Pharmacy Practice and Administration Flashcards
MOA: Binds to estrogen receptors and suppress LH
Black cohosh
*can cause miscarriage
Most effective served hot
Used for Menopausal symptoms
Black cohosh
Proanthocynidins may inhibit E.Coli from adhering site in the Urinary Tract thus limiting the ability of the bacteria to spread
MOA: unknown possibly due to up regulation of TNF-alpha messenger RNA (alkamides) or anti-inflammatory actions
Used in Airborne to Tx common cold
Flavonoid complex- silymarin extracted from seeds. shown to suppress cell growth and anti-cancer effects
Milk thistle
Tx gallbladder and lever complaints
Milk thistle
EPA and DHA and ADHD
Omega-3 fish oil
Extract of hypericum perforatum flower
St. John’s Wort
Similar effects as SSRIs
St. John’s Wort
Tx for mild to moderate depression, anxiety, pain
St. John’s Wort
Pharmacodynamics: What is the receptor sensitivity to Benzodiazepines, warfarin, opioids?
Pharmacodynamics: What is the sensitivity to beta-blockers?
Pharmacodynamics: What is the sensitivity to Baroreceptors?
Decreased; risk of orthostatic hypotension
Pharmacodynamics: What is the sensitivity to vasodilators, TCA, anithypertensives?
Decreased baroreceptor sensitivity; risk of orthostatic hypotension
Pharmacodynamics: Increased risk of Tardive Dyskinesia and pseudoparkinsonism with which agents?
Pharmacodynamics: Hypokalemia
increased digoxin toxicity