Pharmacokinetics Flashcards
Pharmacokinetics (PK)
The study of the disposition of a drug
The disposition of a drug includes the processes of ADME
▪ Absorption
▪ Distribution
▪ Metabolism/Biotransformation
▪ Excretion
To be effective, the drug must
To be effective, the drug must leave the vascular space and enter the intercellular or intracellular spaces or both.
Drugs are transported across the membrane by
- Passive diffusion
- Filtration
- Specialized transport
- Others mechanisms (e.g bulk transport, exocytosis).
Absorption is the movement of drug from its site of administration into the systemic circulation and the extent to which this occurs.
Factors affecting drug absorption are
- pH
- Aqueous solubility: Drugs given in solid form must dissolve in the aqueous biophase before they are absorbed. For poorly water soluble drugs (e.g. aspirin), the rate of dissolution governs the rate of absorption. If a drug is given as water solution, it is absorbed faster than the same given in solid form.
- Concentration: Passive transport depends on the concentration gradient. A drug given as concentrated solution is absorbed faster than dilute solution.
- Area of absorbing surface: If the area is larger, the absorption is faster.
- Vascularity of absorbing surface: Blood circulation removes the drug from the site of absorption and maintains concentration gradient across the membrane. Increased blood flow hastens drug absorption.
- Route of drug administration: This affects drug absorption because each route has its own peculiarities.
When is bioavailability 100%
How is is determined? And calculated?
Bioavailability is the fraction of administered drug that reaches the systemic circulation in a chemically unchanged form
▪ If 100mg are of a drug is administered orally and 70mg of the drug is absorbed unchanged, then bioavailability is 70%.
▪ Bioavailability of a drug administered IV =100%.
- Bioavailability is determined by comparing plasma levels of a drug after a particular route of administration (after oral) with plasma levels achieved (e.g. after IV)
- When given orally only part of the administered drug appears in the plasma
- By plotting plasma concentrations of the drug versus time, one can measure the surface area under the curve (AUC)
Types of bioavailability
• Absolute bioavailability: Measures the availability of the active drug in systemic circulation after non-intravenous administration (i.e., after oral, rectal, transdermal, subcutaneous administration).
• Relative bioavailability: Measures the bioavailability of a certain drug when compared with another formulation of the same drug, usually an established standard, or through administration via a different route.
▪ When the standard consists of intravenously administered drug, this is known as absolute bioavailability
• Two related drugs are bioequivalent if they show comparable bioavailability and similar times to achieve peak plasma concentration.
• Two related drugs with a significant difference in bioavailability are said to be bio-inequivalent
• Drug distribution refers to the movement of drug to and from the blood and various tissues of the body (for example, fat, muscle, and brain tissue) and the relative proportions of drug in the tissues.
• After a drug is absorbed into the bloodstream, it rapidly circulates through the body. And as the blood re-circulates, the drug moves from the bloodstream into the body’s tissues.
•Once absorbed, most drugs do not spread evenly throughout the body.
•Other drugs concentrate mainly in only one small part of the body (for example, iodine concentrates mainly in the thyroid gland), because the tissues there have a special attraction for and ability to retain (affinity) the drug.
Describe water-soluble drugs
• Drugs that dissolve in water (water-soluble drugs), such as the antihypertensive drug, atenolol, tend to stay within the blood and the fluid that surrounds cells (interstitial space).
Describe fat-soluble drugs
• Drugs that dissolve in fat (fat-soluble drugs), such as the anaesthetic drugs halothane and thiopental, tend to concentrate in fatty tissues.
The total volume of the fluid compartments of the body into which drugs may be distributed is approximately
40L in a 70-kg adult.
The total body water, in which a drug can be dissolved, can be roughly divided into three compartments
Intravascular (blood plasma found within blood vessels), 3 litres (4% BW)
Interstitial/ extracellular tissue (fluid surrounding cells), 9 litres (13% BW).
Intracellular (fluid within cells, i.e. cytosol), 28 litres (41% BW).
How are drugs distributed?
After a drug is absorbed into the bloodstream, it rapidly circulates through the body. And as the blood re-circulates, the drug moves from the bloodstream into the body’s tissues.
