Pharyngeal Arches/Embryology Flashcards
1st pharyngeal arch (Meckel’s cartilage)
Bones - maxilla, mandible, zygomatic, palatine and temporal bones, incus, malleus
Muscles of mastication - temporalis, masseter, pterygoids, ant digastric, mylohoid, ears tensors
Nerves - V2 & V3
Maxillary a.
2nd pharyngeal arch (Reichert’s cartilage)
Bones - stapes, styloid process, lesser hyoid bone
Muscles of facial expression, posterior digastric, stylohyoid, stapedius
Nerves - facial
Hyoid and stapedial a.
3rd pharyngeal arch
Bones - greater hyoid bone
Muscles - stylopharyngeus
Nerves - glossopharyngeal
Common, internal and external carotid a.
4th pharyngeal arch
Laryngeal cartilage
Muscles - cricothyroid, levator veli palati, pharyngeal constirctors, thyroid cartilage
Nerves - superior laryngeal n.
Aortic arch, r. subclavian a.
6th pharyngeal arch
Laryngeal cartilage
Muscles - intrinsic m. of larynx (except cricothyroid)
Nerves - recurrent laryngeal n.
Pulmonary arteries, ductus arteriosus
1st pharyngeal cleft
External auditory meatus
2nd-4th pharyngeal clefts
Cervical sinus
1st pharyngeal pouch
Tubotympanic recess
2nd pharyngeal pouch
Palatine tonsil
3rd pharyngeal pouch
Inferior parathyroid and thymus
4th pharyngeal pouch
Superior parathyroid and thyroid
Pharyngeal membrane
Tympanic membrane