Pharmacology (pre-review Cards) Flashcards
Pharmacology, medications, etc
Nursing process
The foundation for the clinical practice of nursing;provides framework for consistent nursing action, using problem-solving
Schedule I (drug)
All prescription drugs including narcotics
Schedule II (drugs)
Restricted access non-prescription drugs ie. Insulin
Schedule III
Pharmacy- only non-prescription drugs ie. Antihistamines
Unscheduled drugs
Any drug not assigned as above ie. Naloxone
When a product is offerered for sale in Canada to treat or prevent diseases or symptoms, it is regulated as a drug under the _______
Food and Drugs Act
Establishes control of narcitics and substances of abuse
Controlled stubstances Act 1997
Usually a drug forms chemical bonds with specific sites called ______
Under what conditions do chemical bonds form, regarding drug reactions
Only if the drug and its receptor have similar shapes and chemical affinity for the receptor
The relationship between a drug and a receptor is similar to _____
A key and a lock
Study of interactions between drugs and their receptors and the series of events that result in a pharmacological response
(drug) that interacts with a receptor to STIMULATE a response
Ie. Opioids
(Drugs) that attach to a receptor but DO NOT STIMULATE a response
Ie. Naloxone
5 stages a drug goes through
Liberation, absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion
After liberation from a dosage form, each drug has its own unique _______
ADME characteristics
Study of the mathematical relationship among the absorption, distribution, metabolism, snd excretion of individual medicines over time
Partial agonists
(Drugs) that attach and elicit a small response, but also block other responses
The study of drugs and their actions on living organisms
Therapeutic methods
Various approaches to therapy (regarding diseases that cause illness and may be treated in several different ways)
Ie. Drug therapy, diet therapy
Synergistic effect
The combined effect of two drugs is GREATER than the sum of the effect of each drug given alone
Ex. Aspirin + codeine = much greater analgesic effect
OTC drugs
Over the counter drugs
-perscription or non prescription
Ex. Advil, Tylenol
Chemical name (of a drug)
Most meaningful to the chemist