Once absorbed, most drugs do not spread evenly throughout the body.
Why do some drugs concentrate in one part of the body?
Other drugs concentrate mainly in only one small part of the body (for example, iodine concentrates mainly in the thyroid gland), because the tissues there have a special attraction for and ability to retain (affinity) the drug.
Total extracellular water is the sum of…
the plasma and the interstitial water.
Why is distribution typically uneven?
Distribution is generally uneven because of differences in binding in tissues, regional variations in pH, differences in the permeability of cellular membranes and physical and chemical properties of the drug
The volume into which the drug distributes is called the Apparent Volume of distribution (Vd).
It relates the amount of drug in the body to the concentration of drug (C) in the blood or plasma depending on the fluid measured
Vd may vary widely depending on:
▪ Blood flow rate and accumulation in poorly perfused tissues (such as fat and
▪ Capillary permeability
▪ Plasma protein and tissue protein binding
▪ Partition coefficient of the drug in fat
- Capillary permeability
- Blood flow
- Physicochemical properties of the drug
- Plasma and tissue protein binding
Capillary permeability
Determined by capillary structure and chemical nature of the drug
Endothelial cells have slit junction (except in brain) where large part of basement membrane is exposed due to large discontinuous capillaries through which large proteins can pass e.g. liver and kidneys
Blood brain barrier: drugs have to pass through endothelial cells of the capillaries of the CNS or be actively transported. E.g. the large neutral amino acid carrier transports levadopa into the brain.
Lipid soluble drugs readily penetrate into the CNS
Blood flow
▪ Rate of blood flow to tissues and capillaries varies widely as a result of unequal distribution of cardiac out put to the various organs
▪ Blood flow to the brain, liver and kidney is greater than that to the skeletal muscles and adipose tissue.
▪ Redistribution. Highly lipid soluble drugs given i.v. or by inhalation get distributed to organs with high blood flow. Later they get distributed to less vascularized tissues and the drug-plasma concentrations falls.
▪ The greater the lipid solubility of the drug, the faster its redistribution. Anesthetic action of thiopental is terminated in few minutes due to redistribution. However, when the same drug is given repeatedly or continuously over long periods the low perfusion high capacity sites get progressively filled up and the drug becomes longer acting.
Physicochemical properties of the drug
- Partition Coefficient: The Partition coefficient (Po/w) and can be used to determine where a drug will likely be distributed in the body.
Any drug with a Po/w greater than 1 (diffuse through cell membranes easily) is likely be to found throughout all three fluid compartments.
Drugs with low Po/w values are often unable to cross and require more time to distribute throughout the rest of the body.
2 Size of the drug:.
Tiny drugs (150-200 Da) with low Po/w values like caffeine can passively diffuse through cell membranes.
Antibodies and other drugs range into the thousands of daltons . Drugs >200 Da with low Po/w values cannot passively cross membranes . They require specialized protein-based transmembrane transport systems resulting in slower distribution
Drugs < thousand daltons with high Po/w values simply diffuse between the lipid molecules that make up membranes, while anything larger requires specialized transport.
- Hydrophobic drugs with a uniform distribution of positive and negative charges readily cross plasma membranes.
- Hydrophilic drugs have to go through slit junctions
Plasma and tissue protein binding
The extent of the distribution of drugs into tissues depends on binding to plasma proteins and tissue components.
Most drugs found in the vascular compartment are bound reversibly with one or more of the macromolecules in plasma (e.g plasma proteins and blood cells).
Drugs bind to plasma proteins mainly Albumin, α1-acid glycoprotein, and lipoproteins. Other proteins are globulins, transferrin, and ceruloplasmin.
Acidic drugs (e.g. warfarin, digoxin and salicylic acid) bind more extensively to albumin. Basic drugs (e.g . amphetamine, Propanolol, TCAs) bind to either alpha 1-acid glycoprotein
(1-AGP), or lipoproteins, or both.
The ratio of bound to free drug in the plasma is determined by the reversible interaction between a drug molecule and a molecule of the protein in which it binds.
The amount of drug bound to protein depends on:
The drug concentration
Affinity of binding sites on the protein for the drug, and Number of binding sites.
High degree of protein binding means?
