Pharm Exam 2 GI Drugs: Flashcards
Aluminum antacids:
*Have constipating effects
*Often used with magnesium to counteract constipation
*Often recommended for patients with renal disease (more easily excreted)
*Aluminum carbonate: Basaljel
*Hydroxide salt: AlternaGEL
*Combination products (aluminum and magnesium): Gaviscon, Maalox, Mylanta, Di-Gel
Magnesium antacids:
*Commonly cause diarrhea; usually used with other drugs to counteract this effect
*Dangerous when used with renal failure; the failing kidney cannot excrete extra magnesium, resulting in accumulation
*Hydroxide salt: magnesium hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia)
*Carbonate salt: Gaviscon (also a combination product)
*Combination products such as Maalox, Mylanta (aluminum and magnesium)
Calcium antacids:
*Many forms but carbonate is most common
*May cause constipation, kidney stones
*Also not recommended for patients with renal disease—may accumulate to toxic levels
*Long duration of acid action—may cause increased gastric acid secretion (hyperacidity rebound)
*Often advertised as an extra source of dietary calcium
*Example: Tums (calcium carbonate)
Sodium bicarbonate:
*Highly soluble
*Buffers the acidic properties of HCl
*Quick onset but short duration
*May cause metabolic alkalosis
*Sodium content may cause problems in patients with heart failure (HF), hypertension, or renal insufficiency.
What is Antacid?
*Basic compounds used to neutralize stomach acid
*Salts of aluminum, magnesium, calcium, and/or sodium
*Many aluminum- and calcium-based formulations also include magnesium, which not only contributes to the acid-neutralizing capacity but also counteracts the constipating effects of aluminum and calcium
*Magnesium-based – Milk of Magnesia
*Calcium-based - Tums
Aluminum Hydroxide (Amphojel); Magnesium-based – Milk of Magnesium
Calcium-based - Tums
Antacids Mechanism of Action:
*Help to neutralize acid secretions
*Promote gastric mucosal defense mechanisms
*Stimulate secretion of:
–Mucus: protective barrier against HCl
–Bicarbonate: helps buffer acidic properties of HCl
–Prostaglandins: prevent activation of proton pump
Antiacid: Aluminum Hydroxide (Amphojel)- Mechanism of action
Neutralize gastric acid.
Pregnancy category and indications of Antiacid: Aluminum Hydroxide (Amphojel)
Pregnancy category: Risk vs. Benefit (C?)
Indications: Peptic ulcer disease, Gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD), Gastritis
Contraidnications and Interactions of Antiacid: Aluminum Hydroxide (Amphojel)
Contraindications: Severe abdominal pain of unknown origin, Gastric Obstructions
Interactions: Interferes with absorption of many drugs including: tetracyclines,
Side effects and advers effects of Antiacid: Aluminum Hydroxide (Amphojel)
Side effects: Constipation (aluminum and calcium antacids), Diarrhea (magnesium antacids)
Adverse effects: Hypophosphatemia
Nursing considerations of Antiacid: Aluminum Hydroxide (Amphojel):
–Make sure clients chew tablets thoroughly and follow with at least 8 oz of water
–Do not give within 1 to 2 hr of administering drugs that interact with antacids.
–Increase fluid and fiber intake.
–Increase activity and exercise.
–Report abdominal pain.
–Report severe diarrhea (Mg-based).
–Patients with HF or hypertension should not use antacids with high sodium content.
What are the laxative types?
Bulk-forming, surfactant, stimulant, and osmotic laxatives.
Bulk-forming laxatives: Name, action, and indication.
–Psyllium (Metamucil)
Action: Function similarly to dietary fiber: swell with water to form a gel to soften fecal mass and increase stool size (bulk).
Indications: Temporary treatment of constipation; diverticulosis; irritable bowel syndrome; Stool regulation for diarrhea and with fecal ostomies.
Bulk-forming laxatives: Contraindications and Adverse Effects
Contraindications: Esophageal or gastrointestinal obstruction, Narrowing of intestinal lumen, Fecal impaction, Dysphagia, Nausea, Vomiting, Appendicitis, Undiagnosed abdominal pain
Adverse effects are minimal
–Esophageal obstruction with minimal fluid intake. Drink with water if you do not want to CHOKE!
Interactions: Decreases absorption of orally ingested medications
Surfactant laxatives: Name, Actions and Indications
Docusate sodium (Colace)
Action: Facilitates mixture of Stool Fat and Water
Indications: Constipation; Prevention of fecal impaction, straining during defecation, painful elimination of hard stools