Pharm 6 Flashcards
<p>Regular Insulin</p>
<p>Antidiabetic Insulin prep. - fast ↑Glc uptake in skeletal mm./liver/fat and ↓Glc output from liver .: ↓ overall circulating Glc; Liver: ↓ glycogenolysis, ↑ glycogenesis, ↑ glycolysis; ↑synth/insertion of Glc transporters →↑Glc uptake; ↓ decreased hepatic output of Glc; ↓protein catabolism; ↓FFA to keto acids; ↑TAG/LDL/cholesterol synth Skeletal MM: ↑glycolysis, ↑glycogen synth, ↑synth/insertion of Glc transporters →↑Glc uptake, ↑AA uptake/protein synth Fat: ↑synth/insertion of Glc transporters →↑Glc uptake, ↑Extracellular lipase activity and ↓ intracellular lipase activity Other: H2O retention, ↑sympathetic neural activity, ↓vascular response to endogenous contractile agonists soluble; fast acting; IV for emergency or SubQ for general glycemic control acute/severe hypoglycemia (common) → result in brain damage (rapid Glc oral/IV or indirectly via candy oral or glucogon = life saving); insulin Ab→↓systemic action (histamine rxn rare but serious); local lipodystrophy = Δ in SubQ fat from SubQ injection but less common w/ new preps; ↑weight</p>