High degree of protein binding generally makes the drug long acting, because bound fraction is not available for metabolism or excretion, unless it is actively extracted by liver or kidney tubules.
High degree of protein binding means?
High degree of protein binding generally makes the drug long acting, because bound fraction is not available for metabolism or excretion, unless it is actively extracted by liver or kidney tubules.
At low drug concentrations, the stronger the affinity between the drug and protein____________
the smaller the fraction that is free.
As drug dosage increases, protein becomes
__________saturated and any additional drug will remain unbound.
Difference between blind and unbound drugs
Only unbound drug is pharmacologically active. The bound fraction is not available for action.
Drugs bound to Albumin
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs e.g. aspirin)
Vitamin C, Salicylates, Sulfonamides Barbiturates Phenylbutazone Penicillins tetracyclines Probenecid Warfarin Phenytoin Valproic acid
Others (non drugs): Bilirubin, Bile acids, Fatty Acids
Lidocaine Imipramine Verapamil Methadone Prazosin Quinidine Bupivacaine Disopyramide
Which drug accumulates in adipose tissues?
Adipose tissue: Drugs with extremely high lipid-water partition coefficient e.g. thiopental, minocycline, ether, phenoxybenzamine. These drugs dissolve in neutral fat due to high lipid solubility and remain stored due to poor blood supply to adipose tissues.
Bone and teeth: tetracyclines (and other divalent metal-ion chelating agents), heavy metals (lead, strontium).
Kidney: contains a protein, metallothionein, that has a high affinity for metals (cadmium, lead, .and mercury), digoxin, chloroquine, emetine.
Eye: Chlorpromazine and other phenothiazines bind to melanin and accumulate in the uveal tract, where they may cause retinotoxicity.
Lung: Most compounds that accumulate in the lung are basic amines (e.g. antihistamines,imipramine, amphetamine)
Liver: chloroquine, tetracyclines, emetine, digoxin, mepacrine
Thyroid: iodine
Skeletal muscle, heart: digoxin, emetine (binds to muscle proteins)
Brain: Chlorpromazine, isoniazid, acetazolamide
Which drug accumulates in the kidneys?
Kidney: contains a protein, metallothionein, that has a high affinity for metals (cadmium, lead, .and mercury), digoxin, chloroquine, emetine.
Which drug accumulates in bone and teeth?
Bone and teeth: tetracyclines (and other divalent metal-ion chelating agents), heavy metals (lead, strontium).
Which drug accumulates in the eye?
Eye: Chlorpromazine and other phenothiazines bind to melanin and accumulate in the uveal tract, where they may cause retinotoxicity.
Which drug accumulates in the lung?
Lung: Most compounds that accumulate in the lung are basic amines (e.g. antihistamines,imipramine, amphetamine)
Which drug accumulates in the lung?
Lung: Most compounds that accumulate in the lung are basic amines (e.g. antihistamines,imipramine, amphetamine)
Which drug accumulates in the liver?
Liver: chloroquine, tetracyclines, emetine, digoxin, mepacrine
Which drug accumulates in the thyroid gland?
Thyroid: iodine
Which drug accumulates in the skeletal muscle?
Skeletal muscle, heart: digoxin, emetine (binds to muscle proteins)
Which drug accumulates in the brain?
Brain: Chlorpromazine, isoniazid, acetazolamide
Metabolism includes chemical alteration of the drugs in the body. The mechanism to metabolize drugs is developed to protect the body from toxins.
In pharmacology, the term metabolism often refers to the process of making a drug more polar and water soluble, making it more easily excreted.
Most hydrophilic drugs (e.g. gentamycin, neostigmine, mannitol) are not biotransformed and are excreted unchanged.
primary site for drug metabolism
The primary site for drug metabolism is the liver, other sites are the kidney, intestine, lungs, and plasma.
Metabolism of drugs may lead to the following:
a) Inactivation. Most drugs and their active metabolites are converted to less active or inactive metabolites, e.g. phenobarbital, morphine, propranolol, etc.
b) Active metabolite from an active drug. Many drugs are converted to one or more active metabolites (e.g. diazepam oxazepam, temazepam, nordiazepam).
c) Activation of inactive drug. Few drugs (so called prodrugs) are inactive as such. They need conversion in the body to one or more active metabolites (e.g. Levodopa Dopamine, Phenacetin Acetaminophen, aspirin salicylic acid).
