Pgs 36-43 Flashcards
Happy music caused people to??
Rate their lives as more meaningful
Who conducted a series of laboratory experiments about music?
King & Hicks
What is the CAUSE and what is the EFFECT?
Cause- independent variable
Effect- dependent variable
Control group provides a comparison against which the researcher can test the effects of the
Independent variable
What does validity refer to?
The soundness of the conclusions that a researcher draws from an experiment
High self-esteem can equal
What does the internal validity do?
Tells us wether the experimental methods are free from biases and logical errors that may render the results suspect
Who turned college students into experimenters?
Robert rosenthal
What are confounds?
Factors that “ride along” with the experimental manipulation, systematically and undesirable influencing the dependent variable.
What are ways to insure that neither the experimenters nor the participants expectations s effect the outcome?
Double-blind experiment
Who believed that people who were the healthiest and the happiest were capable of having intense moments of awe
Abraham maslow
Who used correlational research to probe indiciduals’ descriptions of their most powerful positive experiences?
Dan McAdams
A carefully regulated procedure in which the researcher manipulates one or more variables that are believed to influence some other variable
Random assignment
Reasearchers’ assignment of participants to group by chance, to reduce the likelihood that an experiment’s results will be due to preexisting differences between groups
Independent variable
A manipulated experimental factor