Pharmocology (MQC) Flashcards
What is pharmacodynamics ?
What the drug does to the body
What is pharmacokinetics ?
What the body does to the drug
What are the 4 stages of the body processing a drug ?
Describe and explain the “absorption” process in the body
This process in the body is how the drug makes it way into the blood circulation. This can be done by oral intake, some of the drug will be absorbed by the lining of the stomach, but most of it will be absorbed by the small intestine. When the drug is absorbed it will then be taken to the liver by the “hepatic portal vein”
What is “ first pass metabolism” ?
This is when the liver metabolises some of the drug before it can get to the systemic circulation, this is what is known as “ first pass metabolism”
This can impact the amount of the drug that is able to be used by the body
Routes of medications that bypass “ first pass metabolism” ?
Buccal (in the gum)
List some factors that may effect absorption of medications
Food and other types of medications - can bind with foods, medications can also bind with each other reducing the ability to work within the body
Erratic coating - helped the medication to not be absorbed by the GI tract and activates later
Controlled release drugs - modified drugs so that they are released over a longer period of time/slower
Explain the process of distribution with drugs in the body
This is the dispersion of the drug throughout the different fluids and tissues within the body. Drugs don’t distribute evenly throughout the body and also have different outcomes for different drug types (water or lipid soluble drugs)
The drugs penetrate the body’s tissues at differing speeds and also can depend on their ability to pass over the cells membranes.
What is the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB)
This is a selective semipermeable membrane that acts as a wall between the nervous system and the brain from the blood supply.
This helps to stop toxins and pathogens from getting to the central nervous system.
Which drugs can pass the Blood brain barrier (BBB)
The more lipid soluble a drug is, the more likely it is to be able to pass the BBB
What happens when drugs bind to plasma proteins ?
When they circulate the blood steam a percetage of the drug will bind with the plasma proteins, some of the drug will still roam free within the circulating blood unbound.
This unbound pieces of the drug are small enough to leave the capillaries and enter the interstitial fluid surrounding the cells and work its effects on the body
Bound portion too big to leave capillaries - none effective
Explain and describe the process of metabolism of drugs in the body
The primary site for metabolism is within the liver, but also along the GI mucosa and lungs
The main purpose of metabolism is to turn the drug into a more water soluble so it can be excreted by the kidneys, into the urine
Explain the two phases of drug metabolism
- Carried out in the liver by enzymes called “Cytochrome P450 enzymes” which oxidise drugs
- A big ionised molecule added to the drug to make it more water soluble
Describe and explain the process of excretion of drugs
This is the body’s way of removing the drug from its systems. Which is primarily done by the kidneys into urine output
Drugs can also be excreted by other methods too, bile, stool, breast milk and tears
What is bioavailability ?
The amount of each drug that makes its way to the systemic circulation.
This differs for all medications, due to absorption in the GI tract
IV said to have the best bioavailability at 100%
What is the narrow therapeutic range ?
The difference between the blood levels required for a drugs desired therapeutic range, and what levels the drugs are toxic
What is the plasma half-life ?
The time it intakes for a concentration of the drug plasma to reduce by half - indicates how long a drug lasts in the body for
The three ways the drugs cause their effects on the body ?
Binding to cell receptors
Acting on enzymes
Acting on transporters
What is an Antagonist ?
Drug that binds to cell receptors and block the agonists, preventing or reducing cell receptors
What is an Agonist ?
Binds to cell receptors and activated/stimulates a cellular response
How do enzyme inhibitors work ?
These drugs bind to the enzyme and decrease the activity in the body
Enzymes promote biochemical reactions within the body
Explain the effects of drugs acting on transporters
Transporters are proteins found in the cells membrane that filtrate substances into and out of the cell
Drugs acting on theses transporters can increase or decrease the process of transportation in and out depending on the drug
What are chemotherapeutic drugs ?
They work by interfering with the cell growth and division of cells and bacteria
Chemotherapy - cancer treatment
Antibiotics - attract bacterial cell wall, inhibiting synthesis
What is polypharmacy ?
This is when a person is presecribed many medications at one time for multiple morobidities
Explain why polypharmacy might be problematic ?
This can be due to the prescription of multiple drugs interacting with each other inappropriately, this can cause harm rather than than good for the body
Potential drug interactions may occur if not followed up with patients. Medicine management is advised for the best use of all the drugs within the patients system