Pharmacology Flashcards
Alpha & Beta adrenergic stimulant.
Beta effects:
- Increases HR by increasing SA node rate
- Increases conduction velocity through AV node
- Increases myocardial contractility
- Increases ventricle irritability
- Bronchodilatation
- Peripheral vasoconstriction
- By monoamine oxidase and other enzymes in the blood, liver and nerve endings, excreted by kidneys
Analgesic, antipyretic, anti inflammatory and anti-platelet aggregation agent.
- Minimises platelet aggregation and thrombus formation
- Inhibits synthesis of prostaglandins - anti-inflammatory
- Converted to salicylate in the gut and liver, excreted by kidneys.
Cephalosporin antibiotic
- Excreted unchanged in urine and in bile
Corticosteroid secreted by adrenal cortex
- Relieves inflammatory reactions
- Provides immunosuppression
- by the liver and other tissues, excreted by kidneys
Hypertonic crystalloid solution, made from sugar and water
- provides a source of energy
- supplies body water
- Dextrose - broken down in most tissues
- stored in liver and muscle as glycogen
Water - excreted by kidneys and distributed throughout body
A synthetic opioid analgesic Actions: CNS: - Depression - leading to analgesia - Respiratory depression - leads to apnoea - Dependance CVS: - Decreases conduction velocity through the AV node
Metabolised by liver, excreted by kidneys
Presentation: 100mcg in 2ml, 250mcg in 1ml (IN)
A hormone normally secreted by the pancreas
Causes an increase in blood glucose concentration by converting stored liver glycogen to glucose.
Presentation: 1mg (IU) in 1ml hypokit
Special note: not all pts will respond to glucagon eg pts with inadequate glycogen stores in the liver (alcoholics, malnourished)
A vascular smooth muscle relaxant
- Venous dilatation promotes venous pooling and reduces venous return to the heart (reduces preload)
- Arterial dilatation reduces systemic vascular resistance and arterial pressure (reduces after-load)
- Reduced myocardial o2 demand
- Reduced systolic, diastolic and mean arterial BP, whilst usually maintaining coronary perfusion pressure
- Mild collateral coronary artery dilatation may improve blood supply to ischaemic areas of myocardium
- Mild tachycardia secondary to fall in BP
- Preterm labour: uterine quiescence in pregnancy
Metabolised by liver
Presentation: 0.3mg tablet, 50mg transdermal patch (0.4mg/hour)
Special notes:
- Cialis may be prescribed for treatment of BPH
- IV infusion at doctors request must be written up and signed by sending doctor. Uusually ran at 5 to 200mcg/min and increased 3-5mcg/min
Inactivates clotting factors IIa (thrombin) and Xa by binding to antithrombin III
Metabolised by liver, excreted by kidneys
Presentation: 5000 units in 5ml
Special note: do not inject IM due to haematoma risk
Ipratropium Bromide
Anticholinergic bronchodilator
- Allows bronchodilitation by inhibiting cholinergic broncho motor tone (blocks vagal reflexes which mediate bronchoconstriction)
Excreted by kidneys
Presentation: 250mcg in 1ml
Special notes: Neb mask must be fitted properly to avoid eye contact, and must be administered in conjunction with salbutamol.
Anaesthetic agent with analgesic properties at lower doses.
Exact mechanism of action unclear, primarily works as an antagonist at NMDA receptors. May also interact with opioid muscarinic and other receptors.
Produces a trance-like disassociate state with amnesia, with preservation of laryngeal and pharyngeal reflexes
Presentation: 200mg in 2ml
Special note: emergence reactions can be managed with midaz
Sodium channel blocker - interrupts impulse conduction in peripheral nerves and stabilises excitable cell membranes
Presentation: 50mg in 5ml (1% solution)
Inhalation analgesic agent at low concentrations
Excreted mostly by the lungs, and by the liver
Presentation: 3ml amp via Penthrox inhaler
Short acting CNS depressant Actions: - Anxiolytic - Sedative - Anti convulsant
Metabolised in the liver, excreted by the kidneys
Presentation: 5mg in 1ml, 15mg in 3ml
An opioid analgesic Actions: CNS effects- - Depression (leading to analgesia) - Respiratory depression - Depression of cough reflex - Stimulation (mood changes, vomiting, pin point pupils) - Dependence
CVS effects:
- Vasodilitation
- Decreases conduction velocity through the AV node
Metabolised by liver, excreted by kidneys
Presentation: 10mg in 1ml
Special notes: occasional wheals can be seen in the vein when given IV, which is a normal histamine response
An opioid antagonist
Prevents or reverses the effects of opioids
Metabolised by the liver
Presentation: 0.4mg in 1ml
Special notes:
- Duration of action is often less than that of the opioid, therefore a repeat dose may be required.
- Should not be administered after a head injury.
- Should not be administered in an opioid overdose arrest - maintain ventilations.
- Naloxone has no perceivable effects in the absence of opioids