1:7)
A – According to Philemon, chapter 1, verse 16, what is he to you?
Even dearer
(Philemon 1:16)
G – Whom might you have back forever?
(Philemon 1:15)
G – To whom is Onesimus very dear?
(Philemon 1:16)
A – According to Philemon, chapter 1, verse 16, what is he to me?
Very dear
(Philemon 1:16)
G – Who was separated from you for a little while?
(Philemon 1:15)
A – According to Philemon, chapter 1, verse 4, in what do I remember you?
My prayers
(Philemon 1:4)
G – For how long was Onesimus separated from you?
A little while
(Philemon 1:15)
G – What does Paul pray may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ?
Your partnership with us in the faith
(Philemon 1:6)
G – When does Paul thank his God as he remembers you in his prayers?
(Philemon 1:4)
X – In Philemon, chapter 1, who is very dear to Paul?
(Philemon 1:16)
G – Who is even dearer to you?
(Philemon 1:16)
G – Whom has your love given great joy and encouragement?
(Philemon 1:7)
G – Who prays that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ?
(Philemon 1:6)
G – Who always thanks his God as he remember you in his prayers?
(Philemon 1:4)
X – For how long might you have Onesimus back?
(Philemon 1:15)
A – According to Philemon, chapter 1, verse 7, who has refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people?
You, brother
(Philemon 1:7)