phakomatoses Flashcards
melanocytic iris hamartomas
NF1 (Chr 17)
optic pathway glioma
NF1 (Chr 17)
optic pathway pilocytic astrocytomas
NF1 (Chr 17) aka gliomas
plexiform neurofibromas
NF1 (Chr 17) (s shaped)
cafe au lait spots
NF1 (Chr 17); 6 or more at least 5 or 15 mm
axillary/inguinal freckling
NF1 (Chr 17)
optic nerve sheath meningiomas
NF2 (Chr 22)
posterior sublenticular opacity
NF2 (Chr 22)
punched out retinal depigmentation
TS (Chr 9)
bilateral CN8 schwannomas
NF2 (Chr 22)
astrocytic retinal hamartoma
TS (Chr 9) look like mulberry
palpebral angiofibromas, colobomas, sectoral iris depigmentation
TS (Chr 9)
shagreen patch
TS (Chr 9)
ungual fibromas
TS (Chr 9)
subependymal nodules
TS (Chr 9)
cardiac rhabdomyoma
TS (Chr 9)
hypomelanotic macules
TS (Chr 9)
cortical dysplasia
TS (Chr 9)
congenital glaucoma
Sturge Weber Syndrome
choroidal hemangiomas
Sturge Weber Syndrome , catsup fundus - can have serous RD, CME
retinal capillary hemangioma
VHL (Chr 3) (dilated tortuous vessel leading towards white circle spot)
VHL (Chr 3)
VHL (Chr 3)
pancreatic cysts
VHL (Chr 3)
conjunctival telangectasia
AT (Chr 11), Te11angectasia
oculomator apraxia, convergence abnormalities, nystagmus
AT (Chr 11), Te11angectasia
progressive skin lesions, retinal vascular occlusion, NV, absence of foveal pit, exudative/tractional RD
Incontinentia pigmenti XLD
psammoma bodies
meningiomas NF2
antoni A/antoniB
schwannomas (neurilemomas) in NF1
rosenthal fibers
optic nerve gliomas NF1
verocay bodies
schannomas (Antoni A)