Pharm: Antiemetic Agents Flashcards
What brainstem structure coordinates vomiting?
Nucleus tractus solitarius (think the solitary track runner)
Where is the NTS located?
The NTS receives inputs from ______________, _______________, and _________________.
- GI tract
- vestibular system
- area postrema
What CN connects the Gi tract directly to the NTS?
X - vagus (think of the neon Vegas sign on the stomach-shaped dirt area)
By what NT and mechanism does GI irritation cause vomiting?
5-HT released from stomach gastric cells (think the smiley hammer) act on 5HT-3 receptors on vagal afferents (think of 1-2-3 Hammer Throw! sign next to the hammer athlete)
What system is responsible for motion sickness and vertigo?
Vestibular system (think of the rower in the (semicircular) canal with the vest)
Where is the chemoreceptor trigger zone?
area postrema (think of the extreme postures next to the track)
Where is the area postrema located?
The area postema (aka chemoreceptor-trigger zone) is adjacent to the NTS in the 4th ventricle (not protected by BBB)
- can respond to both CFS and blood
Odansetron blocks ________________.
5HT3 receptors on the vagal nerve4 (think of the dancer standing in the way of the hammer throw)
Although odansetron is generally well tolerated, what are the most common side effects?
- constipation (runner with the serotonin cord wrapped around his waist)
- headache (runner getting hit in the head with a smiley hammer)
- 5HT syndrome with concomitant SSRI use (think of the pile of smiley hammers)
- prolonged QT (think of the dancer’s ribbon with the squiggle for torsades)
What part of the vomiting response do 1st gen antihistamines block?
H1 receptors- Gq receptors in the vestibular system (think of the bees going to the H1- Q dandelions by the canal)
Which muscarinic receptor isotope do anti-emetics work on?
M1 (think motorcycle parking for the 1st place rowers)
What anti-muscarinic drug is used to treat sea sickness?
scopolomine (think of the rower in the sailor outfit with a scope)
Area postrema has what two receptors?
- D2 (extreme posture gymnast on the D rings)
2. NK1 (gymnast on the plaNK1)
What drug blocks D2 receptors of the area postrema?
Metaclopramide (think of the cheater TiCkLing the gymnast)
What is a potentially useful side effect of metoclopromide?
tx of non-obstructive ileus as a prokinetic drug (think of the landing area and the gymnast falling the stomach pad)
What are side effects of metoclopromide?
- diarrhea (prokinetic)
- drowsiness (sleeping judge)
- extrapyramidal signs (judge with pyramid hat)
- Malignant neuroleptic syndrome (judge eating Now More Spicy Chicken)
- Hyperprolactinemia (judge spewing milk)
- Depression (depressed coach)
What ligand binds to the NK1 receptors?
Substance P (think of the line checking for pee SUBSTANCES near the guy plaNKing)
The drug _________________ blocks NK1 receptors.
Aprepitant (“all PaRticiPANTs must undergo urine screening”)