Advantage of prodrug over active form
The prodrug may offer advantages over their active forms in being more stable, they can have better bioavailability (e.g. benfotiamine) or other desirable pharmacokinetic properties or less side effects and toxicity.
Advantage of prodrug over active form
The prodrug may offer advantages over their active forms in being more stable, they can have better bioavailability (e.g. benfotiamine) or other desirable pharmacokinetic properties or less side effects and toxicity.
Drug metabolism reactions are carried out by enzyme systems that evolved over time to protect the body from exogenous chemicals.
These enzymes can be grouped into two categories:
- Microsomal enzymes: Present in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum of the liver, kidney and GIT e.g. glucuronyl transferase, dehydrogenase , hydroxylase and cytochrome P450.
- Non microsomal enzymes: Present in the cytoplasm, mitochondria of different organs. e.g. esterases, amidase, hydrolase.
Biotransformation reactions can be classified into two phases
I (non synthetic) and II (synthetic, conjugation).
The Phase I reactions most frequently involved in drug metabolism are catalyzed by the cytochrome P-450 system (also called microsomal mixed function oxidase).
These reactions converts parent compound into a more polar (=hydrophilic) metabolite by adding or unmasking functional groups (-OH, -SH, -NH2, -COOH, etc.). Phase 1 reactions are majorly oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis.
a) Oxidation: it is the most important drug metabolizing reaction. Various oxidation reactions are hydroxylation; oxygenation at C-, N- or S-atoms; N or 0-dealkylation, oxidative deamination, etc.
Oxidative reactions are mostly carried out by a group of monooxygenases in the liver, which in the final step involve cytochrome P450 reductase and O2.
b). Reduction: This reaction is conversed of oxidation and involves CYP450 enzymes working in the opposite direction. Drugs, primarily reduced, are chloramphenicol, levodopa, halothane.
Levodopa (DOPA) Dopamine
c) Hydrolysis: This is cleavage of a drug molecule by taking up a molecule of water. Ester + H20 Esterase Acid + Alcohol
Similarly amides and polypeptides are hydrolyzed by amidase and peptidases. Hydrolysis occurs in the liver, intestines, plasma, and other tissues. Examples are choline esters, procaine, lidocaine, pethidine, oxytocin.
d) Cyclization: this is formation of a ring structure from a straight chain compound, e.g. proguanil.
e) Decyclization: is opening up of a ring structure of the cyclic molecule, e.g. phenytoin, barbiturates.
These involve conjugation of the drug or its phase I metabolite with an endogenous substrate to form a polar highly ionized organic acid, which is easily excreted in the urine or bile. Conjugation reactions have high energy requirements.
(1) Glucuronide conjugation is the most important synthetic reaction. Compounds with a hydroxyl or carboxylic acid group are easily conjugated with glucuronic acid, which is derived from glucose, e.g. chloramphenicol, aspirin, morphine, metronidazole, bilirubin, thyroxine. Drug glucuronides, excreted in bile, can be hydrolyzed in the gut by bacteria, producing beta-glucuronidase.
(2) Acetylation. Compounds having amino or hydrazine residues are conjugated with the help of acetyl CoA, e.g. sulfonamides, isoniazid. Multiple genes control the acetyl transferases and rate of acetylation shows genetic polymorphism (slow and fast acetylators).
(3) Sulfate conjugation. The phenolic compounds and steroids are sulfated by sulfokinases, e.g. chloramphenicol, adrenal, and sex steroids.
(4) Methylation . The amines and phenols can be methylated. Methionine and cysteine act as methyl donors e.g methylation of epinephrine to metanephrine.
5) Ribonucleoside/nucleotide synthesis is important for the activation of many purine and pyrimidine antimetabolites used in cancer chemotherapy, e.g. Xeloda®.
