Pharmacy Services at a distance Flashcards
Traditional way to provide pharmacy services
- pharmacy services where rXS handed in by patents but collected by pharmacy staff, or received by post or EPS
- delivery to patients in own home or nursing home
- collection and delivery service
- click and collect
- mail order service from registered pharmacy
- an internet pharmacy service, including ones linked to an online prescribing service
Internet way to provide pharmacy services
increasing method for the public to gain access to all classifications or meds
Problems with accessing POM illegally from internet without prescription
- may not be prescribed by HCP
- may be no checks and controls on quality or effectiveness of meds
- may be no legal recourse in the event of a problem
- introduces a culture of self diagnosis and self treatment
- supply of certain meds not regulated
Falsified Medicines Directive
- brought in to address the issues of falsified medicines directives in med supply chain across Europe
- All packs of prescription med placed on market in Europe has to bear two safety features: a unique identifier (IU) in the form of a 2D data matrix barcode and an anti-tamper device (ATD)
- FMD applied to POMs for human use, NHS and private supplies
- FMD does not apply to OTCs, medical devices, specials and vet meds
Scanning authentication process in Falsified medicine directive
- manufactures will upload unique identifier on European med verification system, act as a hub linking national systems together
- data can then be accessed via a national data base and enable verification and authentication of packs by pharmacy teams
Pharmacist Requirements in FMD
Verify authentication: check anti tamper device is intact, scanning IU on barcode on pack to receive a status message confirms authenticity, inactive means cannot be supplied
- decommission the UI- changing status from a active to inactive dispensed fore very pack before supplied
- hospitals and dispensing doctors will be exempt from these requirements and wholesalers will have to carry out these steps for them
Internet Pharmacy
- dont need to notify NHS agency to justify opening an internet pharmacy
- need to identify suitable premises if you want to dispense NHS prescriptions you need to be included in the local pharmaceutical unit
NHS dispensing contract
need to put in an application that pharmacy premises secure the uninterrupted provision of essential services during open hours of premises to persons anywhere in England who requested them
-once application is approved, have 6 months to open, need to be approved by GPhC
What are essential services?
dispensing med, dispensing appliances, repeat dispensing, clinical governance, sign posting, disposal of unwanted meds
Key points of internet pharmacy
- must be no face to face contact between patients and pharmacy staff for delivery of essential services
- prescriptions are not handed in by patients but are collected, received by post or electronically
- patients are allowed to access pharmacy but only for non-essential services like MURs, NMS
- must be willing to supply medication against a prescription to anyone in England (however, if anyone arrives to the pharmacy with a prescription they must be turned away
- cant charge for delivery of prescriptions
- pharmacy needs RP in charge of pharmacy who needs to be present during sale and supply of P meds and PO?MS; preparation, assembly labelling,
Pros of Internet pharmacy
For Pharmacists: Offers pharmacists an opportunity to own their own pharmacy without having to buy and existing business
-offers chance for pharmacies to be built in a real where community pharmacies are not traditionally located
For patients: ease, convenience, increased choice, anonymity, general chaperons costs
Cons of Internet Pharmacy
For Pharmacists:
- lack of patient contact
- making the case to walk into internet pharmacy and not normal pharmacy
For patients:
- ?Confusion over which are legal websites
- difference in appearance of package and in drug names -fakes, counterfeits
- can obtain meds without clinical checks
Risk management for GPhC
- identify and manage risks
- how staff tell patients and the public about the pharmacy services, and how they get their consent
- how staff communicate between locations
- med supply
- business capacity to provide proposed services
- record keeping
Internet pharmacies and prescribing services
If working with a prescriber outside UK, should make sure that
- they manage the extra risks that this might create
- they have sufficient indemnity insurance in place
- prescriber is registered in home country and can lawfully issue prescriptions online to people in UK
- prescriber is working with national guidelines of UL
Regular Audit
- should be part of the evidence which gives assurance that shows your pharmacy continues to provide safe pharmacy services
- staffing levels and training within the team
- suitability of communication with patients and between other staff members
- systems and processes for receiving scripts
- record keeping
- systems and process for secure delivering to patients
take a reactive review if
- regular audit identifies a problem
- change in law affecting any part of pharmacy service
- significant changes in any of the pharmacy service you provide
- data security breach
- need to understand who is accountable for what service and who is involved in processes
- this is included when things go wrong or if third party is involved
Record Keeping
- when there is no face to face, staff must record what goes wrong to prove hat service provided is sage
- Standard legal records
- decisions to make or refuse sale
- any info about pharmacy services on website
