Pharmacology Flashcards
Define Affinity
the tendency of a molecule to bind to a receptor
Define Efficacy
how well an agonist achieves a response
Define an antagonist
A chemical that opposes the action of another chemical.
Therefore, antagonists should have no action on their targets in the absence of an agonist.
Drugs that can cause hyperkalaemia (10)
T: Trimethoprim
H: Heparin (LMWH - inhibition of aldosterone synthesis)
A: ARBs and ACE-Is (reduce aldosterone -> potassium retention)
K: K+ sparing diuretics
S: Succinyl choline
CYCLE: Cylosporins and Tacrolimus
PENines: Pentamidine
Drugs that can cause hypokalaemia (7)
DIG CBT D: Diuretics and laxatives I: Insulin G: Gentamicin C: Corticosteroids (Pred) B: Beta-2-agonists T: Theophylline
Drugs that can cause hypercalcaemia (2)
- Vit D
- Thiazide diuretics
Drugs that can cause hypocalcaemia (3)
- Bisphosphonates
- Corticosteroids
- Loop diuretics
Drugs that can cause hypernatraemia (1)
- Lithium
Drugs that can cause hyponatraemia (5)`
- Antidepressants (SSRIs, tricyclics)
- Laxatives
- Loop diuretics
- Thiazide diuretics
- Potassium-sparing diuretics
- Sulfonylureas
- Carbamazepine
- Vincristine
- Cyclophosphamide
Drugs that should be stopped before surgery? (8)
- Aspirin (unless recent ACS, coronary artery stent or ischaemic stroke) -> replace with LMWH or unfractionated heparin
- Lithium (24 hrs before major surgery only, monitor fluids and electrolytes in minor surgery)
- Potassium-sparing diuretics on morning of surgery
- ACE-Is and ARBs 24 hrs before
- Herbal medicines
- Let surgeon know if on tricyclic antidepressants
Drugs to be stopped in AKI
Direct nephrotoxics:
- ACE-Is (small creatinine rise expected when initiating, recheck in 1 week)
- ARBs
- Diuretics (Furosemide, Potassium-sparing)
- Contrast media
Stop in AKI:
- Allopurinol (can accumulate) - max of 100 mg OD until improves
- Hypoglycaemic agents - modified-release
- Gentamicin/Vancomycin
- Lithium
- Methotrexate
- Metformin (avoid if GFR <30)
- CCBs
- Tetracyclines
- Trimethoprim
- Statin (if rhabdomyolysis)
Drugs that can cause confusion
- Benzos
- Opioids
- Glucocorticoids (Prednisolone)
Drugs that can cause hyperglycemia
- Glucocorticoids (Pred)
- Atypical antipsychotics (Clozapine)
- Thiazide diuretics
- Statins
- Dose, CI, Cautions, SEs
- Interaction
- Pregnancy
- Dose: 200 mg BD for 3 days (7 days in males
- CI: Blood dyscrasias
- Cautions:
- Blocks folate metabolism, may exacerbate pre-existing folate deficiency, generally doesn’t prevent short term use (do NOT prescribe with methotrexate)
- Porphyrias
- Renal dysfunction: half dose if eGFR < 15
- SEs: Diarrhoea, vomiting, electrolyte imbalance, headache, nausea, skin reactions
- Interactions: METHOTREXATE
- Teratogenic in FIRST TRIMESTER
- Dose, CI, Cautions
- Pregnancy
- Dose: 50 mg QDS for 3 days (7 days in males)
- Avoided if eGFR less than 45
- Used with caution if eGFR 30-44 (short course only: 3-7 days)
- CI: Porphyrias, G6PD deficiency, eGFR < 45
- Cautions:
- Anaemia, DM, electrolyte imbalance, folate deficiency, urine may be yellow/brown
- Teratogenic at TERM
Anticoagulation before surgery
- If AF-related stroke/TIA then need formal anticoagulation with treatment dose LMWH
- Without this Hx, no need for formal anticoag
- BNF recommends that if INR > 1.5 before elective surgery, phytomenadione (Vit K) 1-5 mg PO using IV prep is indicated
- Doses (PO, SC, Intranasal)
- CIs, Cautions
- SEs
- Pregnancy
- PO 50-100 mg for 1 dose, followed by 50-100 mg after at least 2 hrs if required
- SC 3-6 mg for 1 dose, followed by 3-6 mg after at least 1 hr if required
- Intranasal 10-20 mg in one nostril, again after at least 2 hrs if required
- CIs: IHD, mild uncontrolled HTN, mod-sev HTN, peripheral vascular disease, previous cerebrovascular accident, previous MI, previous TIA, Prinzmetal’s angina
- Cautions: Predisposing coronary artery disease factors, elderly, Hx of seizures, mild controlled HTN, risk factors for seizures
- SEs: Dizziness, drowsiness, dyspnoea, flushing, myalgia, nausea, vomiting, pain, skin reactions, temp sensation altered
- Pregnancy: best to avoid if possible due to limited evidence
- Consider dose reduction to 25–50 mg in mild to moderate hepatic impairment
- Dose
- CIs and cautions
- SEs
- Dose: 80 - 240 mg daily in divided doses
- CIs: Asthma, COPD, hypotension, bradycardia, metabolic acidosis, 2nd or 3rd degree AV block, severe peripheral arterial disease, sick sinus syndrome, uncontrolled HF, pheochromocytoma, Prinzmetals angina
- Cautions: DM, myasthenia gravis, portal hypertension, psoriasis, may mask hypoglycaemia or thyrotoxicosis
- Elderly STOPP criteria:
- In combo with verapamil or diltiazem
- With bradycardia (HR<50bpm)
- DM with frequent hypoglycaemia episodes
- History of asthma requiring
- Elderly STOPP criteria:
- SEs: abdo discomfort, confusion, depression, diarrhoea, dizziness, dry eye, dyspnoea, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, headache, HF, nausea, paraesthesia, PVD, rash, sleep disorder, syncope, visual impairment, vomiting
- Dose: 50 - 100 mg daily, two divided doses, taken at night. Start with 25 mg OD for 1 week, increased in steps of 25 mg each week, max 200 mg daily
- Risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviour
- Cautions: acute porphyria’s, risk of metabolic acidosis
- Pregnancy: Use of highly effective contraception and fully informed of risks or avoid altogether
- Breastfeeding: AVOID
- Renal impairment: half dose if creatinine clearance < 70
Drug-induced liver injury (8 drug causes)
Flucloxacillin and Co-Amoxiclav
- Cholestatic hepatitis and jaundice
- Idiosyncratic, not dose-related
- Onset may be delayed for up to 2 months following Tx
- Causes a dose-dependent acute liver injury → can lead to acute liver failure
- Idiosyncratic hepatitis, resolves in most cases after the termination of drug therapy
- Classically causes a cholestatic hepatitis
- Aspirin can also cause hepatitis but tends to be dose-related
Anti-TB drugs (RIPE)
- Can cause liver injury
- Severe fibrosis and cirrhosis if not adequately monitored
- Steato hepatitis
- Statins: can cause a mild transaminitis (raise in AST/ALT), monitor LFTs in those with mild liver disease
Typical dose of:
0.5 - 1 kg QDS
Typical dose of:
200- 400 mg TDS
Typical dose of:
30 - 60 mg QDS
Typical dose of:
2 tabs QDS