(6) Only a few drugs are metabolized by enzymes of intermediary metabolism. Examples:
• Alcohol by dehydrogenases
• Allopurinol by xanthine oxidase
• Succinylcholine and procaine by plasma cholinesterase
• Adrenaline by monoamine oxidase (MAO)
These involve conjugation of the drug or its phase I metabolite with an endogenous substrate to form a polar highly ionized organic acid, which is easily excreted in the urine or bile. Conjugation reactions have high energy requirements.
(1) Glucuronide conjugation is the most important synthetic reaction. Compounds with a hydroxyl or carboxylic acid group are easily conjugated with glucuronic acid, which is derived from glucose, e.g. chloramphenicol, aspirin, morphine, metronidazole, bilirubin, thyroxine. Drug glucuronides, excreted in bile, can be hydrolyzed in the gut by bacteria, producing beta-glucuronidase.
(2) Acetylation. Compounds having amino or hydrazine residues are conjugated with the help of acetyl CoA, e.g. sulfonamides, isoniazid. Multiple genes control the acetyl transferases and rate of acetylation shows genetic polymorphism (slow and fast acetylators).
(3) Sulfate conjugation. The phenolic compounds and steroids are sulfated by sulfokinases, e.g. chloramphenicol, adrenal, and sex steroids.
(4) Methylation . The amines and phenols can be methylated. Methionine and cysteine act as methyl donors e.g methylation of epinephrine to metanephrine.
5) Ribonucleoside/nucleotide synthesis is important for the activation of many purine and pyrimidine antimetabolites used in cancer chemotherapy, e.g. Xeloda®.
(6) Only a few drugs are metabolized by enzymes of intermediary metabolism. Examples:
• Alcohol by dehydrogenases
• Allopurinol by xanthine oxidase
• Succinylcholine and procaine by plasma cholinesterase
• Adrenaline by monoamine oxidase (MAO)
Primary phase I enzyme system involved in the oxidative metabolism of drugs and other chemicals.
It is located in the endoplasmic reticulum of hepatocytes. They are also expressed in the intestine (responsible for first pass metabolism at this site) and in the kidney.
They act on structurally unrelated drugs and metabolize the widest range of drugs.
Consists of > 50 isoforms.
In different people and different populations, activity of
CYP oxidases differs.
CYP3A4 is thought to be the most predominant CYP isoform involved in human drug metabolism.
CYP3A4 may account for more than 50% of all CYP-mediated drug oxidation reactions
This refers to metabolism of a drug during its passage from the site of absorption into systemic circulation. All orally administered drugs are exposed to drug metabolism in the intestinal wall and liver in different extent.
Drugs and their metabolites are excreted in
• urine (through the kidney)
• bile and faeces
• exhaled air
• saliva and sweat
• Milk
• Skin
Drugs and their metabolites are excreted in
• urine (through the kidney)
• bile and faeces
• exhaled air
• saliva and sweat
• Milk
• Skin
The kidney is responsible for excreting all water soluble substances in the following processes
Glomerular filtration. Glomerular capillaries have large pores. All non protein bound drugs (lipid soluble or insoluble) presented to the glomerulus are filtrated. Glomerular filtration of drugs depends on their plasma protein binding and renal blood flow. Small nonionic drugs pass more readily. Glomerular filtration rate (g.f.r.) declines progressively after the age of 50 and is low in renal failure.
Tubular reabsorption. Drugs are reabsorbed into the blood stream from the nephron tubule. Small nonionic drugs diffuse readily. Lipid soluble drugs filtrated at the glomerulus diffuse back into the body across the tubules because 99% of glomerular filtrate is reabsorbed, but non lipid soluble and highly ionized drugs are unable to do so.
Tubular secretion. active carrier process for cations and for anions
Kidney excretes
•aminoglycosides •beta-lactams •sulfonamides •quinolones •nitrofurans •polymyxins
Liver excretes
•macrolides •lincosamines •rifampicin •tetracyclines (p.o.)
Lungs excrete
General inhalation anaesthetics
•Potassium iodide •Broncho-
antiseptic oils •Alcohol
•sulfonamides •barbiturates •Alcohol •reserpine •Coffeinum
Saliva excretes
•phenytoin zalcitabine verapamil
(10% stomach excretion)
•morphine pKb: 7.9 •stomach pH: 1–2 •plasma pH: 7.36