- data protection law
- feedback from people who use service
- concerns or complaints received
- activities of third parties, agents
Extra training in following areas:
- information security management (patient data protection/cyber security)
- communication skills for non face to face consultations with patients and prescribers
- use specialised equipment and new technology
- document and keep evidence of training that has been done
- must meet the standards for registered pharmacy
- must be fit for purpose to reflect scale of work being done
- if you sell P med on internet, make sure only displayed on website associated with registered pharmacy
- design and layout of website should look professional
- website must be secure and follow laws on data protection
- all info must be clear, accurate and updated regularly, and it must no be misleading in any way
- make sure that any business that is either hosted on your website, or reached by an external link, is legitimate
- all prescribers, follow relevant remote consultation, assessment and prescribing guidance
- make sure that your website and websites your associated with are arranged so the patient cannot choose POM before having a consultation with prescriber
Website must clearly display
- GPhC pharmacy registration number
- name and owner of pharmacy
- name and address of registered pharmacy that supplied med
- where applicable, superintendent pharmacist
- details of register pharmacy were meds are prepared, assembled, dispensed and labelled
- info about how to check registration status of pharmacist and superintendent pharmacists
- email address and phone number of pharmacy
- details on how patients can give feedback and raise concerns
if person is prescribed meds following an online consultation, your website should display
- name of prescriber and address of prescribing service
- prescribers reg number and country their registered in
- whether prescriber is doc or non medical independent prescriber
- info on how to check registration of prescriber
Website Logo
- needs to be registered with MHRA and be on MHRA list of uk register online retail sellers
- must display compulsory distance selling logo on every page of website offering meds
- GPhC logo voluntary
Transparency and patient choice
- patients must be free to access pharmaceutical services wherever they wish , and have enough info to make informed decisions about their meds and the pharmacy services they use
- must not get into agreement with prescriber that would limit patients choice
- patients must be able to identify which pharmacy they are involved with and be satisfied they have consented to this
- explicit consent for prescribing service that is associated with internet pharmacy
Managing Meds Safely
- think of what meds are safe for supplying at distance
- make sure that person who is receiving pharmacy services is who they claim to be, carrying out appropriate identity check
- ensure advice is available for all meds
- provide counselling on safe and effective use
- awareness of abuse potential
- ensure patients can ask questions and they know who to ask questions
- be able to sign post for face to face interactions
- prescribers must be aware that some meds are not suitable to supply online unless safeguards have been placed to make sure its clinically appropriate
Examples of meds not appropriate to prescribe for independent pharmacy
- AB
- meds liable to abuse (opiates, sedatives, laxitiviteS)
- meds require ongoing management and monitoring (insulin, warfarin)
- non surgical cosmetic products (botox)
Supplying meds safely
- need to make sure meds are supplied to correct person when they need them
- think of delivery method
- make sure delivery method safe guards patient confidentiality
- need to assess suitability of packing
- obtain consent to provide delivery service
- check laws of import or export if patient is outside of UK
Info for pharmacy users
- pharmacists should contact patients on med correct use as there is no face to face
- ensure generic health advice is up to standard and up to date
- info of meds includes contraindications and side effects
- product recommendations are given in respect to individual patients
- signposting
Specialist equipment and facilities
eg. automated dispensing systems, labelling equipment
- high specification, accuracy and security
- calibrated, maintained and serviced regularly
- latest security specifications
Regulation of Internet Pharmacy
MHRA enforcement team
- monitors internet sites
- focus on advertising and supply of POMS
- will remove site and prosecute those responsible
- work with police
Export of Meds
Pharmacist may supply POM wholesale dealing or with prescription
- if prescription doc must be UK or EEA/Swiss but drug must have uk MA
- can export to hospital, clinics, pharmacies, wholesale business
- before exporting need to check with the embassy of country whether import certificate is needed, and with MHRA for any export certificate requirements. Should check whether any packing or labelling requirements are necessary for postage and custom purposes
Records for Export of MEd
Must be kept of every whole sale transaction for two years, good practice to put in POM register
Export of CDs
-need home office licence if whole sailing CDs,
CD 2 need CD register, 3 and 4
Export on prescription
individuals may need to apply for person licences in certain circumstances, but not if carrying less than 3 months supply of CD.
Drug Donations
- no obsolete drugs
- only drugs estimated to have shelf life of 1 year after arrival in country
- no patient returns
- consider alternatives:
- Donation of cash more useful than drugs
- medicines donated are considered wholesale transactions