pharmacology at the synapse- lecture 5 Flashcards
from axon to synapse stages
- synthesis and storage
- recieving the action potential
- the effects of depolarisation
- the release of neurotransmitters into the cleft
- synthesis and storage
neurotransmitters are synthesised by golgi apparatus, neurotransmitters are stored in spherical packets called synaptic vesicles, these are passed down microtubules to presynaptic button
- recieving the action potential
synaptic vesicles float around waiting for an action potential o arrive, the action potential is recieved by the presynaptic membrane causing depolarisation (membrane becomes more positive)
- the effects of depolarisation
depolarisation causes vesicles to dock on the pre-synaptic membrane, depolarisation causes calcium channels to open and influx of calcium enters pre-synaptic terminal
- release of neurotransmitters into cleft
some calcium ions attach to the dock causing the vesicle to fuse with the membrane, this creates fusion pores, the vesicles release the neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft through fusion pores
this is called exocytosis and lasts around 1-2 milliseconds
from synaptic cleft to post synaptic membrane
attachment and activation- when the neurotransmitter attaches to the post-synaptic membrane it changes its membrane potential, neurotransmitters only attach to specific binding sites/recptors, neurotransmitter that attach to specific binding sites are called ligands
stopping info flow stages
- deactivation
- reuptake
- enzymatic breakdown
- deactivation
activation does not continue forever (axons and synapses would become over-stimulated), so once the message is recieved synaptic transmission is terminated in 2 ways- reuptake, enzymatic breakdown
- reuptake
neurotransmitters detach from receptors and are taken back into the presynaptic membrane (they can then be reused)
- enzymatic breakdown
specific enzymes destroy the neurotransmitters preventing further activation
- chemicals that communicate between neurons
- some cause depolarisation at post synaptic membrane causing an excitatory post synaptic potential
- some cause hyperpolarisation causing an inhibitory post-synaptic potential
- some are inhibitory, some are excitatory and some are both (depends on their receptors)
neurotransmitter action
- some are excitatory (they turn things up)
- some are inhibitory (they slow things down)
- the most common neuropeptides are endogenous opiods (enkephalins/endorphins)
- slows firing rate of neurons carrying pain signals
- natural pain relief and pleasure
- e.g. morphine exactly replicate effects of our naturally occuring opiods
- glutamate is excitatory (it increases/speeds things up)
- produces EPSPs
- synapses that use glutamate are glutamatergic synapses
- glutamate increases activation by
1. causing depolarisation= excitatory post synaptic potentials (EPSPs)
2. lowering the threshold required for excitation= increasing firing rate in neurons
- it is inhibitory (it decreases/slows)
- produces IPSPs
- synapses that use gaba are gabaergic synapses
- gaba prevents the brain from becoming excessively aroused by:
1. causing hyperpolarisation= inhibitory post synaptic potentials (IPSPs)
2. increasing the threshold required for excitation= decreasing firing rate in neurons
glutamate and gaba
both abundant in CNS
breakdown and reuptake of monoamines
- monoamines are broken down by an enzyme called monoamine oxidase (MAO), this converts excess monoamines into inactive substances
- drugs that prevent the action of MAO are called monoamine oxidase inhibitors, these increase levels of monoamines
- acetylcholine is synthesised from choline and acetate
- synsapses that use acetylcholine are called cholinergic synapses, they are generally excitatory
- there are 2 types of cholinogeric synapses- 1. mscarinic midbrain medulla pons (slower prolonged reactions), 2. nicotinic substantia nigra locus coeruleus septum (fast acting responses)
- acetylcholine is broken down by acetylcholinesterase (AchE), this is abundant in the synaptic cleft to prevent over stimulation
drugs that increase the action of neurotransmitter
L-Dopa is given toparkinsons patients to increase release of dopamine- dopamine agonist
black widow spider venom- stimulates the release of acetylcholine- cholinogeric agonist
nicotin- mimics acetylcholine at nicotine receptors- cholinogeric agonist
drugs that decrease the action of a neurotransmitter
resperine (calming agent and snake bite anti-venom)- makes vesicles leaky and monoamines leak out of vesicles and broken down by enzymes- monoamine antagonist
botox- prevents the release of acetylcholine/blocks acetylcholine binding- cholinogeric antagonist
reward pathways
- the brain reward pathway i mostly dopaminergic (ventral tegmental area- limbic system- frontal cortex)
- it makes us feel good when we engage in behaviour necessary for survival
- not suprisingly most drugs (of use and abuse) also work along this pathway