PHEP Ch. 12 Intakes, Conduits, Surge Chambers Flashcards
Penstock velocities may range from?
6 to 20 ft/sec.
In most hydroelectric developments the head and water flow will?
Wood-stave pipe would probably not be used for?
Heads above 500 feet.
Steel pipe is used more extensively than any other type of pipe for penstock construction because?
Of the degree of flexibility it offers in satisfying design criteria in all of the following:
1) It can be riveted.
2) it can be welded.
3) It is better able to withstand changes in static dynamic pressures.
Which of the below conditions would probably not cause the water level in the riser of a differential surge tank to fall?
A load rejection.
Positive water-hammer pressure caused by a sudden decrease in the demand for water can be eliminated by?
Any of the below
Relief Valve
Pressure Regulator
Surge Tank
A partially clogged trash rack will?
Cause a decrease in the effective head.
The best canal cross-section from a hydraulic point of view is defined as?
The one that has a minimum wetted perimeter.
The least efficient type of high-line conduit is that type which?
Has the greatest effect on the available head.
One of the major advantages of using a pressure tunnel in a power conduit system is that…
It permits full use of the available head.
An open conduit system implies…
The presence of a free surface.
Pumped storage type of hydroelectric developments implies a capability for all the following:
1) Improving load factors on inter-connected power system stam plants.
2) Providing a wider range of power system reserve capacity.
3) Improve peak load operation.
Intake design has a large effect on?
1) Velocity
2) Volume
3) Head
The head obtained by subtracting the head loss from conveyance of the water to the turbine by conduit, through the turbine and back to the river, subtracted from the gross head is called?
Effective Head.
What type of turbine has variable vane design and can be used for both pumping and generating?
Small ice needles which form at the bottom of fairly quiet, shallow bodies of open water are called…
Anchor Ice.
A protective relay which responds to a difference in values of a current at two different points in a circuit is known as a?
Differential Relay.
A surge tank is normally designed to accommodate how much of the water load rejected by the turbines?
All of the rejected load.
The minimum velocity of water in a power canal to prevent the deposit of silt is?
2 to 3 feet per second.
With a higher velocity, the cross-section of a conduit or conductor can be _____ for a given quantity of flow.
An alternative to lining a canal for protection against erosion is to…
Increase the cross-section of the canal.
Open conduits constructed in natural ground are called?
A riveted pipe produces a lower hydraulic loss than a fabricated welded pipe. True or False?
The conduit between the turbines and the surge tank is called the?
What is meant by the term “Wetted Perimeter”?
Surface area that is in contact with the water.
A base-load plant is a plant without pondage and where the full plant discharge is the same as the flow of the river. True or False?
The two types of surge tanks are?
1) Simple
2) Differential
What are used to prevent excessive rise of the water at any point in a hydraulic development?
To prevent negative pressure in a penstock where pipe is being used what is installed in the pipeline?
Air Vents.
The best hydraulic rectangular cross-section occurs when…
Y= Water Depth
B= Bottom Width
Negative water-hammer pressure is created by?
A sudden increase in the demand for water.