Pharmacokinetics of Inhalation Anesthetics Flashcards
What are key pharmokinetic properties of Inhalation GAs?
Partial Pressure (tension)
Oil/gas Partition Coefficient (lipid solubility)
Minimal Alveolar Concentration (MAC)
Blood/gas Partition Coefficient
What is Partial Pressure (tension)
Key factor that determines the CONCENTRATION of a volatile general anesthetic in alveolus, blood and tissues (including the BRAIN).
What is the oil gas partition coefficient (lipid solubility)?
Higher the oil:gas co-efficient (lipid solubility) of an anesthetic –the more POTENT
What is the minimal alveolar concentration (MAC)?
Alveolar concentration of an anesthetic at 1 atm that prevents movement in 50% of patients in response to a noxious stimulus (e.g., surgical incision)
MAC of a volatile GA is INVERSELY related to its LIPID SOLUBILITY (oil:gas coefficient)(Mac = 1.3/λ
MAC is higher in infants than elderly
What is the blood/gas partition coefficient?
Determines the rate of induction and recovery of Inhalational anesthetics
Solubility of GA in blood vs. air = #molecules in blood/#molecules in gas at STEADY STATE
Lower the blood:gas coefficient – FASTER the induction and recovery
Higher the blood:gas coefficient – SLOWER induction and recovery
How is CNS partial pressure maintained?
regulating the INSPIRED PARTIAL PRESSURE of GA.expressed in Torr
What is the MAC response and Alevelor concentration will respond for dose 0.5*MAC?
Response- MAC AWAKE
Alveolar concentration at which - 50%of patients can be awakened
What is the MAC response and Alevelor concentration will respond for dose 1*MAC?
Response- MAC
Alveolar concentration at which - 50%will not move at surgical incision
What is the MAC response and Alevelor concentration will respond for dose 1.3*MAC?
Response- ED95
Alveolar concentration at which - 95% will not move at surgical incision
What is the MAC response and Alevelor concentration will respond for dose 1.5-2.0*MAC?
Response - MAC-Bar
Alveolar concentration at which - 50% have blocked autonomic responses
What are other factors that influence induction?
Inspired anesthetic concentration
Pulmonary ventilation
Pulmonary and cerebral blood flow
Arteriovenous concentration gradients
What affect does increasing the inspired anesthetic concentration?
Rate of Induction by inhalation GAs can be increased by increasing the INSPIRED CONCENTRATION
Wha is the affect of increasing the pulmonary Ventilation?
Blood levels of GAs also determined by minute ventilation of patient
What is the affect of increasing the Pulmonary blood flow?
↑ BLOOD FLOW = ↓ Aterial Anesthetic gas tension
GA has a greater volume of blood to saturate — partial pressure will increase more slowly
Induction will be more rapid in patients with LOW CARDIAC OUPUT
What are arteriovenous concentration gradients?
Blood levels of GAs are also determined
by differences in the perfusion of tissues.
Highly perfused tissues have greatest effect (75% of cardiac output) on arteriovenous concentration.